Liberalism as a Political Religion [Jonah Goldberg]So, Jonah is writing a book about how liberalism is like a religion. I wonder where ever he got that idea?
As someone who believes modern liberalism behaves like a political religion, as Eric Voegelin laid out, (See my “The New-Time Religion – Liberalism and its problems” in the May 23, 2005 NR for example — or my forthcoming book), I find this Kos secular megachurch thing fascinating to no end.

Second, for an Ann Coulter-worthy defense of the Second Amendment, our winner is Doug Giles, who offers this tip to fathers who want to develop “a kick-butt babe.”
Fathers, I wouldn’t have your girl learn how to just barely use a weapon; I would be aiming for her to be able to emulate Angelina Jolie’s character in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Yeah, I would teach her to be proficient in all forms of death dealing with all types of guns.Since Angelina Jolie’s character was a professional assassin, hoping that your child emulates her seems a rather odd goal for a father to have. But then, Doug is not just a father, he’s also a Christian clergyman, so he has a more enlightened perspective on these things than you, or I, or Jesus.
Next, we present our award for Annie Award for Hypocrisy – and it goes to Rush Limbaugh, for his “blame the Foley pages” commentary, “Capitol Hill Pages, Paragons of Virtue?” which include the following bit:
And you know teenagers can be mean. They haven’t yet had the maturity to understand sensitivity and decency, love making fun of people, they walk around mimicking the way they walk, they make fun of the way people look, and they’ll do it sometimes to their faces.So says the guy who called Chelsea Clinton “the White House Dog” on national TV – at the time she was a young teenager, and while he was obviously lacking in maturity, sensitivity, and decency, he was technically an adult.
Our AC award for “Cluelessness Raised to An Art Form,” AND the one for “Arabs are the Source of all Evil” goes to Cliff Kincaid, for this tidbit from his “Accuracy in Media” piece entitled “Who Carried Out the Anthrax Attacks?“
The phrase “Death to America” was in the letters, as Stewart noted, but they also said, “Death to Israel” and “Allah is God,” sure signs that an Islamic extremist had written them.Wow, so using those phrases are sure signs of Islamic extremism? Quick, alert the authorities: Cliff has cracked the case!
Our Runner-Up Award this week for “Overall Crappiness” goes to Ann Coulter herself, for her description of the Foley communications as “e-mail chitchat with a former page about what the kid wanted for his birthday.”
Yes, it’s her moral center, her humanity, and her concern for children that helps Ann retain her position as Red America’s Favorite Female-ish Pundit. (You know, I’m betting that she’ll describe the Foley IMs as “helpful questioning from a concerned mentor.”)
However, for his sheer crassness, lack of sensitivity, and deliberate offensiveness, our overall winner for the week is Kevin McCullough. For your reading displeasure, here’s a portion of his winning column, “Why Liberal Feminists Support School Shootings“:
What modern feminists will never admit is everything ugly about what they claim their “choices” entitle them to. But with Charles Carl Roberts the ugly evidence could not be hidden. If Planned Parenthood put a disclaimer in all of their African-American neighborhood targeted locations that read something along the lines of, “upon completion of your abortion today you will have exercised the same willful, and deranged murder as the man who shot the school girls in Amish country,” I wonder how much more business they would continue to be able to do.How nice of Kevin to tell the Amish parents that their daughters were less valuable than month-old fetuses, because their kids were not as innocent as the womb babies, being born and all.
It is no mistake that the left sees the utility in child murder, thus why they are so conflicted when they see a story like the Amish shooting. In their heart of hearts they already understand that killing an innocent young girl in an old fashioned school house is little different than killing and even more innocent girl in a place that was designed by God to be a womb of safety, comfort, nourishment, and life.
And, less than a week after this disturbing massacre, how classy of him to characterize half the country as child murderers on a par with killer Charles Roberts, just to make a political point.
IMHO, it’s little tricks like that which will, I predict, allow him to someday claim Ann’s Black Cocktail Dress of Hussiness And Shame as his own.
23 Responses to “The Ann Coulter Awards”
It appears you ran into some kinda tech problem, because the paragraph preceding the Rush quote is repeated three times.
Adam’s-apple Annie, however, proves there’s no substitute for the original. At this point, she’s become a self-parody. It’s as if she sits down and says, “Let’s see-what’s the most idiotic, offensive thing can I can say about this?”
Oh, and Clifford is a brilliant detective-’cause there’s no way those notes could have been written by anybody but an Islamic extremist…or, um, somebody who can SPELL.
Adam’s-apple Annie, however, proves there’s no substitute for the original. At this point, she’s become a self-parody. It’s as if she sits down and says, “Let’s see-what’s the most idiotic, offensive thing can I can say about this?”
Oh, and Clifford is a brilliant detective-’cause there’s no way those notes could have been written by anybody but an Islamic extremist…or, um, somebody who can SPELL.
Good stuff.
Why would Doug want to raise his daughter to become Angelina Jolie when he can just as easily raise her to be Lucy Liu /O-Ren-Ishii? I think being the leader of the Crazy 88s would be great practice to be leader of the United States. Or a megachurch with God. Or to protect your dad from mean teenagers.
Jesus, these people are appalling. They must have brains full of seething maggots. I don’t know what else explains this kind of vile hatefulness.
Your comment about characterizing half the country as child-killers reminds me of the rhetoric of anti-choicers comparing the legalization of abortion to the Holocaust. That means that either women are Nazis, or they are too stupid to realize that they are killing their babies, and neither one is very flattering to us.
What I find fascinating about the Kos secular megachurch “political religion” thing is the way it doesn’t have a church, or building of any kind, and the way it is secular and so isn’t actually religious. Just my pantload!
e-mail chitchat with a former page about what the kid wanted for his birthday
She knows it was his birthday because he was in his birthday suit at the time.
e-mail chitchat with a former page about what the kid wanted for his birthday
She knows it was his birthday because he was in his birthday suit at the time.
You know, S.Z., I hate Ann Coulter’s opinions as much as anybody, but I wish we could stop with this juvenile talk about how she looks like a man. It’s insulting to real transpeople (having themselves used as an insult.)
Oh, Christ, your trolls are back. You should charge them for ad space. Morons.
Is it a new troll, or the same one using a different name? Whoever he is, he’s not only a racist, but a boring, unreadable one.
Take a hike, fuckwit!
Take a hike, fuckwit!
Wow – these loons out swank the swankster and make the Giles clan look like the Holy Family. What I kind of like, though, is the last line: “Pastor Josiah Abraham II,Rally in Belfast 2005 shortly before being deported.” Is that a euphemism for “he was shipped to the nearest mental hospital?” I read these posts a few times and all I can figure out is that the poster is a very angry little bunny who just needs a blankey, some warm milk, and enough tranquilizers to stun a rhinoceros.
I hate it when I miss the trolls. I come here every day (it’s set as my homepage, actually), but I don’t always read the comments. The incomprehensible blathering of trolls always makes the writing on this site look that much better.
in a place that was designed by God to be a womb of safety, comfort, nourishment, and life.
Oh, christ.
It’s not a PLACE. It’s a HUMAN BEING.
Oh, christ.
It’s not a PLACE. It’s a HUMAN BEING.
I would be aiming for her to be able to emulate Angelina Jolie’s character in Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Good in leather and able to really own the role of a professional dominatrix?
Nice, Doug.
Good in leather and able to really own the role of a professional dominatrix?
Nice, Doug.
If Planned Parenthood put a disclaimer in all of their African-American neighborhood targeted locations that read something along the lines of, “upon completion of your abortion today you will have exercised the same willful, and deranged murder as the man who shot the school girls in Amish country,” I wonder how much more business they would continue to be able to do.
I generally avoid businesses run by the criminally insane. So, yeah, they’d probably have trouble drumming up business.
In their heart of hearts they already understand that killing an innocent young girl in an old fashioned school house is little different than killing and even more innocent girl in a place that was designed by God to be a womb of safety, comfort, nourishment, and life.
Um, I was trying to verify this claim – that I already understand this drivel – and I seem to be having trouble finding my second heart. And there’s a lot of blood everywhere. Is that normal?
I generally avoid businesses run by the criminally insane. So, yeah, they’d probably have trouble drumming up business.
In their heart of hearts they already understand that killing an innocent young girl in an old fashioned school house is little different than killing and even more innocent girl in a place that was designed by God to be a womb of safety, comfort, nourishment, and life.
Um, I was trying to verify this claim – that I already understand this drivel – and I seem to be having trouble finding my second heart. And there’s a lot of blood everywhere. Is that normal?
It must be close to Halloween: just reading these boobs is like finding a flaming bog of shit on your front porch.
Just to add (neurological) insult to injury, the phrase “Allah is God” is an almost certain sign of the ‘thrax letters being written by a non-Muslim; it could only be interpreted as a tautology or as a statement along the lines of “Allah is Yahweh,” a pleasantly ecumenical statement that doesn’t exactly jibe with a bioterror attack vector.
… And, actually, a quick look at the FBI site on the letters shows that they don’t even say that, but “Allah is great.” At least that’s more plausible….
[teenagers] love making fun of people, they walk around mimicking the way they walk, they make fun of the way people look, and they’ll do it sometimes to their faces.
They do that, do they, Rush? Do they call these people names like “fatty” or “pill popper” or “limpdick”?
They do that, do they, Rush? Do they call these people names like “fatty” or “pill popper” or “limpdick”?
Rush is apparently offended by the “sometimes to their faces” part of teenage behaviour. As they get older they learn to hide behind a team of security guards and a microphone.
In fairness to Rush, he’s been a Republican page for nearly sixty years now…
Our Runner-Up Award this week for “Overall Crappiness” goes to Ann Coulter herself, for her description of the Foley communications as “e-mail chitchat with a former page about what the kid wanted for his birthday.”
On hearing this, Great-Uncle Fugit stirred in his deep red leather armchair, dislodging a waft of stale cigar scent. His bushy moustache twitched beneath his bulbous red nose, veined like an autumn leaf.
“What?” he barked. Then, “What?” again and, “What?” once more for good measure. “What did the bloody kid want for his birthday? A damned good buggering?”
He was exhausted by this querulous outburst. His head slumped back onto his chest, making his regimental medals rattle, and after a few moments the room was silent but for a deep, monotone snore.
I find it telling that Anndolf Coultler refers to the pages as “kids”. Don’t you?
On hearing this, Great-Uncle Fugit stirred in his deep red leather armchair, dislodging a waft of stale cigar scent. His bushy moustache twitched beneath his bulbous red nose, veined like an autumn leaf.
“What?” he barked. Then, “What?” again and, “What?” once more for good measure. “What did the bloody kid want for his birthday? A damned good buggering?”
He was exhausted by this querulous outburst. His head slumped back onto his chest, making his regimental medals rattle, and after a few moments the room was silent but for a deep, monotone snore.
I find it telling that Anndolf Coultler refers to the pages as “kids”. Don’t you?
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