Our new friends The Aristocrats reminded me of one of my favorite sites: Superdickery. If you ever wondered if having ultimate power over all mankind would turn you into a total dick…wonder no more:

Browse and enjoy.

Browse and enjoy.

12 Responses to “Superman is a Dick”
Like we needed more evidence that Pat Boone is a douchebag.
When a cartoon makes Pat Boone look like the hero, that’s fucked up.
Superdickery, indeed.
Superdickery, indeed.
I love Superdickery. It’s a damn shame it can’t update as often as it used to. Between it, Mister Kitty’s “Stupid Comics,” “Gone & Forgotten” at Ape-law.com, “OddballComics.com,” and the king of silly superheroics, Seanbaby.com, I am kept in a constant state of spandex-based hysterics.
But Bruce Tinsley is still making the funniest comics today, albeit for different reasons.
Sunday: Did you know that only the USA is tolerant of different religions, and that Christians are the only people who have to fear religious persecution?
Monday: Did you know that saying “Merry Christmas” at work or school will get you in deep doo-doo?
(C’mon, Tinny, you can do it–give us a new strip referring to Democrats as “drunks.” You know you want to. Maybe a little drinky-poo would help?)
But Bruce Tinsley is still making the funniest comics today, albeit for different reasons.
Sunday: Did you know that only the USA is tolerant of different religions, and that Christians are the only people who have to fear religious persecution?
Monday: Did you know that saying “Merry Christmas” at work or school will get you in deep doo-doo?
(C’mon, Tinny, you can do it–give us a new strip referring to Democrats as “drunks.” You know you want to. Maybe a little drinky-poo would help?)
Hey, I didn’t know Pat Boone played the ukelele. He’s such a dick.
Man, I love that site. And thank Happenstance for the great links.
If we consider that cover to be panel one of the comic, does panel two feature Superman vaporizing Pat Boone with his heat vision? Man, that’d be so cool! That’s why the current DC universe, while featuring Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman features no Pat Boone! And, our universe is inflicted with Pat Boone, but no Superman, Wonder Woman, or even Batman. Ah, the mysteries of the alternate universes!
I saw Pat Boone on TV today. Actually, it was a re-run from November 29th on c-span, and he was babbling on at the Heritage Foundation about the decline of American morals,rap music, the National Guard, the Boston Tea Party and throwing “activist” judges into Boston Harbor. And then he ended with some music video of a song he recorded about the National Guard. It was all pretty crazy.
Now, forgive me, TomG, but, unless I’m completely senile, just when in the FUCK did pansy-ass Pat Boone-doggle ever fucking actually SERVE?!?!?!?
Man, I love those old media tie-ins from ’50s, ’60s and early ’70s DC comics. They really had their finger on the pulse of the youth movement, didn’t they? Pat Boone, Jerry Lewis, Don Rickles…the man just couldn’t keep Julie Schwartz down.
And unless I’m misremembering, an issue of Jimmy Olsen, Superman’s Pal (that he kept dicking over in the worst way) featured not only the debut of Darkseid – the main hoss of DC’s villians – but the superhero identiy of Don Rickles, “Goody Rickles”, who was as nice as Don was nasty. There must’ve been LSD in the water back then.
And unless I’m misremembering, an issue of Jimmy Olsen, Superman’s Pal (that he kept dicking over in the worst way) featured not only the debut of Darkseid – the main hoss of DC’s villians – but the superhero identiy of Don Rickles, “Goody Rickles”, who was as nice as Don was nasty. There must’ve been LSD in the water back then.
So, um, Matt… Is any of that water still commercially available?
And Don Rickles?!?!??!?! You have GOT to be kidding me.
And Don Rickles?!?!??!?! You have GOT to be kidding me.
Nope, all of that is true, and it was all written by Jack Kirby, the king of comics, and certifiable lunatic.
The holidays put me behind so far, I’m only now seeing this, and I’ve already linked to it on an even older post, but… well, did somebody say Pat Boner? Talk about your superdickery! (And it’s in a box — clearly, he was a head of his time.)
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