Janet M. LaRue, a former Concerned Women of America, host of various SCTV programs, and current Townhall pundit, wants you to take part in a shocking thought experiment that will change the way you think…Forever!

Janet M. LaRue (far right) in undated file photo.
Sen. Barack Obama is highly intelligent, likeable, articulate (no racism intended)
It just slipped out.
…dynamic, well-educated and witty. He is receiving virtually worshipful coverage from the news media.
Now imagine the Republican presidential front runner is a highly intelligent, likeable, articulate, dynamic, well-educated and witty conservative.
Okay, but I’ll need drugs. You holding?
He is also black and formerly liberal. His name is Clarence Thomas.
Never mind. I see someone apparently licked the whole blotter before I could get to it.
What would be missing from the picture?
Melting clocks?
The adoring mainstream media, for one. What would we find? The rank racist comments, cartoons, editorials, speeches, etc., reserved for black conservatives by liberals of all colors.
When will conservatives finally summon the courage to take on all the liberal champions of racism, whether they be white, black, cranberry blush, soft azalea, heather graphite, tropical aqua, spring coral, celery, or loden.
Obama and Thomas are about as far apart politically as it gets. If they were cities, you’d need satellite tracking to pinpoint both, and they wouldn’t be in Georgia.
I have no idea what this paragraph means, but I do know that wherever Lewis Carroll is right now, he’s really, really jealous.
But there are important similarities. Both were deserted by their fathers and were primarily reared by their grandparents. And both have written an autobiography.
No wonder they keep getting each other’s mail.
In his book, Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, he tells his boyhood search for identity and the rage he felt as a young black man…
You’d also need GPS technology to find any criticism of Obama’s “rage” or lashing out in the rave reviews of his book by the MSM…
Yes, Global Positioning Satellite technology is to today’s Formerly Concerned Woman what the words “space” and “atomic” where to yesteryear’s pulp science fiction writers: dimly grasped vectors for pizzazz!
Thomas also shares his transformation from liberal to conservative, which included intense interaction with Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and other conservatives, black and white. Thomas also makes his case against those who would confine black Americans to liberal orthodoxy, as he did at his contentious confirmation hearing before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee.
Remember kids, it was all about liberating African-Americans from the intellectual plantations of liberal orthodoxy, and not about inviting female subordinates to lunch hour screenings of Long Dong Silver videos in your office.
Won’t it be wonderful when racism declines to the point that a black conservative has an equal chance to achieve the American dream without experiencing a nightmare at the hands of “abusive monsters?”
You’ll note that in the long history of abusive monsters, from Godzilla to Cloverfield, it’s always the black conservatives who die first.
Posted by scott on Tuesday, February 12th, 2008 at 1:04 am.
You’ll note that in the long history of abusive monsters, from Godzilla to Cloverfield, it’s always the black conservatives who die first.
I thought Gojira went after the Japanese with the bad dubbing first
I thought Gojira went after the Japanese with the bad dubbing first
The only black conservative she could think of is one who would never run for President. Guess she doesn’t like Alan Keyes.
Maybe all we are going to win from the last 8 years is the right to feel justified in calling the Rightwingers foul names. Wot-the-hell, that’s something. Like the KGB agents said to the angry mathemetician, “Be reasonable, comrade, that’s progress, isn’t it?”
If they were cities, you’d need satellite tracking to pinpoint both, and they wouldn’t be in Georgia.Janet LaRue is just showing that she’s down with that rock and/or roll music the kids are listening to today, including such delightful combos as the Georgia Satellites.
Her editors overruled her other witty rejoinder, that if Thomas and Obama were conducting a symphony, they’d be making Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark.
I’ve said it many times before. Whenever I get depressed about the state of politics here in Britain, all I have to do is look across the pond and then I feel a little better …
But what do WE do, a.v.p.s. ?
I’m confused-why would we assume she was being racist by describing Obama as “intelligent, likeable, articulate”?
Then again, trying to make sense out of ANYTHING she writes may be a waste of time. Did anyone think of Clarence Thomas when she began rattling off those superlatives? Probably not. Would anyone think of Alan Keyes, either? NEVER!!! Or Thomas Sowell?
I’m sure there’s an African-American conservative who IS highly intelligent, articulate, witty, dynamic, etc. But apparently he or she is extremely camera shy and doesn’t write for any wingnut outfit. In fact, not writing for one would be evidence you were highly intelligent.
I’m confused-why would we assume she was being racist by describing Obama as “intelligent, likeable, articulate”?
Then again, trying to make sense out of ANYTHING she writes may be a waste of time. Did anyone think of Clarence Thomas when she began rattling off those superlatives? Probably not. Would anyone think of Alan Keyes, either? NEVER!!! Or Thomas Sowell?
I’m sure there’s an African-American conservative who IS highly intelligent, articulate, witty, dynamic, etc. But apparently he or she is extremely camera shy and doesn’t write for any wingnut outfit. In fact, not writing for one would be evidence you were highly intelligent.
Hey, in that photo…is that Rudy on the left? I think it is!
Sure, it’s an old photo. Rudy and John Candy both have seen their looks go downhill since then.
But talk about nostalgia! Oh, to be young again, and have hair, and be alive & not zombified…
Sure, it’s an old photo. Rudy and John Candy both have seen their looks go downhill since then.
But talk about nostalgia! Oh, to be young again, and have hair, and be alive & not zombified…
Bring it on, Cranberry Blush Bitch! I got your colors hangin’!
I do know that wherever Lewis Carroll is right now, he’s really, really jealous
Because she’s only dead on the inside?
intense interaction with Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and other conservatives, black and white.
Worst interracial gay porn ever.
Because she’s only dead on the inside?
intense interaction with Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and other conservatives, black and white.
Worst interracial gay porn ever.
I can solve one mystery. Clarence Thomas was born in Pin Point, Georgia. Hence Ms. Larue’s clever invocation of “pinpoint” and “Georgia” in the same sentence. Laughed? I nearly started.
The rest of it is just a clusterfuck and y’all are on your own making sense of it.
The rest of it is just a clusterfuck and y’all are on your own making sense of it.
Well, obviously they wouldn’t be in Georgia. To suggest otherwise would be ridiculous.
I think it was a reference to how “articulate” is always thrown around with reference to prominent African-Americans as to how wonderful it would be if they were to run for President, etc, and how that can easily be taken as a sign that you can’t think of anything else positive to say.
Of course, that only happens if the only thing you have to say about someone is that they’re articulate, which is clearly not the case here (disregarding Thomas, for whom I don’t even have that to say).
I think it was a reference to how “articulate” is always thrown around with reference to prominent African-Americans as to how wonderful it would be if they were to run for President, etc, and how that can easily be taken as a sign that you can’t think of anything else positive to say.
Of course, that only happens if the only thing you have to say about someone is that they’re articulate, which is clearly not the case here (disregarding Thomas, for whom I don’t even have that to say).
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Won’t it be wonderful when racism declines to the point that a black conservative has an equal chance to achieve the American dream
Like, say, getting a lifetime appointment to the most prestigious court in the world.
Sure, like that’s gonna happen.
Like, say, getting a lifetime appointment to the most prestigious court in the world.
Sure, like that’s gonna happen.
Let us pray:
Oh lord, please let this meme, Clarence Thomas for President, take over the GOP so that the Democrats can truly wipe the floor with them.
Oh lord, please let this meme, Clarence Thomas for President, take over the GOP so that the Democrats can truly wipe the floor with them.
Lessee: John Lewis, saint. Barbara Jordan and Shirley Chisolm, R.I.P. Vernon Jordan, Julian Bond, Charles Rangel, Ron Dellums, Bill Clay, John Conyers, Kweisi Mfume. Opposing them, I guess, would be JC Watts and Lynn Swann. I think it pays to have a deep bench. Maybe the Republicans could start there.
Um, I think it’s pretty clear that Thomas was nominated exactly because of the racism and plantation atmosphere which persists on the right. Barry Crimmins used to do a routine on the Thomas confirmation hearings in which he observed that Bush, Sr. was forever referring to Thomas by his first name, saying when was the last time you heard a president refer to a supreme court nominee by his first name. “Clarence, Clarence all the time Clarence. Clarence freshen my drink and then I’m going to name you to the court.”
What she meant to say was that he’s “well spoken, sho’nuff”…racist joke intended, for ironic effect. I still believe you, Anita!
NP–doesn’t just stand for ‘no problem’ anymore
This just gives me a headache. LaRue(ch) seems to forget that Obama faced off against the great conservative, intellectual, Alan Keyes to win his Senate seat. Keyes was trounced, and there were no media comments, cartoons, etc highlighting race. Keyes, in fact, ran on a number of positions supported by Thomas: the notion that the separation of church and state does not apply to states, but only the federal government, for instance. During the election, Keyes often cited Thomas as his intellectual partner. LaRue’s hypothetical has already occurred — and she got none of it right. She might as well write an op-ed arguing how a Catholic Democratic could never be elected president, or how Americans would impeach a commander and chief in a wheelchair.
Ah, yes. If Clarence Thomas were a totally different person, he’d be just great.
Sen. Barack Obama is highly intelligent, likeable, articulate (no racism intended)
Hey, here’s an idea. Maybe if you write something that will be construed as racist, don’t write that thing. You’re not being brave or real; you’re just being a shitass and you’re waiting for someone to point it out so you can complain about “political correctness”. Asshole.
My God, that woman writes badly. Conservatives just not give a damn about that or what? Pastor Swank, J-Lo, Mike Adams, Ace O’Spades, this woman…man, just any nimrod with a keyboard can be a serious pundit for the right. Must suck being P.J. O’Rourke, knowing that not only are you the only funny conservative, you’re also the only one who can string sentences together in a pleasing manner.
I’m seriously. It’s like Limbaugh, the guy sounds like he’s having an attack. Horrible speakers, horrible writers, horrible thinkers. I guess I answered my own question.
Hey, here’s an idea. Maybe if you write something that will be construed as racist, don’t write that thing. You’re not being brave or real; you’re just being a shitass and you’re waiting for someone to point it out so you can complain about “political correctness”. Asshole.
My God, that woman writes badly. Conservatives just not give a damn about that or what? Pastor Swank, J-Lo, Mike Adams, Ace O’Spades, this woman…man, just any nimrod with a keyboard can be a serious pundit for the right. Must suck being P.J. O’Rourke, knowing that not only are you the only funny conservative, you’re also the only one who can string sentences together in a pleasing manner.
I’m seriously. It’s like Limbaugh, the guy sounds like he’s having an attack. Horrible speakers, horrible writers, horrible thinkers. I guess I answered my own question.
The idiot may be on to something. I think we should all encourage Thomas to step down from his seat on the court and run against Obama for president, now or in 2012. That’s a great idea, I’m all for it.
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