From Dependable Renegade:
MUSCAT, Oman – Vice President Dick Cheney went fishing in the waters between Oman and Iran on Wednesday, borrowing the Sultan of Oman’s 60-foot royal yacht for the mission.A Cheney spokeswoman said the vice president, his wife Lynne, and daughter, Liz, a former State Department official who is traveling with her father as a private citizen, headed out under sunny skies into the Gulf of Oman on “Kingfish I,” owned by Sultan Qaboos bin Said.
A little R&R on our dime. But why should that surprise anyone? This is what Dick Cheney thinks of two-thirds of the American public:
CHENEY: On the security front, I think there’s a general consensus that we’ve made major progress, that the surge has worked. That’s been a major success.RADDATZ: Two-third of Americans say it’s not worth fighting.CHENEY: So?RADDATZ So? You don’t care what the American people think?CHENEY: No. I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls.
Not even if you don’t own the boat. After all, if Cheney suddenly seized the helm of the Kingfish I, opened the throttle and — despite the protests of the crew and two-thirds of his family — crashed it into an offshore oil rig, touching off a massive explosion, I’m sure the Sultan’s first reaction upon hearing about the massive loss of life and the destruction of his property would be a swell of admiration for the Vice President’s steadfastness.

They cared deeply what the american people thought right up until Oct 11, 2002 when the Senate approved the war resolution. And then a little again in the fall of 04.
Here’s a good headline for this story, though:
Here’s a good headline for this story, though:
The Cheney “So?” is even more instantaneous-homicide-inducing if you saw him saying it, with that smug smirk of immunity on his war-criminal’s face. I guess he figures that a lifetime of cultivating very special friends in top boardrooms across the planet trumps every law, every constitution, every ethical precept. No government, no judge, no jury, no court, no police force can touch him, he figures.
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