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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How Soon They Forget

Another symtom of my illness was that I watched an entire “O’Reilly Factor” a couple of days ago (yes, I did have a death wish, thank you very much).

My favorite segment was the one where Saint Bill stoned the evil liberals for implying that Mel Gibson (and Bill) were racists.  See, the liberals are “haters,” but Fair ‘n Balanced Bill and his team of eager young fact checkers couoldn’t find EVEN ONE example of a conservative doing something comperable to what Leonard Pitts of the Miami Herald did when he “walked the line” about hinting that Gibson might be an anti-Semite.

Bill did concede that sometimes conservatives call people “unhinged” and “traitors” and such, but that’s just politics, and is acceptable under the O’Reilly Convention. 

Bill’s main guest for this segment about how hateful the liberals are was Michelle Malkin.  
Yeah, irony is dead.

Anyway, thanks to Think Progress, here’s a transcript for part of the conversation (emphasis added, but no photoshopping of smoke).
O’REILLY:  [H]ave you ever labeled anybody a racist, a homophobe or anything like that?
MALKIN: Well I call people what they are in my column. And occasionally that it does meaning taking liberal bigots to task for their hypocrisy. I was on your show back in the fall when I was on my book tour talking about “Unhinged” which has a whole chapter on unhinged liberal bigots who on the one hand talk about compassion an tolerance and on the other hand use the most vile epithets against their opponents.
And I think that there is a place for labeling it when it is .
O’REILLY: But aren’t they hypocrites rather than bigots? See, here is what I am objecting to. We had John Podhoretz, who is a columnist send – he is a conservative guy. He says that Al Gore is insane. OK. That is just the usual partisan rhetoric. Ann Coulter calls people witches, harpies, all kinds — retarded. Name calling is one thing but labeling a person a bigot, all right, saying they are anti-Semitic or homophobic, that elevates it up into here is a hater.
Yeah, anybody who would imply that Mel Gibson (and by extension, Bill O’Reilly) might harbor bias against certain segments of the populace is a hater.  But Ann Coulter?  She’s just a saucy name caller.

In any case, Bill really hates haters!  In fact, as we learn from the day’s Talking Points Memo, Bill is devoting an entire chapter of his upcoming book to them (take that, Sadly, No!)
The smear merchants are now all over the mainstream media and have spread like lice on the Net. They are truly misguided and in some cases emotionally disturbed human beings.So how do you combat them? Exposition is the best way. My upcoming book “Culture Warrior” does that. It documents who these people are and what they’re doing behind the scenes.
I can hardly wait!  Then maybe we’ll get that list of meanie bloggers that Bill promised us some months ago.
Anyway, for the second part of the segment, Bill gave Michelle the floor to discuss the most important issue of the day: her new column about SlightlyDarkerSmokeGate (to steal Sadly, No!’s really clever term for it).  And I am happy to report that said column,  The Reuterization of war journalism, is everything that Michelle promised that it would be: pretty “meh”-inspiring.
Here’s a key paragraph:
Watch now for braying, rationalizing and messenger-shooting from the journalistic elite. You will hear them complain about the bloodthirsty blog mob. You will see MSM editors rally around Reuters and dismiss this debacle as a lone event. Adnan Hajj, the new international Jayson Blair/Mike Barnicle/Janet Cooke/Mary Mapes/Walter Duranty, will end up with a book contract and a job at Al Jazeera. Media veterans will hope that their professional apathy will snuff out probing questions like baking soda on a pan fire. After all, it’s “old news” already.
Um, yes it is.  And it wasn’t all that significant even when it was new news. But what caught my attention was the exclusion of the name of Jack Kelley from the list of media fabricators.  I mean, geez, Kelley was WAY more significant than a mere Mike Barnicle.  Is there some reason that Michelle (and the rest of the war-blogging right) has forgotten about USA Today’s own plagiarizing/fabricator, the handsome, all-American, Catholic Evangelical man who covered the Middle East-front?  You know, the guy who saw severed hints blinking at him when they rolled down the street following a bombing of an Israeli pizza place?  The reporter about whom Salon featured a column entitled Bood-thirsty Arabs, vigilante Jews?  You’d think that his would be the first name that would come up when discussing faked Hezbollah smoke. 

I will be waiting for Michelle to get back to me on why he was omitted from her report. 

23 Responses to “How Soon They Forget”

O’REILLY: I don’t know whether the right does it. We really try to research this fair and balanced. We didn’t come up with anybody on the right who did…
MALKIN: Well, that pretty much answers the question.
That settles it for me.
I think Bill’s ratings have fallen to the point where he now aspires to the kind of numbers Malkins gets.
Bill’s main guest for this segment about how hateful the liberals are was Michelle Malkin
Isn’t that kinda like Richard Hatch doing a seminar on how to pay less taxes?
You know what’s really funny about Malkin’s list?
That Mike Barnicle is a liberal…
Listen, punk, if Bill sez it’s so, it’s so.
Main Entry: big·ot
Pronunciation: ‘bi-g&t
Function: noun
Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot
: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
It always amazes me that the wingnuts can’t see that their outrage over trivialites exposes the poverty of their arguments.
Well, okay, it doesn’t “amaze” me, but it’s still pretty pathetic.
Tony P. is right. And also, I can’t even see the point they are trying to make, it’s so tiny, subtle, and insignificant. If it exists at all. It might just be yet another example of “if you say it, it’s wrong.” To my mind, there is no contrast to be made between calling someone a bigot and calling someone anything else.
I’m surprised Malking or O’Reilly didn’t bring up some sort of genocidal situation in which either Muslims and/or American liberals were basically begging to be wiped out with extreme malice by USA-loving Conservatives.
of course you dont think photoshopping news photos is such a big thing. it doesnt fit your world view. to you, bush is much more of a threat than islamist terrorists. Bush wants to take away your right to an abortion (or whatever it is you think is most important). the terrorists can be reasoned with. Bush won’t listen to your clever ripostes. Bad Bush!! Besides, you let it out of the bag with your post from Hawaii when you commented that you were glad the JOOOOOOS didnt start a war while you were on vacation.
Mike A Says:
of course you dont think photoshopping news photos is such a big thing. it doesnt fit your world view.

Yes, as Mike as so cleverly deduced, I don’t happen to hold a “a stringer making the smoke a little darker in a newsphoto is the most significant event of the season” world view. I accuse my parents, who never taught me any better.

to you, bush is much more of a threat than islamist terrorists. Bush wants to take away your right to an abortion (or whatever it is you think is most important). 

To me, having Bush in a position where he is charge of dealing with Islamist terrorists could take away my life, my freedom, and my sacred honor, all of which I consider kinda important.

the terrorists can be reasoned with. Bush won’t listen to your clever ripostes. Bad Bush!!

Actually, Bush may well be listening to my clever ripostes. Only the NSA knows for sure.

Besides, you let it out of the bag with your post from Hawaii when you commented that you were glad the JOOOOOOS didnt start a war while you were on vacation.

Wow, that was pretty stupid of me, wasn’t it? I now feel just like a Bond villain who has discussed all my plans with the good guys, only to find out that said heroes managed to escape from my Slip ‘n Slide of Doom (TM) in time to foil my plot to take over the world via snark. Damn you, Mr. A., you’re just too damned clever for the likes of me!
P.S. I will leave it to Scott to explain how his trip to Hawaii tied into his anti-”The Patriot” world view.
My first visit here.
What a Load O’Crap!

Cracking on Gibson is the drive-by media’s way of rationalizing their anti-Jewish bias and their hate for Israel.
I accuse my parents, who never taught me any better.
Somebody up there has a hint. Now forgive them,and take responsibility for the re-learning and the pre-requisite agonizing reappraisals surely due to come.

You’d think with his busy schedule squabbling with his fellow adjunct professors, posting sodomy photos around campus, and suffering erectile dysfunction, Mike Adams wouldn’t have the time to visit our humble blog, but may I just say, Welcome!

And if you must take issue with my sense of relief that the Jews didn’t declare one of their frequent wars on Hawaii while I was there, I must refer you to my spiritual advisor, Mel Gibson. Quoth Mystic Mel: ”Extremism in defense of anti-Semitism is no vice, as long as you’re drunk.”
Cracking on Gibson is the drive-by media’s way of rationalizing their anti-Jewish bias and their hate for Israel.

One of August Ferdinand Möbius’ early, failed attempts to construct a sentence.
If anyone could take over the world with snark, it’s you s.z.
Cracking on Gibson is the drive-by media’s way of rationalizing their anti-Jewish bias and their hate for Israel.
Am I missing the logic whereby mocking an anti-Semite equates to anti-Jewish bias? No? Just checking.

You’d think with his busy schedule squabbling with his fellow adjunct professors, posting sodomy photos around campus, and suffering erectile dysfunction, Mike Adams wouldn’t have the time to visit our humble blog, but may I just say, Welcome!
I think it’s someone posing as Dr Mike PhD since i didn’t see any degrees attached. I blame Doug Giles
The really sad thing is, Mike has been reproducing that same comment in apparently every lefty blog he can find.
SZ- Remind me to forward your website to Rick Moran so he can call you a Hizbullah toady.
Was that the real Dr. Mike? If so, I hope he stayed long enough to read the comment I left on this post.
davboz Says:
August 10th, 2006 at 9:35 pm
Cracking on Gibson is the drive-by media’s way of rationalizing their anti-Jewish bias and their hate for Israel.

Now ‘at ‘ere is funnay, Ah don’ care who y’are!
We take a Jew-hater to task for hating Jews because we ourselves hate Jews and Jew-hating ought to be the purview of the left (which includes an unusual number of Jews, I should point out)
Shame on Mel for beating us to the punch!

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