Was that title just a cheap stunt to bring up our Google hits, or was it part of a ploy by the police predator task force to seek out perverts? Who can say.
Anyway, I liked this blurb from my new favorite emailed news summary, the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow.
Perspectives – The rebellion has begun – and it’s not a partisan fight
This election long ago ceased to be a partisan battle between Republicans and Democrats. It goes back to the influence of the very first radical — Lucifer.
Yes, basically this year’s election is a contest between conservatives and Satanists. So, are you in favor of raising taxes on the poor, or sacrificing virgins? Choose wisely!
And if you actually read the column, which is by one Sandy Rios, you will learn of a dark conspiracy more than 50 years in the making to elect Obama to the presidency. It’s all good, but I have to get back to looking for those nude photos (for you, the WO’C reader), so let’s just read the beginning and the conclusion, and then get on with our lives.
Somewhere along the way — while most of us were enjoying our precious freedoms, taking kids to soccer, ordering pizza and listening to our iPods — there was another group of people who were at work to destroy America. Even as they enjoyed with us its benefits, they schemed and planned and, moment by moment, inch by inch, gained a footing and we never realized the ground was shifting.
You could say the groundwork was laid in the ’50s when radicals who were often synonymous with communists made a concerted attempt to destroy America through infiltration of media, government, and labor unions. Top-secret documents were leaked to the Soviets which resulted in the charge of treason for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. America believed in punishing its traitors then and they paid with their lives.
In the 50′s, they knew what to do with radicals! They fried them up good!
For nearly four decades, while we were living our lives and enjoying our freedoms, they were working diligently to destroy them. And now their plans have found the perfect personification in the handsome and charismatic Senator Barack Obama. But while he seems to bring new inspiration, their philosophy is as old as time.
They know who their inspiration is: Saul Alinsky, the ’60s author and philosopher of the left who profoundly influenced Hillary Clinton, Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn and Barack and Michelle Obama. Alinksy stated clearly in the dedication of his famous treatise, Rules for Radicals:To the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.
The rebellion has found new strength. The attempted destruction of America has begun — and it is not a partisan fight.
So, it’s actually a contest between good and evil, light and dark, flabby old guys and handsome young ones, hippies and Viet Nam vets, commies and patriots, etc. Forget the economy, and just vote for Jesus, because otherwise the Satanists win!
Well, I’m off to enjoy my precious freedoms and feed vicious Satanists kittens. Don’t start the orgy until I get back!
P.S. Here’s the photo of Sarah.

25 Responses to “Nude Sarah Palin”
“So, are you in favor of raising taxes on the poor, or sacrificing virgins? Choose wisely!”
Okay, that’s IT. Enough of this christofascist propaganda!
It’s really very simple: when a virgin is “sacrificed”, they’re notkilled, and it’s not against their will. That would be horrible.
They’re just not a virgin any more. Got it?
Okay, that’s IT. Enough of this christofascist propaganda!
It’s really very simple: when a virgin is “sacrificed”, they’re notkilled, and it’s not against their will. That would be horrible.
They’re just not a virgin any more. Got it?
It’s become more or less my mission in life to never let a mention of Sandy Rios go by without linking to this (Rabbi Eckstein thinks jews and evangelicals should be closer)
‘A lot of Jews think Christian support for Israel is a trick,” I suggested. ”They hear ‘evangelical’ and think ‘anti-Semite.’ What do you say to them?”It takes talent to be fired by Beverly LaHaye for being an extremist.
”There’s a lot of history we’d like to do over,” Bauer said smoothly, ”but this is a new era. Today, Jews are safer living in countries where Christianity is vibrant than they are anyplace else.”
Bauer’s analysis of the problem is political. ”A lot of this is hostility from Jews who just can’t stand conservatives,” he said. ”It trumps even their support for Israel.”
”Jews tend to demonize evangelicals,” Eckstein said sadly.
”And not the other way around?” I asked.
Eckstein shrugged. ”Not really. No.”
Throughout this conversation, Rios was clearly eager to join in. And as soon as there was a pause in the discussion, she did. ”You know,” she said, ”the truth is, Christians do want to convert Jews.”
Eckstein and Mamo exchanged glances. ”Not by some bait-and-switch trick,” she said. ”But we believe it’s part of God’s plan.” Eckstein winced the way he had when Pastor Munsey called him a born-again Christian.
”Anyway,” Rios said, ”we love Jews, notwithstanding their rudeness and hatred for us.”
Three days later, Eckstein called me in New York. Rios had been fired, but her gaffe, and the impression it made, was still on his mind. ”It’s really my fault,” he said. ”Hiring staff is a problem. Truthfully, it’s extremely hard to find people who understand exactly what we’re doing here.”
So, protesting the establishment status quo run by a bunch of greedy old men, and make people consider being nicer to everyone else makes them…. satanists?
Wouldn’t that make Jesus and his original crew satanists as well?
…or any of the original Christians, for that matter.
Beyond belief.
Wouldn’t that make Jesus and his original crew satanists as well?
…or any of the original Christians, for that matter.
Beyond belief.
I don’t think Rios was fired for being too extreme, but for letting the cat out of the bag. If you know about extreme evangelicals like the LaHayes, then conversion is exactly what they want from Jews. Well, conversion-or-die to be exact. After the Rapture, of course. They really do appear to believe that nonsense (or want others to – Tim LaHaye didn’t make all that money (co)writing those terrible books as entertainment, you know.
I don’t think Rios was fired for being too extreme, but for letting the cat out of the bag. If you know about extreme evangelicals like the LaHayes, then conversion is exactly what they want from Jews. Well, conversion-or-die to be exact. After the Rapture, of course. They really do appear to believe that nonsense (or want others to – Tim LaHaye didn’t make all that money (co)writing those terrible books as entertainment, you know.
So, Bushco’s quashing dissident speech, jailing people without charge, and refusing to abide by the constitutional checks and balances was actually preserving our rights and defending the constitution, while Obama is poised to take them away? Sometime this newspeak crap is too confusing for me.
Somewhere along the way — while most of us were enjoying our precious freedoms, taking kids to soccer, ordering pizza and listening to our iPods — there was another group of people who were at work to destroy America. Even as they enjoyed with us its benefits, they schemed and planned and, moment by moment, inch by inch, gained a footing and we never realized the ground was shifting.
Damned Shriners…
Damned Shriners…
It’s really very simple: when a virgin is “sacrificed”, they’re not killed, and it’s not against their will. That would be horrible.
And to think I became a REFORM Druid to avoid cleaning up the bodies of virgins!!!!! You mean it was about having sex?!?!?!?
And to think I became a REFORM Druid to avoid cleaning up the bodies of virgins!!!!! You mean it was about having sex?!?!?!?
Sheesh, does this stuff go through some central lab where they test for accuracy and excise anything that qualifies? How difficult is it, really, to understand the concept of treason? It’s the only crime defined in the Constitution, fer chrissakes. There’s a famous precedent that no one could be tried for treason after the Civil Warbecause the United States never recognized the CSA. The Rosenbergs were executed for espionage.
And, in Ethel’s case at least, wrongly, on ginned-up evidence which still could not rise above “paltry”, and while withholding evidence that would have exonerated her (as well as exposing our spying on our ally in WWII, and without Presidential approval).
Of course it’s long been recognized by anyone paying attention that these most American of Americans turn out to have little knowledge of, and zero respect for, her actual laws, or, for that matter, her actual citizens. But their salient feature–aside from their numbers and political clout having thus far prevented them from becoming a subcategory in the clinical diagnosis of psychopathy–is their willingness, even preference, for lying even when the facts might make their case.
And, in Ethel’s case at least, wrongly, on ginned-up evidence which still could not rise above “paltry”, and while withholding evidence that would have exonerated her (as well as exposing our spying on our ally in WWII, and without Presidential approval).
Of course it’s long been recognized by anyone paying attention that these most American of Americans turn out to have little knowledge of, and zero respect for, her actual laws, or, for that matter, her actual citizens. But their salient feature–aside from their numbers and political clout having thus far prevented them from becoming a subcategory in the clinical diagnosis of psychopathy–is their willingness, even preference, for lying even when the facts might make their case.
So, Saul Alinsky is as old as time? Or Lucifer is a community organizer? Or… what exactly?
Who can say.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate; call me irresponsible . . .
It would be irresponsible not to speculate; call me irresponsible . . .
“Alinksy stated clearly in the dedication of his famous treatise, Rules for Radicals:’
Its unfortunate that organizations like the AFA and the people that perform their histrionic tricks for them fail to understand the difference between superstition, myth and reality.
Possibly if all history books, lectures, poems, novels and other written and spoken material had a disclaimer “Attention, some reference is made to ancient legends, superstitions and mythology, these are not to be mistaken as universal, undisputed truths about reality.”
Perhaps then these people would be able to sleep nights and stop biting their teeth and crying “fire!” everywhere they go.
Or possibly the Magical Fairy of All That is Rightly Left will touch her magic wand on their heads one day and we’ll all be tilling the communal fields together and singing communal songs.
Either scenario in my mind spells improved mental health all around.
Its unfortunate that organizations like the AFA and the people that perform their histrionic tricks for them fail to understand the difference between superstition, myth and reality.
Possibly if all history books, lectures, poems, novels and other written and spoken material had a disclaimer “Attention, some reference is made to ancient legends, superstitions and mythology, these are not to be mistaken as universal, undisputed truths about reality.”
Perhaps then these people would be able to sleep nights and stop biting their teeth and crying “fire!” everywhere they go.
Or possibly the Magical Fairy of All That is Rightly Left will touch her magic wand on their heads one day and we’ll all be tilling the communal fields together and singing communal songs.
Either scenario in my mind spells improved mental health all around.
At first I thought you were talking about that gawdawful “I just masturbated to Sarah Palin” video on YouTube.
Personally, I wouldn’t masturbate to Sarah Palin with Ann Coulter’s dick.
Personally, I wouldn’t masturbate to Sarah Palin with Ann Coulter’s dick.
It is incumbent upon me to point out that the photo of Sarah Palin is not nude.
It is incumbent upon me to point out that the photo of Sarah Palin is not nude.
She’s nude under her clothes. Unlike Sandy Rios who is never nude even under her clothes.
Y’know, I was really enjoying this conversation until people had to revert to the mental images that made me BARF UP MY TOENAILS.
I must be losing my edge, but I’ve got a much lower gross-out threshold these days…
And why in the hell that that snowmobile never acted-up and turned her into hick-slaw, well, that just proves that there’s no justice in this universe.
I must be losing my edge, but I’ve got a much lower gross-out threshold these days…
And why in the hell that that snowmobile never acted-up and turned her into hick-slaw, well, that just proves that there’s no justice in this universe.
Holy Bast.
Just as I was reading this, I heard wingnut extraordinare, Michele Bachmann (R)MN, mention Saul Alinsky on Tweedy’s show (as one of Obama’s questionable associates and mentors.)
Which leads me to believe that she’s been reading the AFA, since a person doesn’t really hear ol’ Saul mentioned that much these days, in general.
Not that that surprises me about her.
Excuse me whilst I go dig out my dog-eared copy of Rules for Radicals. Because, if memory serves me, Saul’s Lucifer is the symbolism for humans’ mired in matter and attempting to ascend out thereof. Thus, Lucifer has the toughest job of all the angels.
With the folks of the AFA and Bachmann, the muck and mire is just so damn thick. Listening to Tweedy wading thru it was almost funny, he being no stranger to miring muck, except that my congressional district abuts Bachmann’s, so I am left cringing at her astounding inanity.
Just as I was reading this, I heard wingnut extraordinare, Michele Bachmann (R)MN, mention Saul Alinsky on Tweedy’s show (as one of Obama’s questionable associates and mentors.)
Which leads me to believe that she’s been reading the AFA, since a person doesn’t really hear ol’ Saul mentioned that much these days, in general.
Not that that surprises me about her.
Excuse me whilst I go dig out my dog-eared copy of Rules for Radicals. Because, if memory serves me, Saul’s Lucifer is the symbolism for humans’ mired in matter and attempting to ascend out thereof. Thus, Lucifer has the toughest job of all the angels.
With the folks of the AFA and Bachmann, the muck and mire is just so damn thick. Listening to Tweedy wading thru it was almost funny, he being no stranger to miring muck, except that my congressional district abuts Bachmann’s, so I am left cringing at her astounding inanity.
You tricked me; I thought this article would be crazy, but it was really just the cliff notes version of wingnut history.
I am curious, though, about when exactly the Reverend King transformed from a radical communist agitator working to bring down society to a universally beloved saint who is mainly brought up when people like Ms. Rios want to prove that even though they hate everybody who fought for civil rights in the 60s, they aren’t actually racists.
I am curious, though, about when exactly the Reverend King transformed from a radical communist agitator working to bring down society to a universally beloved saint who is mainly brought up when people like Ms. Rios want to prove that even though they hate everybody who fought for civil rights in the 60s, they aren’t actually racists.
crossbuck, this incident took place after she was fired by CWA. She was fired by CWA because she was a leading advocate for a constitutional amendment on gay marriage, back when Bush still purported to want one. Then of course Bush was Shocked to discover that he wasn’t going to get one – woops – and dialed back his expectations with the blessings of his fellow previously enthusiastic supporter James Dobson. Rios, who apparently wasn’t clear that the point of the gay marriage amendment was not to get a gay marriage amendment but to get people who wanted one to vote for the gutting of their own pensions, condemned Bush and Dobson for abandoning marriage. Woops again, and Ms. Sandy found herself free to (briefly) work for the convergence of evangelicals and what she is pleased to refer to as “hateful” jews.
It was kind of fun to watch in real time.
It was kind of fun to watch in real time.
Hmm, I think I see where she gets her rhetoric from. And I think Orson Wells did it better. Compare:
We know now that in the early years of the twentieth century this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than man’s and yet as mortal as his own. We know now that as human beings busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinized and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinize the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. With infinite complacence people went to and fro over the earth about their little affairs, serene in the assurance of their dominion over this small spinning fragment of solar driftwood which by chance or design man has inherited out of the dark mystery of Time and Space. Yet across an immense ethereal gulf, minds that to our minds as ours are to the beasts in the jungle, intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.
I guess we’re all Martians now!
By the way, ran across this Rios article from May on Obama. You have to give her credit, she’s consistent in her hate and lunacy:
“If Barack Obama is elected President of the United States, I fear our enemies will smell the blood of weakness and rise in retaliation here and abroad. While Obama makes sweeping promises to end the war in Iraq, he never projects the consequences. Radical Islam is waging a holy war against us—and they have no intent on ending their war against the West. Withdrawal will be perceived as surrender and the election of a president sympathetic to their cause will embolden them like nothing else. Iraq will recede into bloody, sectarian retaliatory violence. Iran will take advantage and wield new power in the region. Our military families will have the sacrifice of their loved ones rendered meaningless. And our enemies will come here.”
Yep, they’ll either cross the Mexican border made porous on purpose by Bush or land at JFK, bombs already in the suitcase. Sheesh.
and of course, fear of a race war is always in the back of these bigots’ minds:
“I fear racial vengeance. I don’t believe Barack Obama has sat at the feet of the hate-filled black racial bigot Jeremiah Wright without having sympathy for his poisonous diatribes. He may agree that white America deserves some sort of payback.”
We know now that in the early years of the twentieth century this world was being watched closely by intelligences greater than man’s and yet as mortal as his own. We know now that as human beings busied themselves about their various concerns they were scrutinized and studied, perhaps almost as narrowly as a man with a microscope might scrutinize the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. With infinite complacence people went to and fro over the earth about their little affairs, serene in the assurance of their dominion over this small spinning fragment of solar driftwood which by chance or design man has inherited out of the dark mystery of Time and Space. Yet across an immense ethereal gulf, minds that to our minds as ours are to the beasts in the jungle, intellects vast, cool and unsympathetic, regarded this earth with envious eyes and slowly and surely drew their plans against us.
I guess we’re all Martians now!
By the way, ran across this Rios article from May on Obama. You have to give her credit, she’s consistent in her hate and lunacy:
“If Barack Obama is elected President of the United States, I fear our enemies will smell the blood of weakness and rise in retaliation here and abroad. While Obama makes sweeping promises to end the war in Iraq, he never projects the consequences. Radical Islam is waging a holy war against us—and they have no intent on ending their war against the West. Withdrawal will be perceived as surrender and the election of a president sympathetic to their cause will embolden them like nothing else. Iraq will recede into bloody, sectarian retaliatory violence. Iran will take advantage and wield new power in the region. Our military families will have the sacrifice of their loved ones rendered meaningless. And our enemies will come here.”
Yep, they’ll either cross the Mexican border made porous on purpose by Bush or land at JFK, bombs already in the suitcase. Sheesh.
and of course, fear of a race war is always in the back of these bigots’ minds:
“I fear racial vengeance. I don’t believe Barack Obama has sat at the feet of the hate-filled black racial bigot Jeremiah Wright without having sympathy for his poisonous diatribes. He may agree that white America deserves some sort of payback.”
With utmost respect, Annti, may I suggest you not eat your toenails in the first place?
“Sheesh, does this stuff go through some central lab where they test for accuracy and excise anything that qualifies?”
Yes, and it’s a surprisingly easy procedure! Scientist-verified “truthful” statements are heated, and then treated using news-reporting enzymes that break the statements down into smaller and less functional sound bites. These bites are then injected under the skin of a wingnut. The wingnut, being allergic to anything approaching accuracy, has an immune response and produces truth antibodies. These antibodies are then isolated and purified from the wingnut’s serum.
Right-wing writing samples are incubated in medium containing these anti-truth antibodies overnight, and then the whole sample is run on an electrophoresis gel to separate out the lies (which are unaffected) from the truth (which is bound by the antibodies) into distinct bands. The truth can then be physically separated out, and the remaining writing is dye-labeled and transferred to paper for publication.
(…I just took a biochemistry test today. Don’t JUDGE me! >.
Yes, and it’s a surprisingly easy procedure! Scientist-verified “truthful” statements are heated, and then treated using news-reporting enzymes that break the statements down into smaller and less functional sound bites. These bites are then injected under the skin of a wingnut. The wingnut, being allergic to anything approaching accuracy, has an immune response and produces truth antibodies. These antibodies are then isolated and purified from the wingnut’s serum.
Right-wing writing samples are incubated in medium containing these anti-truth antibodies overnight, and then the whole sample is run on an electrophoresis gel to separate out the lies (which are unaffected) from the truth (which is bound by the antibodies) into distinct bands. The truth can then be physically separated out, and the remaining writing is dye-labeled and transferred to paper for publication.
(…I just took a biochemistry test today. Don’t JUDGE me! >.
Rob, SO not paying attention.
Invert the image, then get back to me.
Invert the image, then get back to me.
So, are you in favor of raising taxes on the poor, or sacrificing virgins? Choose wisely!Why must it be either / or? I’d like to be for both!
I can’t believe that I forgot to blog-whore this earlier, but Terrible did a GREAT post on blowing “The Reformer,” Caribou Barbie’s entire fucking platform OUT OF THE WATER, because she’s such a crooked, idiotic CUNT.
And no, I still don’t know how to HTML embed, so here’s the link, if anybody wants to see it.
And no, I still don’t know how to HTML embed, so here’s the link, if anybody wants to see it.
[...] We’re still getting daily search engine hits from that Nude Sarah Palin post Sheri wrote last October (”Was that title just a cheap stunt to bring up our Google hits, or was it part of a ploy by the police predator task force to seek out perverts? Who can say.”), and I can only imagine what “Sarah Palin in Mandingo” is going to do for our stats. Anyway, when I read Willem’s work I wonder why he wastes his time watching TV — even Fox News. It’s like Shelly Berman’s line about Erskine Caldwell, “I don’t know why that man bothers seeking success. He can have so much fun just sitting around, thinking.” [...]
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