Still on deadline, so posting may be a bit spotty over the next few days, but I wanted to get a head start on our annual Holiday Movie Special. Last year, as you may recall, it was Disney’s instant non-classic, One Magic Christmas, while in 2006 we all gathered ’round the Yule log and choked down the perennial and inescapable It’s A Wonderful Life. So what’s it going to be this year? Please toss a list of your least-loved holiday classics into the comments, and we’ll select one to receive the Better Living Through Bad Moviestreatment on Christmas Day.
And as the lisping Zuzu once so adorably remarked, “Teacher says, every time you hear a bell ring, another capillary explodes in Bill O’Reilly’s nose.”
Posted by scott on Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008 at 7:21 pm.
30 Responses to “I Hereby Declare War On The War On Christmas”
I vote for the christmas that almost wasn’t
As far as I’m concerned, there can only be two possible choices:
“The Christmas Shoes”, a made-for-tv movie based on the Worst. Christmas Song. Ever:
OR its sequal(!), “The Christmas Blessing”
“The Christmas Shoes”, a made-for-tv movie based on the Worst. Christmas Song. Ever:
OR its sequal(!), “The Christmas Blessing”
Rather provocative trunk on that tree, don’t you think?
“every time you hear a bell ring, another capillary explodes in Bill O’Reilley’s nose.”
Ring them bells!
As many as you can find!
Ring them bells!
As many as you can find!
C’mon. Polar Express. Or Jack Frost. Because cheesy isn’t enough, it must also be creepy as fuck.
Well, I just saw most of (haven’t quite finished it) Holiday Inn, and the blackface number is enough to bin it for me. That may be just me, but Bing Crosby dressed as Lincoln while in blackface is just too much for anyone to bear.
I remember sometime in the 1970s being subjected to a TV show called a White Christmas with Pat Boone (or something similar)for several years in a row. I still bear the psychological scars today.
I don’t know, but after my impassioned plea for It’s A Wonderful Life, I can’t say I find any of the older movies so egregious to warrant inclusion. Holiday Inn is a decent film EXCEPT for the blackface (by WWII they should’ve known better), and Fred Astaire is certainly a better dancer/rival than White Christmas’ Danny Kaye. As creepy as I find Der Bingle IRL, he is entertaining enough.
There is this film they run incessantly on TCM in December called Christmas in Connecticut (1945), which is one of those jaw-droppingly sexist postwar Get-back-in-the-kitchen-bitch “comedies”, where Barbara Stanwyck plays a New York food writer who can’t even boil water, and claims to be married with a farm in Connecticut, taking care of the kiddies to make the illusion complete. Hilarity ensues as she’s got to convince the owner of the mag what a marvel she is by bringing a returning sailor to her “farm” to have dinner with her and the family, and to use the visit as a spread for the magazine. If it wasn’t for the sexist theme, it’d be a decent movie, but like many of the other comedies of that era, this is another postwar film that wants to put a woman back pumping out babies and in the kitchen, and get them the hell out of the workforce.
Other than that one, if I have to pick a modern movie, it’d be Jack Frost.
There is this film they run incessantly on TCM in December called Christmas in Connecticut (1945), which is one of those jaw-droppingly sexist postwar Get-back-in-the-kitchen-bitch “comedies”, where Barbara Stanwyck plays a New York food writer who can’t even boil water, and claims to be married with a farm in Connecticut, taking care of the kiddies to make the illusion complete. Hilarity ensues as she’s got to convince the owner of the mag what a marvel she is by bringing a returning sailor to her “farm” to have dinner with her and the family, and to use the visit as a spread for the magazine. If it wasn’t for the sexist theme, it’d be a decent movie, but like many of the other comedies of that era, this is another postwar film that wants to put a woman back pumping out babies and in the kitchen, and get them the hell out of the workforce.
Other than that one, if I have to pick a modern movie, it’d be Jack Frost.
How about something for the non-Christmas celebraters among us? I hear Eight Crazy Nights is woefully horrendous, and any opportunity to hate on Adam Sandler always makes my holiday happy.
Really, it doesn’t matter.
After seeing *any* Xmas movie a gazillion times, driven by the persistant demands of toddlers, they all start to get pretty surreal.
I could tell you about the “alternate conclusion” to Snosty the Froman the Snoman, inspired by Starship Troopers…
But really, you *don’t want to know*.
Best to nuke them from space. It’s the only way to be sure.
After seeing *any* Xmas movie a gazillion times, driven by the persistant demands of toddlers, they all start to get pretty surreal.
I could tell you about the “alternate conclusion” to Snosty the Froman the Snoman, inspired by Starship Troopers…
But really, you *don’t want to know*.
Best to nuke them from space. It’s the only way to be sure.
D. Sidhe, if we’re talking “creepy as fuck”, nothing rivals the live-action remake of “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. Not only did it manage to take a holiday classic and suck all the charm and humour out of it, it actually won an Oscar for “Best Makeup” despite the fact that the makeup rendered everyone completely grotesque (except the little girl, who’s the one tolerable element in it).
This movie was so horrible that it actually scared my then three-year-old nephew. Having been told it was supposed to be “funny”, he quite indignantly answered, “This is NOT funny!”
I can’t think of a better reccomendation than that.
This movie was so horrible that it actually scared my then three-year-old nephew. Having been told it was supposed to be “funny”, he quite indignantly answered, “This is NOT funny!”
I can’t think of a better reccomendation than that.

(I had a feeling I spelled that wrong.)
(I had a feeling I spelled that wrong.)
Santa Claus Conquers The Martians.
“The Christmas Sweater comes to life in more than 420 movie theatres nationwide LIVE on Wednesday, Dec. 17th and taped encore on Thursday, Dec. 18th…
Author, radio and television personality Glenn Beck reveals his softer side during this “living play” that features theatrical animation, specially-created projections and a powerful Christmas musical score.”
Author, radio and television personality Glenn Beck reveals his softer side during this “living play” that features theatrical animation, specially-created projections and a powerful Christmas musical score.”
I don’t watch any Christmas “special” except the original “Charlie Brown Christmas” and the original “Grinch.” I can’t even bear “A Christmas Story” anymore and I used to love it. (sigh)
I remember as a kid watching some made for TV horror flick on Christmas Eve after church. My Dad made me turn it off proclaiming it inappropriate for Christmas. For awhile I thought it was “Black Christmas” (1974) but that was made for theaters, and this was a made-for TV movie. I still wonder what it was.
I remember as a kid watching some made for TV horror flick on Christmas Eve after church. My Dad made me turn it off proclaiming it inappropriate for Christmas. For awhile I thought it was “Black Christmas” (1974) but that was made for theaters, and this was a made-for TV movie. I still wonder what it was.
This foray of Glen Beck into the local movie screens has resulted in my never, ever going to their theatres again, period. Being subjected to that hate-filled, egotistical fuckwit in the previews like he was some sort of normal person sealed that one for me for good, or until this incarnation goes Chapter 11 (again), and then they’ll get another chance.
I just watched the old Rankin-Bass “Rudolf” last night, and was struck by how much the residents of “Christmas Town” (a.k.a. the North Pole) are complete assholes. Even Santa is pretty much of a dick. The head elf is a Nazi.
I think this could provide sufficient fodder for a decent parody.
I think this could provide sufficient fodder for a decent parody.
This is easy. As much as I despise “It’s A Wonderful Life,” the gender confused remake (with Marlo Thomas in the Jimmy Stewart role) is even worse. It’s called “It Happened One Christmas.”
Yea, verily, the projectile vomiting has begun at Chez Dave as he hunkers down on the home front, settling the fireplace ablaze and settling in for teevee fun. (Maybe it’s too much cheap wine, but I digress…)
The classics never seem to fade, at least far enough away. Just as one thinks that the bucket has been emptied and all the good ideas poured out, one finds that Mister Danny Devito is the gift that keeps on giving. First it was Deck the Halls bullshit, now it’s some crap-ass animated thing showing on network airtime this very week!
“Can you feel the excitement growing over Nothing sez true holiday joy like an animated reprise of a cranky cabbie in my book!
The classics never seem to fade, at least far enough away. Just as one thinks that the bucket has been emptied and all the good ideas poured out, one finds that Mister Danny Devito is the gift that keeps on giving. First it was Deck the Halls bullshit, now it’s some crap-ass animated thing showing on network airtime this very week!
“Can you feel the excitement growing over Nothing sez true holiday joy like an animated reprise of a cranky cabbie in my book!
growing over: “Little Spirit: Xmas in NYC”
damn, that makes me seem less lucid than I’d like you to believe…
growing over: “Little Spirit: Xmas in NYC”
damn, that makes me seem less lucid than I’d like you to believe…
There is that old old story (horribly colorized by T Turner)set in NY where the little girl doesn’t believe in Santa…but then Santa appears, or something. He gets a job at a Dept store. For some reason Personell doesn’t like him and tries to have him incarcerated for… something. Drama resolved in a courtroom by lawyers for defense dumping a truckload of “letters to Santa” in front of the judge. Does he send everyone to jail? No.
“Miracle on 29th Street”. Or something.
Oh hands down, the least watchable Christmas movie is a current release “Four Christmases”.
“An American Carol”.
Nuff said.
Nuff said.
Kathy: It is “Miracle on 34th” street. The original was made in the forties and is a great movie starring the young Natalie Wood. It has been remade several times, none as good as the original. There is one version in the public domain and viewable in its entirety here:
Jim Carey’s verison of the Grinch….. annoying as hell
“Mystery Science Theatre 3000″ already did the definitive takedown of “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians”, as I’m sure scott would point out. Watching it (over and over) has become an annual tradition for me since I got the DVD um…three years ago? Can’t remember.
I’d also steer clear of the Mexican children’s film “Santa Claus”, that was also done on MST3K (unfortunately NOT available on DVD yet) Actually, as bad as it is, it’s weirdly enjoyable-even the gang on the show said so.
TGYDBHTM (if I may call you that), I’ve been suggestion that horrible Grinch movie every year and scott and s.z. have shyed away from it, understandably. Those of you who have not experienced this crime against Dr. Seuss and children’s entertainment may want to know that tomorrow night (Friday), ABC is airing it for all to “enjoy”. If you’re curious to know just how bad it is, tune in…
I’d also steer clear of the Mexican children’s film “Santa Claus”, that was also done on MST3K (unfortunately NOT available on DVD yet) Actually, as bad as it is, it’s weirdly enjoyable-even the gang on the show said so.
TGYDBHTM (if I may call you that), I’ve been suggestion that horrible Grinch movie every year and scott and s.z. have shyed away from it, understandably. Those of you who have not experienced this crime against Dr. Seuss and children’s entertainment may want to know that tomorrow night (Friday), ABC is airing it for all to “enjoy”. If you’re curious to know just how bad it is, tune in…
I might vote for the Grinch movie if I’d ever seen it. I don’t want to, though. Jim Carrey and grotesque makeup just make things doubly sickening, and I generally stay away from kid’s movies. That’s why I always aim at Christmas movies made ostensibly for adults. I just wish I could think of more of them that are really bad. I mean It’s A Wonderful Life bad.
As much as I despise “It’s A Wonderful Life,” the gender confused remake (with Marlo Thomas in the Jimmy Stewart role) is even worse. It’s called “It Happened One Christmas.”Yes. If nothing else, there’s a scene during the Pottersville dream/altuniv., in which Marlo gets all tarted up as a sidewalk hostess, that I found very, well, stimulating.
Left by RobNYNY on December 4th, 2008
And: What do you think of the interpretation of IAWL that Capra meant that the real world/America was Pottersville, & that Bedford Falls was the fantasy?
Jim Carrey aggravates my PTSD and makes me twitch, so I can understand the reluctance on the part of sane people to view it. “Eight Crazy Nights” did indeed suck, of course, and would be a lovely choice. Have you guys done “Jingle All The Way”?
Can I put in an early bid for next year when “Silent Night, Zombie Night” is allegedly due out?
Can I put in an early bid for next year when “Silent Night, Zombie Night” is allegedly due out?
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