Over at Renew America, J. Grant Swank rushes to the aid of a fallen fellow pastor: “Obama Blasts Dr. James Dobson,” screams the headline, and I don’t know about you, but I’m compelled to read on…
Focus on the Family’s Dr. James Dobson has been blasted by B. Hussein Obama.
Yikes. Was it a suicide bombing? A Guy Fawkes-style “gunpowder plot?” Or did Obama just kick down the door of Focus on the Family and blast Dr. Dobson with a sawed-off 12 gauge?
“Even if we did have only Christians in our midst, if we expelled every non-Christian from the United States of America, whose Christianity would we teach in the schools?” Obama said.“Would we go with James Dobson’s or Al Sharpton’s?” referring to the civil rights leader per AP.
Ouch. Even worse. He compared Dobson to a black man.
Obama underscores Sharpton’s “Christian” because self-appointed Pentecostal preacher Sharpton endorses abortion, homosexual lifestyle and every other social sin popular today.Further, Sharpton is not Pentecostal for no Pentecostal worldwide agrees with his liberal theology. It’s another hoodwinking gesture to get into the black biblical brain, just as Obama plays to the black biblical brain by hosting outdoor gospel concerts and mounting black pulpits on Sundays.
Even the evil disembodied brains in Fiend Without a Face didn’t desecrate churches during Sunday services by humping the ecclesiastical furniture!

Obama has stated in his book, “Audacity,” that he would erase the Judeo-Christian backdrop from America’s history in order to meld all religions as one, just as his mother believed.
And then he’d use Skynet to go back in time to 1629 and kill Jan Sobieski’s mother before he was born, so the Turks would win the Battle of Vienna, and then we’d all be wearing turbans and eating yogurt and watching Turkish Superman fight for Truth, Justice, and the Ottoman Way.
Biblical Christians must be aware that when Obama speaks of praying to Jesus, he is referring to the prophet Jesus as believed by Muslims. He is not referring to the incarnate deity who indwelt Jesus Christ as the Son of God.I believe Obama to be a mask Muslim.
Mask Muslim?! Holy Crusades, we better switch on the Bat Signal! Unfortunately, thanks to Obama’s treachery, we can only call theTurkish Batman.
Posted by scott on June 24th, 2008
16 Responses to “Pastor Swank Sez: Obama Is A Supervillain”
Mask Muslims in an unholy alliance with the Black Biblical Brain. Yessss……
“Fellow pastor”? James Dobson is not a pastor. He’s a psychologist who uses a Christian 501(c)(3) organization to market his books and tapes without having to pay any taxes. The religion angle makes it convenient for him to do business.
Pastor Swank: The incomprehensible Id of the modern conservative. Holy shit, they must be proud to have him on their side.
Man, that girl Turkish Batman and Robin save is hot! She made me completely forget about Swank’s shitty column.
“Or did Obama just kick down the door of Focus on the Family and blast Dr. Dobson with a sawed-off 12 gauge?”
Aaah, let me just savor that image for a moment ….
Aaah, let me just savor that image for a moment ….
At first, I thought he was referring to James Dobson as a has-been, and thought, “Finally, he’s making sense!”
That thought didn’t last very long.
On an unrelated note, my niece sent me a variation of the “Obama’s 50 Lies” thing that’s being circulated around the Internets. As a general rule, I try to be diplomatic with her when she sends this crap, because she’s my sister’s kid and except these e-mails and failed attempts to convince me to attend her church, we get along okay. But I couldn’t resist being a little bit snarky in my reply. (I forwarded her the link to a snopes web page that pointed out all the inaccuracies in the thing, requesting that she consult snopes before sending me stuff like that in the future.) Was I being too mean, or too nice?
That thought didn’t last very long.
On an unrelated note, my niece sent me a variation of the “Obama’s 50 Lies” thing that’s being circulated around the Internets. As a general rule, I try to be diplomatic with her when she sends this crap, because she’s my sister’s kid and except these e-mails and failed attempts to convince me to attend her church, we get along okay. But I couldn’t resist being a little bit snarky in my reply. (I forwarded her the link to a snopes web page that pointed out all the inaccuracies in the thing, requesting that she consult snopes before sending me stuff like that in the future.) Was I being too mean, or too nice?
Too nice. I finally put my foot down and spam-filter-return all fwd emails from people who stubbornly refuse to snopes crap before passing it along. Even if I am related to them. They were fucking *warned*.
And this isn’t even just the winger crap, I’ve been doing this since I redlined on too goddamned many 200-dollar-cookie-recipe fwds. I highly recommend it, frankly. If you’re related to a bunch of Why The Internet Is Like A Penis fwders, you are all better off if you don’t even know about it.
And this isn’t even just the winger crap, I’ve been doing this since I redlined on too goddamned many 200-dollar-cookie-recipe fwds. I highly recommend it, frankly. If you’re related to a bunch of Why The Internet Is Like A Penis fwders, you are all better off if you don’t even know about it.
“…except these e-mails and failed attempts to convince me to attend her church, we get along okay.” You’re a better man than I. What will you do if, like my niece, she decides to join the Army, get married, have a baby and get shipped to Iraq 4 months later? For her own sake, try to talk some sense into her now.
“…except these e-mails and failed attempts to convince me to attend her church, we get along okay.” You’re a better man than I. What will you do if, like my niece, she decides to join the Army, get married, have a baby and get shipped to Iraq 4 months later? For her own sake, try to talk some sense into her now.
(Fixed the off-italics.)
(Fixed the off-italics.)
Actually, I only get those type of e-mails sparodically*. And I got a reply from her, in which she admitted she screwed up, thanked me for putting her straight (she had gone to snopes but evidently didn’t dig deep enough)and that she should have known from the extremity of the claims it wasn’t accurate. So I guess she isn’t insane.
Oh, and she’s only 6 years younger than me, married, and has two kids, so I don’t think she’s joining the army anytime soon.
*from her that is. My other sister has a friend who’s constantly sending me religeous themed and rightwing leaning crap. Most of the time I just delete it sight unseen.
Oh, and she’s only 6 years younger than me, married, and has two kids, so I don’t think she’s joining the army anytime soon.
*from her that is. My other sister has a friend who’s constantly sending me religeous themed and rightwing leaning crap. Most of the time I just delete it sight unseen.
I tend to reply to forwarded BS my family and friends send me. The down side is that it can be a little awkward the next time we have dinner (“No, that wasn’t George Carlin, for fuck’s sake! The guy was an atheist! Look at his damn website!”); on the up side, now they only send me BS they can’t confirm themselves, usually with a “Is this true?” rider attached.
The learning curve is steep, but it’s there.
The learning curve is steep, but it’s there.
My 15 year old nephew sends me crap that is easily refuted on snopes all the time. I very politely send him the snopes link in response
I am going to have nightmares about those black biblical brains.
the incarnate deity who indwelt Jesus Christ
The translation from the original Anglo-Saxon could perhaps be a little more idiomatic.
Does Swank go on to talk about the ‘agenbite of inwit’? I had a pet inwit once but I had to get rid of it after it agenbit the neighbour.
The translation from the original Anglo-Saxon could perhaps be a little more idiomatic.
Does Swank go on to talk about the ‘agenbite of inwit’? I had a pet inwit once but I had to get rid of it after it agenbit the neighbour.
Swank’s a nitinwit.
Is anyone else having a flashback to Donald Wandrei’s 1927 story “The Red Brain”, or am I the only geek here?
“The hope of the universe had lain with the Black Biblical Brains.”
“And the Black Biblical Brains were mad.”
“The hope of the universe had lain with the Black Biblical Brains.”
“And the Black Biblical Brains were mad.”