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Saturday, October 4, 2014

Healthcare Is Just Another Word For Holocaust

Professional Paranoid Sher Zieve, has lately found herself out-crazied, by both the national brands of demagogue such as Sarah (”a death panel of dingoes ate my baby!”) Palin, and up-and-coming amateurs such as Kenneth (The Fainting Goat) Gladney.  But Sher isn’t about to let a few hand-drawn swastikas steal the limelight, not when she can come right out and say that health care reform will turn your doctor’s office into Auschwitz.
ObamaCare provides Americans healthcare in the same way that Hitler’s ovens provided the German people fresh bread.
Yes, nothing says lovin’ like something from the ovens of Hitler.  Now I suppose I get what Sher is saying here — “health care reform will reform health care.  NOT!” — but her remarkably overblown, yet trivializing analogy raises another question.  Wingnuts denounced any inquiry into possible Bush Administration war crimes as “criminalizing policy differences,” yet they feel entitled to equate actual policy differences with crimes against humanity.  So I suppose my question is — WTF?
And where are those who after World War II screamed and shouted “Never again!”?
Well, a lot of them are in Israel, enjoying universal health care.
Where are the people who lost entire families to Hitler’s Holocaust?
This is just a guess, but I imagine at least are few are currently being irked by your suggestion that an additional health insurance option is the same as being gassed, or worked to death as a slave laborer.
Can you not see the inevitable correlations of plan and purpose between then and now? If you cannot, then please actually LOOK at what is occurring.
Oh, it’s like one of those Magic Eye posters?  Okay.  Well, when I stand real close, then step back a few feet, I see a contemptible woman with no sense of decency.  And a unicorn.
Question: It’s un-American to protest our impending slavery, imprisonment and/or euthanasia under ObamaCare and other ObamaPlans?
Answer:  Bizarre conspiracy theories are as American as the roller derby, although this one gets taken out of the basement and aired in polite society a lot more often than etiquette would advise.  By the way, Sher, have you heard that the USDA is planning to force us all to work in their massive secret grandparent slaughterhouses, rendering our elderly relatives into mulch and hog feed?  It’s true.  They plan to track us down through our grocery store club cards, so if I were you I’d go off the grid and start paying retail before it’s too late!
Is the new definition of American now “supporting the Dictator Obama and his favored ones in everything they do and say — no matter how detrimental it is to human life and all things surrounding human life?”
Yes, it is, but it’s just a first draft, and I’m hoping we can tighten it up and make it a little snappier.  Maybe add some comic relief.

Posted by scott on Tuesday, August 11th, 2009 at 12:09 pm

12 Responses to “Healthcare Is Just Another Word For Holocaust”

Is it bad when I can read something like this and not feel anymore cynical about humanity?
Remember how Mr. Zaidi was able to lob not one but two shoes at Mr. Bush, with no apparent immediate reaction from whichever Secret Service personnel were there, ostensibly - specifically - to take a shoe for the POTUS if necessary?
Well, I hope this administration’s Secret Service people are a whole hell of a lot more pro-active, because a lot of people are going to a lot of trouble to wind up a few nut-jobs and point them at the president. This is really, really bad.
“By the way, Sher, have you heard that the USDA is planning to force us all to work in their massive secret grandparent slaughterhouses, rendering our elderly relatives into mulch and hog feed?”
Lark, honey, you say that as if Sher were actually ALLOWED OUTSIDE WITHOUT SUPERVISION. Y’know those deplorable-but-logical toddler leashes? Imagine what HERS looks like.
“‘Is the new definition of American now “supporting the Dictator Obama and his favored ones in everything they do and say — no matter how detrimental it is to human life and all things surrounding human life?’
Yes, it is, but it’s just a first draft, and I’m hoping we can tighten it up and make it a little snappier. Maybe add some comic relief.”
Hmmm… well ain’t that the batshit pot calling the hypocrisy kettle batshit…
How much longer before Sher’s computer/communications points wear back down and she has to go DO something to earn some more points from Nurse Ratchett or whomever SHOULD be supervising her sociopathic/psychotic rehabilitation?
BTW, I was, in case anybody wonders, referring to SHER THE WONDERMOP as batshit, not Scott’s witty response to her VERY DEFINITION OF BULLSHIT HYPOCRISY blathering.
“…Well, a lot of them are in Israel, enjoying universal health care…”
Subsidized by the U.S.A. by the way.
Wholly unoriginal thought: these people are nutty.
I get the impression that Sher gets a bit damp in the gusset as she imagines all the awful things that opposing healthcare reform will bring down on her and her ilk.
Natch the awful things are purely a product of the collective wingnut imagination. I guess that reality isn’t thrilling enough them.
Sher Zieve is way beyond just crazy. This woman is virtually psychotic.
The next thing is she will be found running out into the street, tearing off her clothes and gibbering about the voices in her head.
I dunno. I’ve lived with the voices in my head for decades without ever once running naked into the streets. (Well, okay, no, there was that one time, but that wasn’t the voices, that was acid and a toaster fire, and I still contend that was the right thing to do. Anyway.)
Despite my views on Glenn Beck, I agree that this one probably *is* crazy, though. Also, I’m starting to wonder about Chris Matthews.
Please, the HORROR! of seeing her running around naked, unless there’s a plentry of broken glass on the ground for her tumble into face first.
Why can’t people like this discover the pleasures of autoerotic asphyxiation and leave the rest of us alone?
Kenneth (The Fainting Goat) Gladney
You ow m a nw kybord.

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