Preznit Give Me Spam
Guess what I found in my inbox today? Yes, "A Message From the President." I thought it was pretty cool that George would take the time to personally email me, an average American, what with all the terrorism and world-leading stuff going on. And when I read it, I was touched to note that he considers us friends, especially after everything I've said about him. I can't recall us ever having actually met, but I did shake his father's hand a few years back, so maybe that's what he's thinking of. Plus, we do have a psychic connection, probably a result of us both having been born on Krypton and sent to Earth as infants with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.
Anyway, while the letter did seem kind of, well, generic and boilerplate-ish, I can read between the lines and understand the personal message that George was really trying to send to me, his best buddy.
PRESIDENTGEORGE W. BUSH Dear World O'Crap, The political season has arrived. Finally, we know who my opponent will be. I recently called Senator Kerry to congratulate him on winning his party's nomination. I told him I'm looking forward to a spirited campaign.
"I told Kerry that I was glad, GLAD that the campaigning was getting nasty because I'd been waiting for months to make jokes about Max Cleland. Isn't that Ann Coulter a stitch!" This should be an interesting debate. Senator Kerry has spent two decades in Congress; he's built up quite a record. In fact, Senator Kerry has been in Washington long enough to take both sides on just about every issue. He's been for the Patriot Act and against it; for NAFTA and against it; for the No Child Left Behind Act and against it; for the use of force in Iraq and against funding the liberation of Iraq. My opponent clearly has strong beliefs -- they just don't last very long.
"My opponent seems to believe that if circumstance change, or if the hype turns out to not match the reality, he can change his mind about things. I, however, am unable to change my mind about anything, because it might look like an admission that I was wrong. And I am never wrong! Because Mommy told me that if I wasn't perfect, I'd get kicked out of the family -- and now that I don't have alcohol to help me cope with my feelings of failure, I have to actually look I'm I'm perfect, no matter how much lying that takes. Why doesn't my mother love me?" And the choice is clear. It's a choice between keeping the tax relief that is moving the economy forward, or stopping the recovery by putting the burden of higher taxes back on the American people.
"The choice is clear: keep the tax cuts which have lead to full employment in this country, or make widows and orphans work night and day in sweatshops to pay John Kerry's higher taxes. I know which one I would pick." It is a choice between an America that leads the world with strength and confidence or an America that is uncertain in the face of danger.
"It is a choice between an America that leads the world, whether they like it or not, into wars with countries that posed no danger to America; and a cowardly John Kerry, who would never have dared to secretly fly to Iraq and spend a couple of hours posing for photo ops. That John Kerry doesn't know what it is to like to face DANGER!" It's a choice that I will set squarely before the American people.
We've achieved great things. The last three years have brought serious challenges, and we have given serious answers. I look forward to telling the American people that.
"I look forward to telling the American people how I've done everything right for the past three years, and the American people will no doubt love hearing about it, because they enjoy tall tales, like those of Paul Bunyon and Pecos Bill." Most importantly, we have a positive vision for winning the war against terror and for extending peace and freedom throughout our world; a positive vision for creating jobs and promoting opportunity and compassion here at home. We'll leave no doubt where we stand. And come November, we'll be reelected.
"A POSITIVE vision, as opposed to Kerry's negative vision. I mean, doesn't he just look negative -- hey, John, why the long face? Anyway, I have a positive vision for lots of cool stuff. I can't tell you the details, but I can say that it involves winning the war against terror through permament tax cuts, faith-based initiatives, and abstinence programs. If you want to know more, you'll have to re-elect me." The stakes are high, and I need your help. Could you contribute and make a difference in what could be a close election? Everything you send will help our TV buy -- on national cable and in 18 battleground states on local stations. The ads are strong. They remind people of this Administration's accomplishments, and will lay out our positive agenda and contrast it with John Kerry's wrong votes and out-of-the-mainstream philosophy.
"The ads remind people of how 9/11 occurred on this Administration's watch, which is one of our proudest achievements. They also lay out our positive agenda for adding to the national deficit while never really fixing what was wrong with Medicare; not exporting illegal aliens; increasing funding for the National Endowment for the Perverted Arts; and for sending men to Mars. No, wait, the ads don't cover that part of the agenda -- nobody liked that stuff, so we'll pretend it never happened. In any case, Kerry is out of the mainstream, and since I am the mainstream, you know it's true." The other side has several attack groups, funded by large unregulated "soft money" contributions from wealthy liberals, so I need your help today with a gift of $1,000, $500, $250, $100 or even $50 or $25 to keep ratcheting our TV effort up. Federal law allows gifts of up to $2,000 a person.
"Those damned Democrats -- I have a $100 million advantage over Kerry, but HE has's George Soros-donated $1 million. Did you know that Soros was BORN IN ANOTHER COUNTRY? That must mean something sinister, right?
"So, if you're one of the many businesses or rich people whom my tax cuts have helped to save thousands, please donate $2000 in your name, your wife's name, the names of each of your children, and the names of your maids and gardeners." For all Americans, these years in our history will always stand apart. There are quiet times in the life of a nation when little is expected of the leaders. This isn't one of those times. You and I are living a period where the stakes are high, the challenges are difficult, and the choices are clear -- a time when resolve is needed.
"Yes, it's a time when Resolve carpet cleaner is needed, it order to deal with those spots I blamed on Buddy. And Kerry doesn't have any resolve -- he's never did anything with his life, unlike me, who grew up to be President." I hope you will help today. Thank you for your friendship and may God continue to bless America.
Well, I hadn't planned to donate anything to, but if George thinks we're friends and he really needs my help ... well, I still don't think so. But thanks for thinking of me, George. And write again if you get work.
6:27:43 PM |
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