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Friday, August 19, 2011

RandyGate Part 2: Spy Story

Now that Melissa has also resigned (and, per Michelle Malkin, candidates have decided that bloggers are to be avoided, since only people like Bill “I like children” Donohue read them), I guess I won’t be getting that job as wingnut advisor to Mitt or Rudy.  So, I no longer need to try to be responsible and/or fair, and have no reason to blog except for the fun of it.  Therefore, here is my completely idiosyncratic post on the grand jury charges against ”Dusty” Foggo, the former #3 official at the CIA.  (Foggo, was, of course, appointed by former CIA Director Porter Goss, who was appointed by George W Bush as an act of aggression against an intelligence agency which refused to respect his intelligence.)
First, here are the interesting bits from the AP story:
The CIA’s former No. 3 official was charged Tuesday with accepting lavish vacations, private jet flights and a job offer from his best friend, a defense contractor who in return got inside information that helped him win agency contracts.
A federal grand jury returned 11 counts of fraud, conspiracy and money laundering against Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, executive director of the CIA until he resigned in May, and contractor Brent Wilkes. The charges grew from the bribery scandal that landed former U.S. Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham in prison.
Wilkes allegedly paid for Foggo and his family to join him on a family vacation in Scotland in August 2003, paying $12,000 for private jet flights, $4,000 for a helicopter ride to play golf and $44,000 for a stay at a posh estate. Wilkes allegedly paid $32,000 for Foggo to join him on a New Year’s trip to Hawaii in 2004.
In the fall of 2003, Foggo allegedly arranged for one of Wilkes’ companies to be a middleman in selling bottled water to the CIA.
Okay, so Wilkes shelled out almost $100,000 to show his best friend Foggo a good time, and in return for that he got the CIA bottled water contract.  In order for this to make good business sense, that has to be some pretty expensive bottled water!
In a separate indictment, Wilkes was charged with 25 counts of conspiracy, bribery, money laundering and unlawful monetary transactions to Cunningham in return for government contracts.
The indictment included three counts of money laundering totaling more than $12 million. Wilkes also allegedly spent more than $1,600 on prostitutes for himself and Cunningham during an August 2003 trip to a high-end Hawaiian resort.
The question on everyone’s minds now is: how many prostitutes $1600 will buy at a high-end Hawaiian resort?  (Did they get two, at $800 each, or get 16 of the economy models bussed in from the Motel 6 down the road, or what?)
Here are a few more interesting details about Wilkes and Foggo from a 2004 San Diego Union-Tribune story:
Poway military contractor Brent Wilkes has long been active in local political circles, serving as the San Diego County finance co-chairman of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s campaign and the state finance co-chairman for President Bush. [...]
Wilkes’ career in political relations dates to the early 1980s, shortly after Foggo joined the CIA. Foggo was sent to Honduras to work with the Contra rebels who were trying to topple the Sandinista government of Nicaragua, according to sources within the CIA.
Wilkes had moved to Washington, D.C., and opened a business named World Finance Corp. about three blocks away from the White House. One of his chief activities, sources say, was to accompany congressmen – including then-Rep. Bill Lowery of San Diego, whom Wilkes met during his participation in the SDSU Young Republicans organization – to Central America to meet with Foggo and Contra leaders.
So, the roots of this scandal go back to Iran Contral and the Young Republicans.  It figures.
Wilkes spread his taxpayer-provided funds throughout his company, taking executives on periodic retreats to Hawaii and Idaho.
In Honolulu, Wilkes stayed at suites at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel or rented the beachfront mansion of the late hairstyling mogul Paul Mitchell, which typically goes for $50,000 a week.
I’m guessing those $1.600 prostitutes were Paul Mitchell’s, but I could be wrong. 
But there’s more to the story, as we learn from the Washington Post:
Wilkes was said to have hosted poker games at the Watergate and other upscale Washington hotels, including one 1999 party attended by Foggo, Cunningham and a former CIA official nicknamed “Nine Fingers.”
Those were apparently the poker parties Michelle Malkin was referring to when she wrote about a shady transportation company getting a government contract to drive prostitutes “to longstanding poker parties held at the Watergate and Westin Grand hotels” — parties hosted by Wilkes, and attended by Randy Cunningham, in addition to Foggo and “Nine Fingers.”  I can hardly wait for somebody at the White House to link the identify of “Nine Fingers.”  While the most likely candidate is Porter Goss himself, I’m hoping that it’s former CIA official George HW Bush.
Anyway, while there’s undoubtedly a whole lot more to this story, I think we need to follow Deep Throat’s advice, and ”follow the hookers and the Young Republicans.”  Developing …

P.S.  In light of Melissa’s resignation, I think the following info might be on interest to any foul-mouthed bigots out there:

Members of the Catholic League’s board of advisers include conservative author and media analyst L. Brent Bozell III; conservative radio host and syndicated columnist Linda Chavez; right-wing pundit and author Dinesh D’Souza; former Republican presidential and senatorial candidate Alan Keyes; and National Review Washington editor Kate O’Beirne.
If anybody knows of anything offensive that any of THEM has written, it might be in the interests of justice to make it public.

…an intelligence agency which refused to respect his intelligence.
Look, withstanding torture is one thing, but no one is trained for this kind of shit.
I am, for the record, an asshole for making torture jokes as our government is at this very moment undoubtedly torturing completely innocent, or even guilty–our justice system does not sentence people to be tortured, after all–people with our tax dollars. Believe me, I know this, and have no explanation for doing it anyway.
Also, and I’m not going to be proud of this either, I’m betting GHW Bush is known as “Eleven Fingers”.
S.Z., I am delighted to know you won’t be pulling any punches for the sake of trying to get halfwits like Malkin to like you. You’re really at your best when you’re snarky as hell at the bastards who deserve it.
Darling S.Z., I love you when you’re angry. You’re ever so much more ruthless and determined, and you make my cold, charred lump-of-coal heart smile.
But Foggo is small fry. If they’re throwing him onto the bonfire, then that means that some TRULY evil shit about the Big Muthas is about to come to light, and then be quickly buried under a pile of Anna Nicole autopsy photos and so forth.
They’re manipulating the news cycle again — just like having that uber-prick Feith on CNN to be massaged by Wolfie, this is a distraction. Something bigger is coming, and we’ve got to keep our fucking eyes & ears perked-up, ’cause they’ll sling it past us so fast, we’ll miss it if we blink.
The thing that still pisses me off about Cunningham and Abramoff’s so-called “busts” is that NOBODY has managed to investigate the ties to republicunts like David Vitter and Bobby Jindal. Yup, Abramoff was into Louisiana Indian casinos up to his flattened little nips. And the entire LA GOP was in there with him.
But not a peep since the initial bust. Not a one of the aforementioned “congressmen” has even been interviewed about their ties to Abramoff.
Which leads me to believe, knowing how these things usually run, that we’ve yet to see the tip of the bribery/corruption iceberg.
Foggo goes down, that means that he’s taking the bullet for somebody much much bigger.
We all already KNOW that Biggus Dickus is as filthy as they get when it comes to no-bid contracts and major-league kickbacks (how perfect for a major-league asshole!), all we need is the DOCUMENTATION.
So, here’s my tip, as you always work much harder at this blogging shit and do much more thorough research than I do, and will probably do a much better job of exposing this shit than I will: Keep yer eyes open for anything relating to Halliburton, Bechtel, and The Shaw Group. Bechtel is responsible for the inimitable clusterfuck of corruption & malfeasance known as The Big Dig. Halliburton & The Shaw Group (majority holders in Bahrain, not Baton Rouge as is publicly touted) were granted no-bid contracts for “rebuilding” New Orleans BEFORE THE LEVEES BROKE. The night that Katrina made landfall, they were already toasting their “triumphs” and toting-up the surcharges.
If y’all think that Foggo is big news, just wait. They always string-up the stool-pigeons first, in hopes that we’ll stay distracted by that long enough for them to sneak the REAL crimes past us.
So fuck Malkin, fuck Donohoe sideways with a chainsaw, fuck all of the MSM manipulations to render the blogosphere “impotent” (even as mere perception) — stay with this, S.Z., ’cause you’re helping to unravel the whole fucking pyramid-scheme that’s been masquerading as our government.
And why in the FUCK is my comment in MODERATION?!?!?!
Annti, darlin’ I LOVE you!! Here’s hoping you never moderate!
And DS, regarding:
Also, and I’m not going to be proud of this either, I’m betting GHW Bush is known as “Eleven Fingers”
Nah. “Pinky”
“Nine Fingers” was fingered, tee hee, a long time ago. He’s Brant Bassett.
Bush, by the way, has his own nickname for Bassett. “Eight Fingers.” Bush, of course, can’t count to nine.
If only Kenneth Starr were in charge of this investigation. We’d have every lurid detail about the prostitutes, but none of that boring other stuff about contracts, trips, poker, blah blah.
So it all leads back to the Contras? (Whom A. Coulter had the nerve to refer to as “freedom fighters” one night on Bill Maher’s show.) The Contras could find no safe haven or popular support among the Nicaraguans they were allegedly trying to “liberate” through torture, disappearances, bombings, nun-rapings etc., so they had to run back to Nicaragua for safe haven. Who was Reagan’s ambassador to Nicaragua during all this? Jeez, right on the tip of my tongue …..
At his drug trafficking conspiracy trial, Manuel Noriega testified that he was funnelling a portion of his drug profits to the Contras, per an understanding with the US Govt that was never all that clear. The courtroom fell into shocked silence — but no word of this made it into the evening news.
(Contra leader Enrique Bermudez testified before Congress that he admired the Nazi SS and its leader, Rudolf Hoss and tried to mold the Contras in that image. This is the sick bastard that World Finance was flying young Republican suckups down to have audience with, as if they were the winning team on “The Apprentice” enjoying a reward. One can’t help but wonder what sort of recreation was planned for after dinner.)
My point is that maybe it’s less important to follow the money than to follow the white powder.
Scott, SZ, in support of Melissa and Amanda….I AM SPARTACUS!….cuz I like wearing loincloths…
how many prostitutes $1600 will buy at a high-end Hawaiian resort?
Oh, I can answer that!
Um. Well. No. Errrrr…not if I want to be Chuck Schumer’s blogger when he jumps in the race….
arrgggghhh…ran back to HONDURAS for safe haven. Reagan’s ambassador to HONDURAS. Negroponte. Jeez, way to screw it up……..
That’s one impressive collection of wingnuts on that board. Alan Keyes? That’s some quality stuff.
Plus, trashfire, it was Rudolph Hess.
Ha ha poor trashfire!
Don’t worry, still an important and cogent post.
I think this proves we need to arrest anyone with a yuppie nickname.
“Any member of Congress who has a yuppie nickname should be hanged or exiled, for the good of the Union and the morale of our troops.” –Abraham Lincoln
Catholic Board member Linda Chavez is allegedly Jewish, or at least she was the last time someone pulled her up by the scruff of the neck and asked her. (She once ran unsuccessfully against Barbara Mikulski in the Maryland Senate race.)
Chavez underwent a quickie conversion in Denver before she married a Reform Jew, and has been flip-flopping on her Faith of Choice ever since.
Anyway, if anyone actually crosses paths with Linda Chavez and wants to completely unnerve her, bring up the Jewish Question!
I’d be happy to do it, but I don’t frequent the same low haunts that Chavez does.

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