As a special holiday gift, one “Mouse-in-Da-House” left us a comment in response to a post of ten days ago. In the tradition of Dr. Mike and Dr. Mary, I plan to use it as the body of a Town Hall column — but, since it’s New Year’s Day, I will share with you an excerpt from it.
But for now, if you want to read Mouse in his or her entirety, check out the last couple of comments to ”If We All Clap Our Hands and Believe . . .
I don’t really know how I’ve stumbled upon this absolutely preposterious web-site. [...]So, once I throw in the requisite “sic”s, add some scathing remarks about how this idiocy (and mote-in-the-eye superiority about spelling) is representative of everyone on the right, and then figure out a way to portray myself as the victim of the great hippie conspiracy, I will be ready to get my Town Hall paycheck.
from what I gather here it’s seems that the lot of you are most likely the off-spring of lower class inbreeding.
Sex soley for pleasure is pathetic and deplorable. [...]
Where do babies come from? They are a recreation of two persons who love each other so much that they want to bring another one of them into this world.
But for now, if you want to read Mouse in his or her entirety, check out the last couple of comments to ”If We All Clap Our Hands and Believe . . .
Posted by s.z. on Monday, January 1st, 2007 at 7:35 pm.
20 Responses to “Factory Fresh Wingnuttery, Delivered to Your Blog”
Um, who WOULD want to read Mouse in its entirety for more of that? It’s a wonder it can arrage words at all with a mind (sic) like that.
I don’t really know how I’ve stumbled upon this absolutely preposterious web-site.
Call me persnickety, but if I’m about to get a lecture, I’d prefer it be delivered by an assertive, self-confident orator with a wealth of expertise in the subject at hand. Not a random passerby who wanders vaguely onto the stage and stands there, shading his eyes and blinking, mole-like, at the audience.
Sex soley for pleasure is pathetic and deplorable.
While the sentiment is clearly heartfelt, it’s equally apparent that it is not inspired by personal experience.
They are a recreation of two persons who love each other so much that they want to bring another one of them into this world.
Well, since Mr. Mouse is evidently talking about a clone, do the cell donors get to decide which one of them they’ll be recreating, or is the selection arbitrary, perhaps revealed through the use of some kind of futuristic Pop-o-Matic technology?
Also, do the same rules apply to babies who are a recreation of two horny teenagers who were so ignorant about sex as the result of abstinence-only programs that they accidentally brought someone even more ignorant than themselves into the world?
Call me persnickety, but if I’m about to get a lecture, I’d prefer it be delivered by an assertive, self-confident orator with a wealth of expertise in the subject at hand. Not a random passerby who wanders vaguely onto the stage and stands there, shading his eyes and blinking, mole-like, at the audience.
Sex soley for pleasure is pathetic and deplorable.
While the sentiment is clearly heartfelt, it’s equally apparent that it is not inspired by personal experience.
They are a recreation of two persons who love each other so much that they want to bring another one of them into this world.
Well, since Mr. Mouse is evidently talking about a clone, do the cell donors get to decide which one of them they’ll be recreating, or is the selection arbitrary, perhaps revealed through the use of some kind of futuristic Pop-o-Matic technology?
Also, do the same rules apply to babies who are a recreation of two horny teenagers who were so ignorant about sex as the result of abstinence-only programs that they accidentally brought someone even more ignorant than themselves into the world?
I call parody troll. This Mouse person actually admitted making a spelling error. This is hardly normal wingnut behavior. 
Usually, they don’t bring up inbreeding, either, as it hits too close to home.

Usually, they don’t bring up inbreeding, either, as it hits too close to home.
Babies are created when sperm fertilizes an egg and the embryo is carried to term. It has absolutely nothing to do with love. (If you read the paper, you know this, because children constantly meet tragic ends at the hands of parents.)
That’s why the Reightwingen Kulturtroopers don’t like to discuss overpopulation, famine, and related topics; they can’t blame it on homosexuals.
Stop insulting mice, Mouse. They’re smarter than you and you’re giving them a bad name. Go with “Sea Cucumber,” or “Dirt.” No, wait, you’re dumber than dirt…
That’s why the Reightwingen Kulturtroopers don’t like to discuss overpopulation, famine, and related topics; they can’t blame it on homosexuals.
Stop insulting mice, Mouse. They’re smarter than you and you’re giving them a bad name. Go with “Sea Cucumber,” or “Dirt.” No, wait, you’re dumber than dirt…
I’ll have you know that I am a product of the finest upper class inbreeding.
I wonder if jacking off soley for pleasure is pathetic and deplorable.
I wonder if jacking off soley for pleasure is pathetic and deplorable.
Only if you save it in Mason jars in the root-cellar, Marq.
Or put it into pop bottles and dress it up as your “future chirrens.”
But I digress…
“Babies are created when sperm fertilizes an egg and the embryo is carried to term. It has absolutely nothing to do with love. (If you read the paper, you know this, because children constantly meet tragic ends at the hands of parents.)”
:::starts The Wave for Happenstance:::
I would like to agree with Candy (even though she shares the name with a certain Louisiana political floozy who ought to embarrass her terribly) about the “parody troll” — but y’know, the ability to parody oneself or even a group to whom one is fiercely opposed requires some amount of self-awareness, some sort of AWARENESS, period.
Nope, can’t call it on this one.
What we got here, ya see, is a failure to communicate…
In other words, this ‘un ain’t barely left Mama’s gaping flaccid labia long enough to even slither down to the basement yet. Somebody threw this one out as chum, to bait us ig’nant lib’ruls, and it ain’t even developed enough of a brain-stem yet to realize where the hook’s been placed.
Or put it into pop bottles and dress it up as your “future chirrens.”
But I digress…
“Babies are created when sperm fertilizes an egg and the embryo is carried to term. It has absolutely nothing to do with love. (If you read the paper, you know this, because children constantly meet tragic ends at the hands of parents.)”
:::starts The Wave for Happenstance:::
I would like to agree with Candy (even though she shares the name with a certain Louisiana political floozy who ought to embarrass her terribly) about the “parody troll” — but y’know, the ability to parody oneself or even a group to whom one is fiercely opposed requires some amount of self-awareness, some sort of AWARENESS, period.
Nope, can’t call it on this one.
What we got here, ya see, is a failure to communicate…
In other words, this ‘un ain’t barely left Mama’s gaping flaccid labia long enough to even slither down to the basement yet. Somebody threw this one out as chum, to bait us ig’nant lib’ruls, and it ain’t even developed enough of a brain-stem yet to realize where the hook’s been placed.
My name has nothing to do with Southern politics, Annti, or with any other politics. It’s the nickname of a musician I loved and respected dearly who died a few years back. It’s my little way of keeping him alive.
Doesn’t scott’s comment on the first mouse scribbling actually go better with the second?
If sex wasn’t designed for pleasure, then it wouldn’t be pleasureable. Obviously, Mouse is doing everything wrong. He/she/it/they really needs to hit up some us liberal, amoral, depraved types for some advice. I mean, there’s a reason that every time a Republican convention hits town, the sex industry hits the jackpot.
MRS. LOVEJOY: We’re not talking about love, Edna. We’re talking about S-E-X in front of the C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N!
KRUSTY: Sex Cauldron! I thought they shut that place down!
MRS. LOVEJOY: We’re not talking about love, Edna. We’re talking about S-E-X in front of the C-H-I-L-D-R-E-N!
KRUSTY: Sex Cauldron! I thought they shut that place down!
I don’t really know how I’ve stumbled upon this absolutely preposterious web-site.
I’ll have you know it’s a fully posterious website. Frankly, I’ve been a little worried about its becoming postposterious.
I’ll have you know it’s a fully posterious website. Frankly, I’ve been a little worried about its becoming postposterious.
“Where do babies come from? They are a recreation of two persons who love each other so much that they want to bring another one of them into this world.”
Someone’s got shelves of Precious Moments figurines.
Someone’s got shelves of Precious Moments figurines.
Where DO babies come from?
I mean, damn, there’s the stork, and the lily that opens with a babe within its petals, and that disgusting story my PE teacher told me in sixth grade, and…
Wooh boy, this is all so confusing.
I mean, damn, there’s the stork, and the lily that opens with a babe within its petals, and that disgusting story my PE teacher told me in sixth grade, and…
Wooh boy, this is all so confusing.
Or to paraphrase the man, the Juice, O.J. Simpson:
“This is where babies come from. This is mine!!!”.
“This is where babies come from. This is mine!!!”.
And remember, if sex isn’t pathetic and deplorable, then you’re not doing it right.
I wonder if jacking off soley for pleasure is pathetic and deplorable.
Hands up anyone else who misread ‘soley’ as ‘Foley’ when they first skimmed through this thread.
Was it only me? I must be a sick puppy.
Hands up anyone else who misread ‘soley’ as ‘Foley’ when they first skimmed through this thread.
Was it only me? I must be a sick puppy.
No, Baker, it’s just a bad idea to ask for a show of hands when asking a question on that subject. Skews the results a bit.
I would say that jacking off Foley is definitely pathetic and deplorable. You may be a sick puppy HDB, but I think that’s better than pathetic and deplorable.
Oops, and speaking of misreading, that was for Bimler, not Baker. I so need to get a bigger screen.
[rolls eyes so far back they come around forward again]
Damn. I’ve gotten too good at that. I can see! That means I can go read this coprolite’s entire comments. Rats.
Damn. I’ve gotten too good at that. I can see! That means I can go read this coprolite’s entire comments. Rats.
Oh, and Annti? That were a diff’rent “Mark” you was talkin’ to. Jes’ sayin’.
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