At least, that’s what Laura Bush told me
yesterday. Okay, even though she signed the email, it officially came
from the GOP, and while Laura and the GOP did ask me to send birthday
greetings, what they really wanted was contributions (I could be the
President’s new best friend for a donation of $5000).

But anyway, here’s part of what Laura said:
P.S. I don’t know if the two items are related, but I also got an email from the American Family Association yesterday — it was titled “You just paid for a transgender beauty pageant.”
Scott Adds: I can’t wait to see Hindrocket live-blog that pageant.
Posted by s.z. on Thursday, June 21st, 2007 at 6:44 pm.

But anyway, here’s part of what Laura said:
Dear Republican,Please help me celebrate a very special birthday.And don’t forget to leave a few dollars while you’re there, because that’s how George will be able to tell his loyal supporters from his disloyal, traitorous supporters (and during his last days in office, bad things could happen to people on the second list — just a word to the wise).Anyway, if follow Laura’s link, and then scroll down through the panhandling, there is a spot where you can leave your own birthday message for George (up to 600 characters’ worth). Please share your communique with the rest of us, so we can all join the birthday fun.
On July 6, President Bush will turn 61 years old. In our family, birthdays are special occasions that always include family and close friends.
I know George will appreciate receiving warm wishes from loyal supporters on his special day. Please take a moment to add your name to the RNC’s e-card.
P.S. I don’t know if the two items are related, but I also got an email from the American Family Association yesterday — it was titled “You just paid for a transgender beauty pageant.”
Scott Adds: I can’t wait to see Hindrocket live-blog that pageant.
Posted by s.z. on Thursday, June 21st, 2007 at 6:44 pm.
23 Responses to “Get Out the Construction Paper and Glitter”
“You just paid for a transgender beauty pageant.”
The American Family Association knows what you download from those “educational” sites.
The American Family Association knows what you download from those “educational” sites.
Damn that Laura, I’m doing my monthly panhandling-for-teh-kittehs schtick, and I sure as hell don’t need that Joker-On-Xanax bitch cutting in on my action!!!
I wonder what Jenna & Barbara make him for his birfday — macaroni-on-construction-paper to go with the cheap-ass home-burned CDs for his “workouts”? Or if they just slip him another flask of Old GrandDad under the table before he blows out the candles, so that he can do his famous “fire-eater” schtick whilst scaring the shit out of the dinner guests.
Y’know, if I wanna know about Tranny Beauty Pageants, oh yeah, Donald dog-fucking Wildmon is the FIRST guy that I’d go to for information!
He’s the one thing in Mississippi that makes Trent Lott (and his plaster-of-paris hair) look GOOD.
Damn that Laura, I’m doing my monthly panhandling-for-teh-kittehs schtick, and I sure as hell don’t need that Joker-On-Xanax bitch cutting in on my action!!!
I wonder what Jenna & Barbara make him for his birfday — macaroni-on-construction-paper to go with the cheap-ass home-burned CDs for his “workouts”? Or if they just slip him another flask of Old GrandDad under the table before he blows out the candles, so that he can do his famous “fire-eater” schtick whilst scaring the shit out of the dinner guests.
Y’know, if I wanna know about Tranny Beauty Pageants, oh yeah, Donald dog-fucking Wildmon is the FIRST guy that I’d go to for information!
He’s the one thing in Mississippi that makes Trent Lott (and his plaster-of-paris hair) look GOOD.
Well, as long as it’s not an interracial, foreign-language transgender beauty pageant.
The AFA appears to be made up of fainting goats also. Frankly, I’m a lot more concerned about paying for the torture of innocents, and the bombing of civilians.
The AFA appears to be made up of fainting goats also. Frankly, I’m a lot more concerned about paying for the torture of innocents, and the bombing of civilians.
Transgender Beauty Pageant.
Oh S.Z., you have been missed.
Oh S.Z., you have been missed.
That beauty pageant info…well, it comes from the Minority Office
of the Senate Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government
Information, and International Security, meaning the source is Oklahoma
Senator Tom “Lesbianism is so rampant schools will send only one girl to
the bathroom at a time” Coburn, wasting taxpayer money to complain
about the Gay Agenda–I mean the waste of taxpayer money at–wait for
it–the CDC. He throws in a jab or two about the cost of the CDC’s
“lavish facilities” (no word, yet, on when he’ll be taking on that Taj
Mahal on the Potomac, the completely un-needed Ronald Reagan Boondoggle
Memorial Building).
Ready for the amazing proof?
“CDC has used its prevention funds to support HIV/AIDS organizations, some of which have very targeted HIV/AIDS prevention missions [sic]. Reports indicate some of these groups have used taxpayer HIV/AIDS prevention dollars to hold transgender beauty contests, zoo trips, and classes where men are taught how to flirt and write erotically, among other activities.” [emphasis mine]
Given the size of the federal government you imagine that just one time these bozos could hit on some scandalous activity that actually existed, wouldn’t you?
Ready for the amazing proof?
“CDC has used its prevention funds to support HIV/AIDS organizations, some of which have very targeted HIV/AIDS prevention missions [sic]. Reports indicate some of these groups have used taxpayer HIV/AIDS prevention dollars to hold transgender beauty contests, zoo trips, and classes where men are taught how to flirt and write erotically, among other activities.” [emphasis mine]
Given the size of the federal government you imagine that just one time these bozos could hit on some scandalous activity that actually existed, wouldn’t you?
OH NO!! I have the same birthday as our preznit! I wonder if there’s a way to retroactively change it…
It would indeed be swell to be able to “retroactively change” his birthday, if you…Uh, never mind, Happy Birthday to You.
Hey, consider yourself a global consolation prize. Sure, we got stuck with Dubya, but at least we get you out of the deal.
And Doghouse, that sounds about like what I’d have expected. Never mind I’m also paying for those ultra-creepy purity balls and for people who make a classroom full of high school kids chew the same piece of gum like nobody’d ever heard of contagious diseases.

And Doghouse, that sounds about like what I’d have expected. Never mind I’m also paying for those ultra-creepy purity balls and for people who make a classroom full of high school kids chew the same piece of gum like nobody’d ever heard of contagious diseases.
Purity balls!
I was *trying* to remember what those creepy fucking things were called! While I have *very* little interest in viewing a transgendered beauty pageant, I easily have *eight* times more interest in one than I do in viewing one of those skin-crawlingly pedophilliac “purity balls!” Those suckers are wrong in about twenty-five ways. They may as well title them “Incest ‘Start ‘Em Young’ Balls.” Yecch, ugh, and eeewww!!
I was *trying* to remember what those creepy fucking things were called! While I have *very* little interest in viewing a transgendered beauty pageant, I easily have *eight* times more interest in one than I do in viewing one of those skin-crawlingly pedophilliac “purity balls!” Those suckers are wrong in about twenty-five ways. They may as well title them “Incest ‘Start ‘Em Young’ Balls.” Yecch, ugh, and eeewww!!
i can has purtybllsz?
Add your message to GWB’s birthday card? Sure:
“Neener, neener, neener” –Osama bin Laden
“Neener, neener, neener” –Osama bin Laden
“Dear Mr. President,
I just donated $3,546 to write this message.
That’s one dollar for every American soldier dead in Iraq, and is more than you valued their lives.”
So what do I do with the other 500 characters?
I just donated $3,546 to write this message.
That’s one dollar for every American soldier dead in Iraq, and is more than you valued their lives.”
So what do I do with the other 500 characters?
Thanks for nothing George.
Scooter “my butt hurts” Libby
Scooter “my butt hurts” Libby
On July 6, President Bush will turn 61 years old. In our family, birthdays are special occasions that always include family and close friends.Why does this particular part make me think it\’s addressed just for Jenna and Barb–just to guilt them into showing up for the party and not just doing their usual gift of sending a \”Pick Me Up\” Bouquet?
Did you just use “pick me up” and Dubya’s name in the same sentence?
Eew. Hot shower time…
Eew. Hot shower time…
Actor 212 wins.
Although I’m very fond of that “retroactively altering Dumbya’s birthday/birth PERIOD,” concept…
Although I’m very fond of that “retroactively altering Dumbya’s birthday/birth PERIOD,” concept…
Dear s.z., you have been greatly missed.
Why is Shrubya tickling Lincoln’s chin in that photo?
Reports indicate some of these groups have used taxpayer
HIV/AIDS prevention dollars to hold transgender beauty contests, zoo
trips, and classes where men are taught how to flirt and write
erotically, among other activities
Reports indicate Condi Rice is actually an immortal demon, Elizabeth Báthory in fact, and continues to bathe in the blood of virgins to this very day…
Reports indicate Condi Rice is actually an immortal demon, Elizabeth Báthory in fact, and continues to bathe in the blood of virgins to this very day…
Reports indicate Condi Rice is actually an immortal demon,
Elizabeth Báthory in fact, and continues to bathe in the blood of
virgins to this very day…
I thought that was Ann Coulter .
I thought that was Ann Coulter .
Point to MaryC!
And wasn’t it S.Z. herself who first outlined how mAnn Coulter, St. Ann Of The Codpiece, keeps her “youthful” (well, for a 900-year-old soul-sucking vampire, she looks “youthful”) visage from melting away like Madame Toussaud’s in a July blackout?
I remember that from the left-hand sidebar on the old salon blog… right up at the top… Ahhhh, the good old days… Whatever happened to the old regs, anyway? Ted just reappeared, but what in the hell happened to Yosef? I miss those Fight Club nights out behind the Chuck E. Cheese… *sigh*
And wasn’t it S.Z. herself who first outlined how mAnn Coulter, St. Ann Of The Codpiece, keeps her “youthful” (well, for a 900-year-old soul-sucking vampire, she looks “youthful”) visage from melting away like Madame Toussaud’s in a July blackout?
I remember that from the left-hand sidebar on the old salon blog… right up at the top… Ahhhh, the good old days… Whatever happened to the old regs, anyway? Ted just reappeared, but what in the hell happened to Yosef? I miss those Fight Club nights out behind the Chuck E. Cheese… *sigh*
Well, um, DUH.
It was Scott. I really am senile.
And yes, Mary, it really does help if you click on the links that you’re talking about BEFORE you talk about ‘em.
Don’t blame me, blame shitty spine surgeons and malfeasance on the part of screw & bolt manufacturers like “Medtronic,” who can’t even build a decent fucking SCREW that won’t hold together for more than 5 months.
It was Scott. I really am senile.
And yes, Mary, it really does help if you click on the links that you’re talking about BEFORE you talk about ‘em.
Don’t blame me, blame shitty spine surgeons and malfeasance on the part of screw & bolt manufacturers like “Medtronic,” who can’t even build a decent fucking SCREW that won’t hold together for more than 5 months.
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