That’s what our friend Janice “Mad at My Mop” Shaw Crouse seems to be saying in her lastest Townhall column “Mary Cheney’s pregnancy affects us all.”
Mary Cheney’s pregnancy poses problems not just for her child, but also for all Americans. Her action repudiates traditional values and sets an appalling example for young people at a time when father absence is the most pressing social problem facing the nation.
[…]If I read Janice correctly, she is saying that Mary’s pregnancy is a repudiation of Mary’s father and all he stands for.
Mary’s pregnancy is an “in-your-face” action countering the Bush Administration’s pro-family, pro-marriage and pro-life policies. She continues to repudiate the work to which her father has devoted his life.
20 Responses to “Mary Cheney Having a Baby Just to Spite the Bush Administration?”
Mary’s pregnancy is apparently not the result of state-sponsored torture, global destabilization, attacks on Constitutional rights, or Halliburton’s war profiteering, so I suppose it is in some small way a repudiation of her father’s life work.
“Wheew! That kid’s gonna be far out.” –John Sebastian to the audience at the Woodstock Festival, Bethel, NY, August 1969, commenting on a reported birth in the audience.
“Wheew! That kid’s gonna be far out.” –John Sebastian to the audience at the Woodstock Festival, Bethel, NY, August 1969, commenting on a reported birth in the audience.
Some folks need to have a foot in their mouths if nothing else to stem the flow of bullshit that advances like a meep-tide from their bile-sacs.
As one of the Americans mentioned in the quote, I have to tell you that I will not sleep tonight as I try to figure out how to solve the problems which Mary’s pregnancy has forced on me!!
Damn you, Mary Cheney!
Damn you, Mary Cheney!
Nothing says “In your face!” to pro-life policies quite like a pregnancy.
I really don’t give a rat’s ass about what Janice the Menace thinks about Mary Cheney’s pregnancy, but I’ve been having difficulty posting comments on sites I’ve been able to in the past (Sadly, No! being one) so I’m just posting this to see if I can.
I have my answer.
I have my answer! I’m walking on air!
Looks like you’re stuck with me here.
I have my answer! I’m walking on air!
Looks like you’re stuck with me here.

Hemlock Echo, that was good.
You know, Janice, as along as the kid doesn’t expose me to chicken pox, scream in my favorite restaurants while I’m there, or grow up to vote republican and use more than its fair share of resources, I foresee no problems to me. Of course, the last one is a given, but this is no different than any other white American kid of the wealthy political elite, regardless of how it was conceived. On the other hand, Worst President Ever seems to be determined to ensure that the child’s future home ends up permanently undersea as we all struggle to survive the effects of global warming and rampant overpopulation, so it may not matter either way.
You know, Janice, as along as the kid doesn’t expose me to chicken pox, scream in my favorite restaurants while I’m there, or grow up to vote republican and use more than its fair share of resources, I foresee no problems to me. Of course, the last one is a given, but this is no different than any other white American kid of the wealthy political elite, regardless of how it was conceived. On the other hand, Worst President Ever seems to be determined to ensure that the child’s future home ends up permanently undersea as we all struggle to survive the effects of global warming and rampant overpopulation, so it may not matter either way.
“Hmmm, so maybe Mary thinks that the absence of some fathers isn’t that pressing of a social problem.”
Well wouldn’t that include grandfathers? Uncles by marriage? Male cousins? That’s about it as the Cheney gene pool is as limp and shallow as Vice President Go Fuck Yourself and his Haughty Hausfrau.
Well wouldn’t that include grandfathers? Uncles by marriage? Male cousins? That’s about it as the Cheney gene pool is as limp and shallow as Vice President Go Fuck Yourself and his Haughty Hausfrau.
Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the think tank for Concerned Women for America, is a recognized authority on domestic issues, the United Nations, cultural and women’s concerns.
Her doctorate’s in communications, fer chrissakes. Is that supposed to confer authority on everything that comes out of your piehole?
Her doctorate’s in communications, fer chrissakes. Is that supposed to confer authority on everything that comes out of your piehole?
so did she mention the failure of the “abstinence until marriage” policy in her article as well?
and is the result of “preznit giv me turkee baster” resulting in a “preznit giv me turkee bastard?”
and is the result of “preznit giv me turkee baster” resulting in a “preznit giv me turkee bastard?”
sorry, that should have been “a preznit giv me turkee baster bastard”
h/t Dr Seuss
h/t Dr Seuss
I got a special finger for Ms. Crause, on behalf of my sister, my sister-in-law, and their daughter.
Like the old motto says, “Make it in Massachusetts”
Like the old motto says, “Make it in Massachusetts”
My favorite is now officially Focus on Teh Ghey Family with their comment that “Love can’t replace a mother and a father”.
Call me an America-hating bastard and all, but I have to assume that children out there living with a biological mother and father who beat them, molest them, or otherwise abuse them would prefer love from aunts, foster parents, or gay parents who, based on the trouble they went to to get pregnant, probably actually wanted them.
No, love can’t replace a mother and a father. But given the choice, I suspect most children would rather be loved.
Call me an America-hating bastard and all, but I have to assume that children out there living with a biological mother and father who beat them, molest them, or otherwise abuse them would prefer love from aunts, foster parents, or gay parents who, based on the trouble they went to to get pregnant, probably actually wanted them.
No, love can’t replace a mother and a father. But given the choice, I suspect most children would rather be loved.
I couldn’t really follow her logic, but I got the feeling she was scrambling around unsuccessfully attempting to find a way to blame this on the Clenis™.
I wonder who the sperm donor is. I’m betting it’s Don Rumsfeld or Rush Limbaugh.
“Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the drunk tank for Concerned Women for America”
“Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Beverly LaHaye Institute, the drunk tank for Concerned Women for America”
I think the sperm donor is Ann Coulter.
As someone mentioned, a loved child versus an unloved one.
Wow, hard choice.
Idiots. They’re only concerned with zygotes and blastocysts that have yet to become sentient. After that f’em.
Their supposed morality makes everything else irrelevant, and that’s beyond f’ed up. It’s evil.
Wow, hard choice.
Idiots. They’re only concerned with zygotes and blastocysts that have yet to become sentient. After that f’em.
Their supposed morality makes everything else irrelevant, and that’s beyond f’ed up. It’s evil.
I think this is all Mary’s clever way of getting us used to the idea that “dad” will be gone… right after Buckshot McCheney stumbles into his next hunting trip.
I feel sorry for this poor kid–well, not that he or she will ever actually be poor, but in the sense that s/he will be despised by people like Janet Shaw Crouse, sight unseen. One day, as s/he grows up and learns to read and to use a computer, the kid will Foogle his name… or mommy’s name… or, hell, Heather’s name, and will be treated to all this mindless, hateful crap. The stuff on the leftwing sites is hurtful enough-the stuff on the rightwing sites is downright viscous. To make matters worse, mommy’s bookmarks likely lead directly to “wonderful” sites like RedsState, PowerLine, Instapundit, Atlas Pammed, etc. Unless things undergo a radical change over the next few years, rightblogistan will be quite the minefield for little Halliburton Trust Fund. D’oh! See? I fall automatically into that mode. Feh!
Isn’t the Christmas season about celebrating the birth of a kid to some woman named Mary who got knocked up even though she’d never fucked a guy?
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