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Monday, September 12, 2011

You May Get Vertigo On This Ride

…so please use the Grabar when entering and exiting the car.
In response to the recent assault by “tolerant” atheists, I am going to explain why it is necessary to maintain our Christian heritage in order to sustain our democracy.  This is for the benefit of the “scientists” who presume themselves the authorities on everything
Including the “proper” use of ”scare quotes.”
and who have penned tomes with such ostentatious titles as The God Delusion, Letter to a Christian Nation, God: The Failed Hypothesis, and other works that rehash the arguments from ages past.
I hear ya, lady.  I am so tired of these MIT types continuing to insist that Uranus didn’t really lose to the Titans on the battlefield, but was “stabbed in the sack,” when they ought to be home, looking for evidence of high temperature superfluidity in a fermionic condensate.
Judging by the comments in reply to my column “Letter to a Stupid Atheist,” I have to conclude that this is one of the most miserable groups of people on earth.
And touchy, too!  Jeez.
And as my adjective for them implies, they are not very smart, for there is no analogy between a female dog and a columnist, a claim they make through the name they call me in their blogs and letters.
Mary, no offense, but I find it hard to believe that any of these people really called you a columnist.
But more importantly, whenever they assault Christianity, we need to remind them of the foundations of their freedoms.  First, the fact that they live in a country founded upon a belief in “inalienable rights” imparted by their Creator should give them a hint.
Well, that phrase comes from the Declaration of Independence, rather than the Constitution, and it was written by a guy who wasn’t exactly a Christian, and I’m pretty sure he didn’t think Jesus was his creator.  But more to the point:
“Inalienable” (or “unalienable”) is a term borrowed from English common law. Some property rights were alienable (they could be sold or granted) and some were inalienable (they could only be inherited according to fixed rule). The distinction between alienable and unalienable rights was introduced by Frances Hutcheson (philosopher) in his A System of Moral Philosophy (1755) based on the Reformation principle of the liberty of conscience. One could not in fact give up the capacity for private judgment (e.g., about religious questions) regardless of any external contracts or oaths to religious or secular authorities so that right is “unalienable.”
Hm.  “[P]rivate judgment,” “liberty of conscience.”  Sounds like the kind of crap they’d talk at a “free-thinkers meeting.”
The very notion of democracy is based on Christian principles—a historical fact, though one not really emphasized in our public school system.
Awfully prescient of Solon and his cronies to anticipate the teachings of Jesus by 600 years.  That’s nearly as clairvoyant as those Baptist cavemen in “B.C.”
But I noticed as I was reading an article in 1999 in The Atlantic Monthly by Francis Fukuyama: “In the West, Christianity first established the universality of human dignity. . .” Yes, the Greeks had a democracy, but it was not a democracy for women and slaves. It was the radical Christian notion of equality–that there was neither “Jew nor Gentile,” and that even prostitutes could repent–that forms the basis of our democratic values.
As opposed to all those women and slaves who flocked to the polling place in 1789.   Although I’m not entirely clear on how someone renouncing prostitution affects the availability of the franchise, except insofar as it presumably removes Karl Rove from the equation.
This of course presupposes the notion of sin
Of course. Wait–what?
or if you don’t like that old-fashioned word, imperfection. Christianity acknowledges the universality of human sin in addition to the universality of dignity. Therefore the Christian recognizes the limits of government because of the limitations of the (fallen) people who make up the government.
Or at least the present Administration.
The ultimate arbiter is God, not man the Scientist. Who is the ultimate arbiter for the atheist?
Simon Cowell?
Sam Harris? Richard Dawkins? Adolf Hitler? To whom will they appeal when they cannot decide their infernal debates?
For attractive female atheists, I recommend bikini Jello wrestling, two falls out of three.  For Sam and Richard, I would advise they settle their differences through some form of binding arbitration, and for Adolf, I would suggest consulting a Magic 8-Ball, since he was into that occult stuff.
The atheist, nonetheless, against all evidence, believes in the “progress” of science.
Whereas the clear-eyed observer can tell that science is actually moving backwards!  Look at the cover of the October, 1939 Popular Mechanics!  We used to have flying cars!  Robot butlers!  And elevators were replaced with personal pneumatic tubes!
He believes it can replace religion.
I think what you mean is, he “believes” it can “replace” religion.
And he believes that we are marching towards perfection.
After the last six years, I think it’s more likely that he’s stumbling towards the bar.
For the sake of argument, let’s assume that. But what do we do before we reach perfection? Which scientist do we turn to to save us? How do we make decisions now?
Judging by the rest of your column, I’m guessing that “using the brain” isn’t an option.
Or if we mistakenly believe we have arrived at The Answer Through Science do we form our culture to that formula? But how do we know it’s perfect? Doesn’t each generation believe itself the most advanced? Didn’t the flappers? Didn’t the hippies? What do we do about the past generations that made mistakes?
Remember when the flappers tried to take over the world with their fleet of death ray-equipped autogyros and massive war zepplins, only to be foiled at the eleventh hour by the even more technologically advanced hippies, with their patchouli-powered personal jetpacks and Wham-O Air Blasters?
The atheistic world view, since it does not allow for sin, does not allow for forgiveness.
Well, it doesn’t allow for forgiveness by a god.  But I suspect that even the most committed atheist would probably accept an apology for returning your Garden Weasel a week late, if it was really sincere.
Instead, each successive generation smugly thinks of itself as more “advanced” than their predecessors.
For instance, the way Glenn Reynolds sneers at his parents’ analog, nanite-free bodies has made the last few Thanksgivings a little tense.
Grievances build up and with them a desire for retribution. Think about the demand for reparations, the young flocking to the despot Louis Farrakhan, the incessant “reminders” of “injustice” through music, art, and literature.
If there’s one thing I hate worse than injustice, it’s someone “reminding” me of it.  I don’t mind someone jogging my memory, I just wish they didn’t have to be so ironic about it.
The ruse has to be kept up. Revenge is called for, revenge even for the great-great granddaughters and sons.
Wait, wait.  How did we get from smug flappers who think they’re the pinnacle of evolution to angry Black Muslims slaughtering whitey for his failure to deliver 40 acres and a mule?
And thus we have groups who claim superiority—the opposite of the idea of equality.
Like, oh, I don’t know…certain Christians who think they hold the national pink slip?
The aggrieved form the privileged, and superior, group, and thus we have the ridiculous notion that a black person or a Native American “cannot be a racist.”
Hey, this is America – in this great land of opportunity, anybody can grow up to be a racist.  And often the host of a show on CNN Headline News, too.
Under the atheistic, secular view, only certain groups can be guilty of sin, and only certain groups deserve dignity.
Okay, you lost me again.  I thought the atheists didn’t believe in sin.
Such race-based favoritism is opposed to the Christian notion of fairness.
But as certain Christian theologians have pointed out, what do you expect from the Sons of Ham?
But atheists believe in the Power of Their Own Minds and reforming society to bring about a utopia.
Actually, I think you’re confusing atheists with Scientologists, but by all means, go on…
Their Own Minds have come up with affirmative action, as well as forced euthanasia to “alleviate suffering,” concentration camps, and communism.
Whereas Christians in the Bush White House have used Their Own Colons to come up with tax cuts for the top 1%.  (On the other hand, who knew that euthanasia could alleviate communism?)
Thus the state replaces God and those with the physical or economic power dominate. They all presume that this is the “general will.”
Um, I don’t mean to carp, but don’t those with the physical and economic power dominate now?  I mean, especially now? Just how big an atheist do you think Bush is, anyway?
Nonetheless, even as the systems presumably march on toward perfection, anarchists, who believe that they have the answer stir and fume.
Meanwhile, the Fabians, who believe that they have the answer, wash and wipe.
So in spite of the fact that virtually all conservative faculty members and texts have been eliminated in English departments, “resist and refuse” posters grace the doors of securely entrenched tenured radical English professors who make up hiring and curriculum committees. Somehow injustices still remain!
And I thought we were perfect by now!  Except for all the racist Native Americans, and revenge-seeking Blacks, and “advanced” hippies, and fuming anarchists.
And these radicals call for even more drastic changes, and finally anarchy. The fact that English professors cannot just stick to their jobs of teaching about the great literary traditions is evidence of the overweening hubris of the atheistic mind.
The Canterbury Tales is a gateway drug that leads straight to an anarcho-syndicalist collective.
As the youth, taught by these radical atheists, search and search and look into the void, they find that they—in spite of the arguments of the atheists—have a spiritual need. Schooled in relativism and multiculturalism, they turn wildly to such things as paganism or radical Islam to fill a vacuum. I’ve had a student tell me about pagan rituals involving the drinking of human blood. Indeed, stupid atheists are responsible for taking away the spiritual bulwarks against internal jihad in our schools.
“Yeah!  Why do they always have to ruin everything, with their stupid blood-drinking, and their vacuums and their internal jihads?  Dumb, stupid atheists…”
The atheist prides himself on his feelings of fairness and empathy but refuses to acknowledge the culture from which he has inherited these attributes. Such notions are as prevalent as the air we breath (thanks to Christians)
The Lord may have created the Earth, but he subcontracted the atmosphere to Jesus.
At one time, women could be stoned to death and babies and the elderly left exposed to die. To what will the atheist appeal when we dispense with such notions?
Well, thanks to our invasion of Iraq, religious- and sectarian-inspired stonings and honor killings of women are up in Iraq, so I guess that’ll show those atheists!
But as I stated in my previous column, atheists are stupid. As George Santayana said, “Wisdom is the first philosophy, both in time and in authority, and to collect facts or to chop logic would be idle and would add no dignity to the mind, unless that mind possessed a clear humanity and could discern what facts and logic are good for and what not.”
Dr. Santayana then nodded his head toward Dr. Grabar and discreetly coughed several times.
Well, the atheists are smart in a limited way. They can function at their technical jobs. But they cannot see or think outside of that box. They cannot do philosophy.
Okay, there was Nietzsche, but he only got a C+ in Philosophy.  His best grades were in Social Studies and Gym.
They are incapable of seeing that their empirical method is really just a limited function, for limited tasks. And that its limitation comes ironically (for them) from the notion that man’s knowledge is limited. Philosophy is the larger investigation.
Man, I’m telling you, that empricism jazz is for squares!  It’s a rocket to nowheresville!  Philosophy is where the action is!
But because of his limited vision the atheist is incapable of seeing beyond the material world; he sees society as a giant organism.
I see it as a large hat, or maybe an oversized bucket of grenadine.
He sees it in a Darwinian manner, sees the part for the whole and does not even know that Darwin himself recognized the limits of his investigation. To atheists the world is a big organism and they fancy that they know everything because they see the world as a big organism.
I can’t stress that big organism thing enough.
They do not know where this organism came from or what its ultimate purpose may be. Whether it’s the Big Bang theory or the reproductive habits of the amoeba, the atheist fancies that he has found the answer to EVERYTHING.
Except for why birds suddenly appear every time you draw near.
Someone needs to clear the atheists of their confusion.
And someone needs to clear the gutters before the next storm instead of sitting around all day obsessing about big organisms!

36 Responses to “You May Get Vertigo On This Ride”

That was the MOTHER of all Take Downs, Scott!
I want to know what kind of “Doctor” would ever even think that this sounded right at all:
“They cannot do philosophy.”
The hell?! Does she even read what she writes? If I was grading her paper I would have circled that and wrote in the margin: “Do you mean that they cannot be philosophical? You’re thought process is sloppy. I blame your Christian beliefs.”
That was truly a thing of beauty, Scott. My tummy hurts from laughing.
You do realize, of course, that when it comes to organisms, size really does matter…
That was lovely. It almost makes up for the fact that a woman who believes everyone who’s a little different from her is going to suffer the torments of eternal hell–and that her loving and just and merciful god wants it that way–is badmouthing women who fuck men for a living.
Really, what the hell? These people baffle me. War is dandy, the death penalty is God’s will, but selling your body is so wrong that it gets used as the ultimate example of sinner–”even prostitutes can repent”?
A woman like Mary there, selling her brain, such as it is, for a living, should be a little less judgmental about those selling only their time.
And the columnist comment, of course, will have me laughing for days.
Yes indeedy, the Catholic Church is certainly an avatar of democracy, with all that “divine right of kings” and stuff. Of course Ms. Grabar probably doesn’t think Catholics are “real” Christians. What would you guess her position is on whether the earth orbits the sun or not?
That is one of the most incoherent essays I have ever read that wasn’t by Pastor Swank. This woman teaches college English?
Oh, by the way, you all should see me do philosophy. I have some sick ass syllogisms that will make your fucking head spin. You’ll have to go home and cry to mommy when I’m done doing philosophy on your sorry asses.
Sorry, but us philosophers like to talk smack.
That is one of the most incoherent essays I have ever read that wasn’t by Pastor Swank.
And, also, damnit, that exact thought occurred to me… that exact thought! And, it’s very, very true. Wish I had gotten here first. [pouts]
“Dr.” Grabar’s column sends many little trickles and rivulets of “teh st00pid” hither and yon, at random. Some don’t get very far before they peter out. Others merge into stronger streams that begin to erode the soil of dumbth and cut down into the bedrock of common sense.
This isn’t Philosophy.
It’s Geology.
For future reference, Ms. Grabar, if one wishes to write convincingly about a subject, it really helps to know a little, if only a very little, about it in the first place, rather than, oh, I don’t know… pulling stuff out of your stinkin’ ass! So, say you wanted to write about a class of people, let’s call them “gaytheists.” And, let us say that writings by these “gaytheists” were readily available on teh intertoobs and in public libraries. So, in reality, no one would have the slightest excuse to just make crap up about them…
…unless they were really lazy. Or idiotic. But, don’t worry–those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.
Thank you, Scott.
Well done.
If you & Mary ever decide to procreate, I want to be the annti-gawdmutha, ’cause that kid will TAKE OVER THE WORLD!
(insert Pinky & The Brain anecdotes here)
I didn’t bother going to read her original “column” (great line there, too, btw, Scott), ’cause frankly, I don’t need a purgative that badly. And I’m really not into bulimia. But please, PLEASE tell me that she is only a “teacher” at some online diploma mill, not at a REAL, actual, able-to-be-located-on-this-planet SCHOOL. Even one of those community colleges that Dumbya expects anybody who isn’t born with a silver coke-spoon in their mouth to “SETTLE FOR,” ’cause that’s HIS idea of “equal opportunity” — I seriously doubt that this mish-mash of neocon hot-button cliches would pass a freshman-level English comp course at even the lowest-on-the-academic-food-chain community college on the PLANET.
She knows her neocon cliches and “points”, ya gotta give her that. She just doesn’t have a fucking CLUE as to how to arrange them in anything even remotely resembling an argument or essay — hell, even a SENTENCE!!! Kinda like the dartboard process of composition — see how many stupid Limbaugh-esque catch-phrases and O’Reilly-style slanderous bullshit raving “points” you can fit onto three pages of double-spaced blather, and call that a “column.”
Anybody wanna guess where I’d like to aim the darts?
It always cracks me up when the dumbest of the dumbest of the most-inbred legacy twits resort to the fear-mongering drum-beats of their predecessors’ same old “THEY’RE TRYING TO RECRUIT YOUR CHILDREN TO THEIR DECADENT, SINFUL LIFESTYLE OF: a) homosexuality, b) feminism, c) democratic socialism, d) fair taxes on ALL tax brackets, e) anarchy, f) atheism, g) miniskirts and tube tops, h) reading books that don’t have pictures, i) all of the above” — don’t they think that anybody sees that shit for what it is by now? Or, and this is the truly depressing thought, are there enough naive/ignorant/idiotic sheeple out there who think that this is a “New” “threat” to their lifestyle/SUV/chirren/subdivision/etc.?
If so, don’t tell me, I’m bummed-out enough purely by the fact that this blathering-fucktard recidivist cunt is EMPLOYED AS AN ENGLISH TEACHER.
Faith – You wouldn’t trust it to get your car fixed but you would trust it to guide you in how to live your life. That makes sense right?
Is a gaytheist someone who believes in Hermes?
This…thing teaches ‘writing?’ In college? Holy Sheepdoodle! I am left speechless and gasping. I thought I had read some amazing stupidity grading junior high essays. Those kids were pikers compared to this.
“Remember when the flappers tried to take over the world with their fleet of death ray-equipped autogyros and massive war zepplins, only to be foiled at the eleventh hour by the even more technologically advanced hippies, with their patchouli-powered personal jetpacks and Wham-O Air Blasters?”
Dammit, Scott, I want to see that movie! Git ta writin’!
Mary, no offense, but I find it hard to believe that any of these people really called you a columnist. Priceless, Scott.
Ooh, Annti, you must have been lifting rhetorical weights, because that rant was an Olympic-class powerlift of a rant.
And I find that a big organism releases tension and puts a smile on my face all day. Oh, that’s not what she meant?
That was some excellent smack, Scott. (I’d put an exclamation point there, but I’m exceeding my limit in the following graf.)
Grabar would be appalled by the teacher who tried to recruit me into the decadent, sinful lifestyle of proper English composition! How successful he was! How fortunate was I!
…securely entrenched tenured radical English professors who make up hiring and curriculum committees.
Therein lies the hub of her anger, methinks. Important to note that she does, in fact, teach stuff – at an accredited university no less, Clayton State University, just south of Atlanta – but holds the title “Temporary Assistant Professor of English”, so not quite adjunct but definably non-tenured.
Maybe she’s just slumming as she waits for something at Liberty U or Regent to open up.
So it’s a temporary assistant professor of English who produced that execrable paraphrase about Hutcheson? The one that seems to say an 18th century clergyman wrote English common law? The one whose sudden swerve at “One could not in fact give up the capacity for private judgment (e.g., about religious questions)…” suggests either some wingnutty religious origin for the argument or the unexpected appearance of a bunny on her keyboard? The one so incurious about word usage it can claim Hutcheson originated the distinction between “alienable” and “inalienable” despite the fact that they entered the language a century earlier?
The really nice thing about living in a Christian utopia for strawmen is that you don’t have to worry about uppity strawwomen or strawslaves.
Someone please enlighten me to this concept of “Chrisitian fairness”. The Pauline version, where if you’re born a slave or a woman, too bad — life sucks, get over it? It’s not for you to try to change your circumstances. And what could be more fair than a woman to be submissive to her husband and obey him in all things? Or perhaps you prefer Peterine fairness, where God put Bush-class colons in authority over you, so praise God for those tax cuts for the top 1%.
And are fuming anarchists like fuming sulphuric acid? Cause that stuff’s really nasty. There’s gotta be a reason why the stoopid burns so fiercely.
So it’s a temporary assistant professor of English who produced that execrable paraphrase about Hutcheson?
Actually, Doghouse, that’s from Wikipedia, not from Grabar. Grabar is horrendous, but she’s innocent of that particular offense. (I’d say “sin,” but, you know, as an English professor — Grabar has us pegged! — I only believe certain people can be guilty of _those_.)
For attractive female atheists, I recommend bikini Jello wrestling, two falls out of three.
Also for Christopher Hitchens.
anarchists, who believe that they have the answer stir and fume.
There is indeed stirring and fuming going on in this anarchist household, but it is not the answer, it is my breakfast.
Scott -
Yer hittin’ yer stride again brutha!
I suggest a new metric. This for batshit crazy: the Graybar.
Usage: That essay was estimated to reach a force of 6.5 GrB (Graybars).
Bonus points for every time a tome is penned, a door is graced, and a spiritual bulwark is taken away.
the atheist… sees society as a giant organism.
Right now I see society as a polyostomous self-devouring Lovecraftean monstrosity. I am wondering how much ergot there was in my home-baked bread.
Hilarious! Are you kidding me? This woman is certified to TEACH? I mean jeez, the smack-down is brilliant and had me literally clutching my sides laughing, but it’s sobering to think that this, um logic-and-fact-challenged “teacher” is standing in a classroom somewhere, sharing the effluvia of her pudding-like brain with impressionable youth. What a tard! No seriously, a complete loon.
A smackdown worthy of Voltaire, Scott (or of S.Z., for that matter).
What fascinates me about the Grabars of our world (leaving aside this particular specimen’s inability to maintain her own train of thought or stay consistent with her own terminology for longer than a sentence or so), is their inability to imagine that it’s possible to be fair, moral, aware of one’s fallibility, and so on, without being whacked across the shins by the Big Stick of an Angry God.
Why can’t they imagine that? Huh?
Because they possess neither the cognitive ability to “imagine” anything of more depth or consequence than corpulent little winged rugrats (“angels”/”cherubs”) or their Great Invisible Friend In The Sky and his Uber-Anglo Illegitimate Son Who Can’t Eat M&Ms, nor the intellectual capacity to comprehend anything that hasn’t been spelled-out for them by red-faced, frothing-at-the-mouth preachers, or Chick Tracts.
“Inalienable” (or “unalienable”) is a term borrowed from English common law. Some property rights were alienable (they could be sold or granted) and some were inalienable (they could only be inherited according to fixed rule).
Yes, and according to Jefferson, who after all wrote the document, the English common law which was the basis of these rights pre-dated the arrival of Christianity in Britain, ergo our system is based upon ideas which arose in pagan Anglo-Saxon society. Put that in your clyster pipe Ms. Grabar.

Another lovely swim in the depths of perverted anti-secular thinking. If you’re in the mood for another one, go find the Doug Giles column from 05/13 at ClownHall. What do you make of a guy who can write this:
Jesus put it forcefully up fallen humanity’s tailpipe when He exposed why men reject the knowledge of God when He said, “Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. For everyone who does evils hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed” (Jn. 3.19-20).
Doug Giles never explains anything to my satisfaction. And his so-called money quote from Big J doesn’t explain why I always find all of the houselights at Casa Biscuitbarrel blazing away when I toddle downstairs at three a.m. for a restorative Diet Coke. All of my testosterone-charged fellow boarders have been doing eeeeevil, all right, but without the worry of eyestrain.
Good point about democracy in ancient Greece predating Christianity. Another fun fact: The US bicameral legislature was modeled after the Great Council of the Iroquois, founded by a warrior named Hiawatha several centuries before the arrival of Christianity on this continent. Some believe that Hiawatha has returned, a feat the other guy has yet to pull off.
Anyway, wasn’t Jesus referred to as the “King of Kings”, not the “Legislature of Legislatures?”
Wait — why is the US Senate/House not a rehash of British Lords/Commons but more like an Iroquois predecessor?
Listen, when Uranus takes on any Titan, Uranus is going to be in a scrape…
Is a gaytheist someone who believes in Hermes?
Hermaphroditos (child of Hermes and Aphrodite, origin of the term hermaphrodite), I’d say, or perhaps Antinous (hot male lover of Augustus who was promoted to a deity after drowning in the Nile), but he’s a bit more obscure.
Democracy is a Christian concept? Huh. I guess that whole hierarchy of priests and preachers and lay ministers and then “the rest of the hell-bound losers” is the result of a vote?
[...]Antinous (hot male lover of Augustus who was promoted to a deity after drowning in the Nile)[....]
Promoted to being a god after drowning in teh Nile?!?!?!?
Nice work if you can get it.
But, seriously, does Augustus sound like anyone we know? “Another Medal of Freeance, Mr. Tenent? Take two-they’re free… to me, that is!”
the Doug Giles column from 05/13 at ClownHall. What do you make of a guy who can write this:
Jesus put it forcefully up fallen humanity’s tailpipe

Okay, I’m finally thinking that Doug is a gay guy who posed as a fundie on a dare, and he’s getting seriously pissed at how long it’s taking for anyone to catch on.
I like how she thinks we need to be saved from perfection:
“And he [the atheist] believes that we are marching towards perfection. For the sake of argument, let’s assume that. But what do we do before we reach perfection? Which scientist do we turn to to save us?”
Heaven knows we can’t have any of that perfection crap down here!
They are incapable of seeing that their empirical method is really just a limited function, for limited tasks.
True that. All it can do is give you virtually endless new information about the natural world, living and non-living. And, of course, limited to inventing/producing things like all the synthetics in products she owns, the vehicles and their safety devices she uses, the medicines she (avoids apparently) takes, the appliances and electronics she uses and owns, the safety devices installed in her home and college, the development and safety of the food she eats, and the new products and patents that stimulate the economy, which generates state revenues that pay her salary so she can write rabid, horrible “english” and get fucking paid for it.
Philosophy. My mam and pap says “go there, thems where the peoples is. Thems where the jobs is”.
“And I thought we were perfect by now! Except for all the racist Native Americans, and revenge-seeking Blacks, and “advanced” hippies, and fuming anarchists.”
You forgot the flappers.
(or is that a euphemism – like coochie?) am so confused my head is numb.
Here I am worried about getting a job, and this person uses ad libs to write her, um, piece of, uh, well…
Well she got paid!!
Hopefully in rubles.

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