After learning that N Korea says it conducted a nuclear test, I think that the only appropriate response is this Tom Lehrer song:
Who’s Next?
First we got the bomb and that was good,
‘Cause we love peace and motherhood.
Then Russia got the bomb, but that’s O.K.,
‘Cause the balance of power’s maintained that way!
Who’s next?
France got the bomb, but don’t you grieve,
‘Cause they’re on our side (I believe).
China got the bomb, but have no fears;
They can’t wipe us out for at least five years!
Who’s next?
Then Indonesia claimed that they
Were gonna get one any day.
South Africa wants two, that’s right:
One for the black and one for the white!
Who’s next?
Egypt’s gonna get one, too,
Just to use on you know who.
So Israel’s getting tense,
Wants one in self defense.
“The Lord’s our shepherd,” says the psalm,
But just in case, we better get a bomb!
Who’s next?
Luxembourg is next to go
And, who knows, maybe Monaco.
We’ll try to stay serene and calm
When Alabama gets the bomb!
Who’s next, who’s next, who’s next?
Who’s next?
Oh, go away.
I’ve got way more Tom Lehrer on my iPod than anyone should in 2006. But, hell, with Kissinger back, doesn’t it seem like we ought to have Tom back, just to balance things up a bit?
Not Alabama! That’s TRULY frightening…
Sorry; due to my sheltered childhood, my acquaintance with Tom Lehrer’s work is mainly anecdotal…
Sorry; due to my sheltered childhood, my acquaintance with Tom Lehrer’s work is mainly anecdotal…

The intro to that song begins, “One of the big news items of the past year concerned the fact that China–which we call Red China–exploded a nuclear bomb, which we called ‘a device’. ”
Interesting that today we have to over-hype every threat we don’t make up entirely, where in ’65 people being scared shitless was presumed to be sufficient to reason to downplay the threat lest they start to get the idea that our nuclear arsenal really didn’t make us that much safer.
Interesting that today we have to over-hype every threat we don’t make up entirely, where in ’65 people being scared shitless was presumed to be sufficient to reason to downplay the threat lest they start to get the idea that our nuclear arsenal really didn’t make us that much safer.
Are they sure they want to call it “White Supremacy?” Because I’m really not getting the supreme part. Perhaps they could start off a bit more modestly and call their movement “White Underachievers,” and then, through grit and determination, work their way up to “White Adequacy.”
Maybe it’s just me, but at the moment there are items on the Taco Bell menu that are more supreme.
Maybe it’s just me, but at the moment there are items on the Taco Bell menu that are more supreme.
Maybe it’s just me, but at the moment there are items on the Taco Bell menu that are more supreme.
Whew. Now THAT’S a really low bar!
Whew. Now THAT’S a really low bar!
Don’t forget that other Tom Lehrer nuclear song, “We Will All Go Together When We Go.”
“And we will all go together when we go,
What a comforting fact that is to know,
Universal bereavement,
An inspiring achievement,
Yes, we will all go together when we go.”
“And we will all go together when we go,
What a comforting fact that is to know,
Universal bereavement,
An inspiring achievement,
Yes, we will all go together when we go.”
The proliferation of nukes will continue unabated, regardless of our feelings on the matter. As history reminds us, you can’t control the world, you can try but you’ll fail. MAD is probably the only thing we have left to lean on, and hopefully the rogue nations that acquire nukes will keep that in mind.
I’m not sure MAD will cut it anymore. I mean, yes, our president is obviously batshit enough to nuke someone ’cause Not Jenna used all the hot water one morning, but that’s kind of the problem. He’s batshit enough to nuke people pretty much regardless of whether they’re likely to hit us.
Frankly, we’ve pretty much given the rest of the world a series of logical reasons to pre-emptive strike our asses at just about the same moment as we’ve legitimized pre-emptive warfare as a tool of diplomacy.
I’m having a hard time being sanguine about all of this.
Frankly, we’ve pretty much given the rest of the world a series of logical reasons to pre-emptive strike our asses at just about the same moment as we’ve legitimized pre-emptive warfare as a tool of diplomacy.
I’m having a hard time being sanguine about all of this.
I take it that this thread was visited by our pet neo-nazi/dominionist troll(s) again, whose post(s), I’m assuming, were deleted. I’m going entirely by circumstantial evidence here; little things, like Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel being surly up above, and surely she doesn’t feel that way toward s.z. or scott. Or, probably, any of us. So, I figure, if it’s not us, it’s gotta be them.
OTOH, people do change, and sometimes quite suddenly. As a prime example, Mal De Mer over on Sadly, No! underwent a 180º turn literally overnight a few weeks ago. Mind you, that was due to an extremely nasty turn of events out here in meatworld, but still… you think you know someone. Turns out you don’t.
OTOH, people do change, and sometimes quite suddenly. As a prime example, Mal De Mer over on Sadly, No! underwent a 180º turn literally overnight a few weeks ago. Mind you, that was due to an extremely nasty turn of events out here in meatworld, but still… you think you know someone. Turns out you don’t.
Actually, Mal has been exceptionally strident since November 2004. And yeah, the fabulous Mrs B was responding to the troll, who, as far as I can tell, was saying he and his racist buddies are the *real* Jews. Or something.
oh, the protestants/ hate the catholics/
and the catholics/ hate the protestants/
and the hindus/ hate the moslems/
and everybody hates the jews
we will all burn together when we burn/
there’ll be no need to stop and wait your turn/ when its time for the fallout/ and Saint Peter calls us all out/ we’ll just drop our agendas and adjourn.
- and maybe we’ll do in a squirrel or two.
and the catholics/ hate the protestants/
and the hindus/ hate the moslems/
and everybody hates the jews
we will all burn together when we burn/
there’ll be no need to stop and wait your turn/ when its time for the fallout/ and Saint Peter calls us all out/ we’ll just drop our agendas and adjourn.
- and maybe we’ll do in a squirrel or two.
Marq, you smart boy. There were two nasty troll droppings ahead of my first post, which since have been wisely deleted. I wouldn’t tell ANY of y’all to go away:Then what would I do for fun?
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