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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Happy Birthday, Bill S!

And for his Special Day, Bill, speaking as a connoisseur of penises, implored me not to repost that image of former male porn star and current warblogger Rod Majors, nude and rampant upon a hay bale, with his Junior Samples-style bib overalls down around his ankles and a Cheney where his Dick ought to be. And all I can say is, Bill, you’re the birthday boy…
So instead, here’s an image of Yoda with a stick protruding suggestively from his Muppety nether regions.

10 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Bill S!”

Thank you for not re-posting the Rod Majors, I have seen it several times and that is enough. Happy Birthday! Here’s 

Um, agreed, but the description was fairly bad enough.
Happy birthday, Bill S! Hope you’re around a bit more often, even if that does mean you can’t, you know, have a real life or anything. We, like Abe Lincoln and that talking beaver, miss you when you’re off doing more interesting things.
Who said I did anything interesting?
Thanks everybody.
yeah, happy belated b’day
Hi there,
I read your blog and think you’re a good writer. I would like to invite you to join our new online community at It is a user generated political editorial and social network. We also choose from amongst our own bloggers to be featured columnists on the front page. I think your voice would be a great addition to our site.
Boy, polzoo, you could at least say happy birthday to Bill.
Bill, you mean you’ve been abandoning us to go do *boring* things? That kinda sucks.
Sorry I’m late, Bill S. Maybe you should move it to Monday next year and do a three-day weekend.
No, I mean sometimes I lose my Internets connection or my computer malfunctions in a certain way.
Actually, since my job allows me to have a paid day off on my birthday, I requested Friday off and got a 3 day weekend. (I hate working on Fridays more than I hate working on Mondays.) I could have used my “personal day” on Monday and gotten a 4 day weekend, but I decided to save it.
Blow me, you will.
Unless you don’t want to of course. Hey, it’s your birthday!
I dunno, Yoda looks mighty bored to be sporting a woody of such proportions. But what do I know?! Bill, I wished you happy birthday on the other thread, but here’s to you again – May your days be filled with stimulation, the good kind!

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