1. Dick Morris: I’m Leaving if Hillary Wins
2. Cheney to Testify in CIA Leak Case
Well, on second thought, I imagine that the demands of his job, what with the new war in Iran and all, will keep Dick out of the courtroom in January, despite his promise to support Scooter 100% if he would just keep his mouth shut and be the sacrificial lamb for this particular crime.
But you know, if this were a movie, Scooter would be terminated with extreme prejudice at the witness stand just seconds before he testified against Dick “Big Pussy” Cheney, leading to Elliot Ness being called in to clean up Washington. So, this might be an entertaining trial after all, if we let Hollywood direct it.
3. Judith Regan: ‘Jewish Cabal’ Led to Firing
But hey, we are being mean, and Mel says we should stop picking on him:
But back to Judith and her problems with the Jews.
Political strategist Dick Morris is so disgusted by the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency that he’s announced he’ll leave the country if she wins the Democratic nomination.Hey, whatever it takes to get rid of Dick Morris is fine by me. And if electing Hillary Queen of the Western World is what is required to get him to take his buddy Hannity with him when he leaves, then I think it’s an action we’ll have to take.
2. Cheney to Testify in CIA Leak Case
Vice President Dick Cheney will be called as a defense witness in the CIA leak case, an attorney for Cheney’s former chief of staff told a federal judge Tuesday.So, we may actually see if the rumors are true about Cheney bursting into flames, like a vampire exposed to sunlight, if required to swear an oath to tell the truth.
“We’re calling the vice president,” attorney Ted Wells said in court. Wells represents defendant I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, who is charged with perjury and obstruction.
Early last week, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said he did not expect the White House to resist if Cheney or other administration officials are called to testify in Libby’s trial, expected to begin in January
Well, on second thought, I imagine that the demands of his job, what with the new war in Iran and all, will keep Dick out of the courtroom in January, despite his promise to support Scooter 100% if he would just keep his mouth shut and be the sacrificial lamb for this particular crime.
But you know, if this were a movie, Scooter would be terminated with extreme prejudice at the witness stand just seconds before he testified against Dick “Big Pussy” Cheney, leading to Elliot Ness being called in to clean up Washington. So, this might be an entertaining trial after all, if we let Hollywood direct it.
3. Judith Regan: ‘Jewish Cabal’ Led to Firing
In an explosive telephone argument that led to her firing, publisher Judith Regan allegedly complained of a “Jewish cabal” against her in the book industry and stated that “Of all people, Jews should know about ganging up, finding common enemies and telling the big lie.”Wow, Mel Gibson has found his soul mate! And since we hear that Mel likes to do it in the back of station wagons, and we know that Judith likes to do it in apartments set up for 9/11 rescuers, this could truly be a match made in bigot heaven!
But hey, we are being mean, and Mel says we should stop picking on him:
Gibson to Hollywood: ‘Get the hell over it’
[...]Yes, why is it always the famous actor/director/producers who must suffer? Maybe we should start a telethon to benefit stars who drive drunk, let loose with anti-Semitic, misogynistic tirades, and then are mercilessly mocked for six months. After all, they are the true victims, not those whiny kids of Jerry.
“I’m doing well,” he says. “But how many people do you know get a DUI and are kicked around for six months? It’s out of proportion.”
But back to Judith and her problems with the Jews.
[Rupert Murdoch's] spokesman, Andrew Butcher, released the comments in response to a threatened libel suit from Regan’s legal representative, Hollywood attorney Bert Fields, who had called earlier reports of anti-Semitic remarks “completely untrue” and added that the publisher “didn’t have an anti-Semitic bone in her body.Um, this is a family blog, so we won’t speculate about the anti-Semitic bones that may or may not have been in Judith over the years. Do that on your own time!

22 Responses to “The ‘News Max’ News Wrap-Up”
Imagine if Mel G directed a movie about Scooter’s trial.
But I think his next project is “The Inquisition”, showing all the positive things about that period of Catholicism that Liberal Historians have obscured.
But I think his next project is “The Inquisition”, showing all the positive things about that period of Catholicism that Liberal Historians have obscured.
The term “Jew Cabal” hadn’t been heard in public since the Watergate tapes.
And no, DUI’s generally aren’t forgotten after 6 months. Not by friends and neighbors, not by the courts, and definitely not by your insurance company. Just because you wish it were so — what do they call that? Magical thinking?
And no, DUI’s generally aren’t forgotten after 6 months. Not by friends and neighbors, not by the courts, and definitely not by your insurance company. Just because you wish it were so — what do they call that? Magical thinking?
Trashfire has a point about the DUI thing, but I don’t really think it’s the DUI the public is still pissy about… it’s Mel’s anti-Semitic rant that has really damaged his reputation. (Well, that, and his other anti-Semitic rant, The Jesus Chainsaw Massacre.)
Ahhhhhhhhh… Finally I have my internet access back. You wouldn’t believe the storms we had. Of course, there’s still a pile of people here without power, which at least my household got back within a day, so I won’t complain too much.
But to be greeted with Mel whining that it’s mean to pick on him for endangering other people with his drunken driving… Fuckwit. Hey, Mel, people actually die when people drive drunk, y’know? Even when famous people drive drunk. And just because you didn’t kill anyone, doesn’t mean you couldn’t have. It’s just sheer dumbass luck you got pulled over and humiliated yourself instead of killing someone. We’ll all forget all about it as soon as you run for president or vice president, okay? That’s apparently how that works.
And I will personally gay polygamously marry Hillary Clinton and Socks the Cat on the Mall in DC and vow before my dark lord (not Cheney) to work to make her Empress Of All The Universe if it’ll make Dick Morris go the hell away. Does anyone really believe that he’ll do it, though? Or will he just get his own show on FOX News where he daily calls her a dyke and entertains theories about her secret queer crack-and-Ortho covens with the pro-abortion feminists?
Man. Gone for five days and the stupid keeps on spinning.
But to be greeted with Mel whining that it’s mean to pick on him for endangering other people with his drunken driving… Fuckwit. Hey, Mel, people actually die when people drive drunk, y’know? Even when famous people drive drunk. And just because you didn’t kill anyone, doesn’t mean you couldn’t have. It’s just sheer dumbass luck you got pulled over and humiliated yourself instead of killing someone. We’ll all forget all about it as soon as you run for president or vice president, okay? That’s apparently how that works.
And I will personally gay polygamously marry Hillary Clinton and Socks the Cat on the Mall in DC and vow before my dark lord (not Cheney) to work to make her Empress Of All The Universe if it’ll make Dick Morris go the hell away. Does anyone really believe that he’ll do it, though? Or will he just get his own show on FOX News where he daily calls her a dyke and entertains theories about her secret queer crack-and-Ortho covens with the pro-abortion feminists?
Man. Gone for five days and the stupid keeps on spinning.
Dick Morris isn’t going anywhere. I think the Fox news desk is where all retired hooker-toe-sucking weasels go as they age. It’s like Florida to them.
“didn’t have an anti-Semitic bone in her body.”
I’d like to nominate this gem as THE spokes-hack gaffe of the year.
As for Mel, he like the president of Jesusland, is going for the petulant stance in the face of a public rebuke. I guess he likes the hard way.
I’d like to nominate this gem as THE spokes-hack gaffe of the year.
As for Mel, he like the president of Jesusland, is going for the petulant stance in the face of a public rebuke. I guess he likes the hard way.
i think they call that the trifecta.
it’s been a good day.
it’s been a good day.
I don’t have power yet, damnit!! and my cats are freezing. i’m in a warm cozy free hotel.
Where does this “Jewish cabal” meet? Will they let me join? I make the best potato latkes on the planet!
Before he was arrested, Mel-ancholy Gibson was stopped and warned at least twice about DUI, but was let go by starstruck Malibu cops. So evidently he only feels bad about the time he got caught.
HemlockEcho, if Fox “News” is like Florida to those who appear there, do they have an early-bird dinner special at four p.m.? (Sorry, couldn’t resist…) I’d nose around their HQ here in Washington if it weren’t so heavily encrusted with cop cars, 24/7.
Hope all of you who don’t have electrical power get it back real soon. I guess you’ll have to read this after the fact, huh.
xx Mrs. Tarquin “Sugar Tits” Biscuitbarrel
Before he was arrested, Mel-ancholy Gibson was stopped and warned at least twice about DUI, but was let go by starstruck Malibu cops. So evidently he only feels bad about the time he got caught.
HemlockEcho, if Fox “News” is like Florida to those who appear there, do they have an early-bird dinner special at four p.m.? (Sorry, couldn’t resist…) I’d nose around their HQ here in Washington if it weren’t so heavily encrusted with cop cars, 24/7.
Hope all of you who don’t have electrical power get it back real soon. I guess you’ll have to read this after the fact, huh.
xx Mrs. Tarquin “Sugar Tits” Biscuitbarrel
merlallen, that really sucks. I hope you get your power back soon. I gather the hotel has a no pet policy? As a maid allergic to dogs, I’m sympathetic, but dammit people should make exceptions for emergencies…. Motels have anti-allergy chem sprays and the like for after you’re out, and it’s not like every maid could be allergic, even if they were, there’s nothing says you have to accept in-room service. Poor kitties. Poor you! I hope you’re all back together somewhere warm soon!
“And I will personally gay polygamously marry Hillary Clinton and Socks the Cat on the Mall in DC and vow before my dark lord (not Cheney) to work to make her Empress Of All The Universe if it’ll make Dick Morris go the hell away.”
Now, THAT is worth getting outta bed to see!!! So glad that you survived the monsoons up thar, D. Sidhe!!! And you made me choke on my cinnamon toast, too, ya heifer.
“xx Mrs. Tarquin “Sugar Tits” Biscuitbarrel”
You DO realize that this is going to haunt you for at LEAST six months, if not the rest of your blogging life, m’love… And personally, I’d love to sponsor the tattoo that would make it a permanent fixture, if I could afford it… heh heh heh… WHERE you place it, well, I guess that THAT is up to you, Mrs. Biscuitbarrel…
Now, back to topic, sorta…
S.Z., darlin’ heart, thank you so much for being so good at making these whining little bitches look like the pathetic loo-hoo-hoo-hoooooooooosers that they truly are and will always be… And at least when YOU tell their stories, they become FUNNY!
Now, THAT is worth getting outta bed to see!!! So glad that you survived the monsoons up thar, D. Sidhe!!! And you made me choke on my cinnamon toast, too, ya heifer.
“xx Mrs. Tarquin “Sugar Tits” Biscuitbarrel”
You DO realize that this is going to haunt you for at LEAST six months, if not the rest of your blogging life, m’love… And personally, I’d love to sponsor the tattoo that would make it a permanent fixture, if I could afford it… heh heh heh… WHERE you place it, well, I guess that THAT is up to you, Mrs. Biscuitbarrel…
Now, back to topic, sorta…
S.Z., darlin’ heart, thank you so much for being so good at making these whining little bitches look like the pathetic loo-hoo-hoo-hoooooooooosers that they truly are and will always be… And at least when YOU tell their stories, they become FUNNY!
In Borders the other day I was horrified to see there is an actual NewsMax magazine for sale! Since I didn’t have my pooper scooper with me I didn’t pick it up but jeeze, louise, you mean people would pay good money to read that crap?
Maybe we should start a telethon to benefit stars who drive drunk, let loose with anti-Semitic, misogynistic tirades, and then are mercilessly mocked for six months.
Capital suggestion!
Listen, I hear the Chabad Telethon is looking to partner with another worthy cause, because even air time on the CW Network gets expensive…
Capital suggestion!
Listen, I hear the Chabad Telethon is looking to partner with another worthy cause, because even air time on the CW Network gets expensive…
Didn’t Dick Morris use to work for Clintons? Don’t you think they regret hiring him now?
I’d be surprised if he left, though. I mean, how many times have we heard people say “I’ll leave the country if _______ wins!”
I’d be surprised if he left, though. I mean, how many times have we heard people say “I’ll leave the country if _______ wins!”
Y’know, he doesn’t have to wait til that happens. I’m sure nobody would miss Dickie if he left now. Or notice even.
I thought Judith Regan WAS Jewish! Oh God, it’s times like this I’m embarrassed to have gone to Vassar, just like her. . .
And hey: remember all the pearl-clutching over Alec Baldwin saying he’d go to France if Bush was re-elected, and then all the HYPOCRITE sneers when he didn’t? Dick Morris is a wretched human being — witness his ads for the Staten Island Republican Congressional seat, with terrorists talking and just as they’re about to say where or when they’re going to attack, you hear a dial tone, and an announcer saying, “This wiretap was interrupted because [name of Democrat] thinks terrorists’ rights are more important than your safety.” He was preening about it to O’Reilly and even O’Reilly wasn’t buying into it.
And hey: remember all the pearl-clutching over Alec Baldwin saying he’d go to France if Bush was re-elected, and then all the HYPOCRITE sneers when he didn’t? Dick Morris is a wretched human being — witness his ads for the Staten Island Republican Congressional seat, with terrorists talking and just as they’re about to say where or when they’re going to attack, you hear a dial tone, and an announcer saying, “This wiretap was interrupted because [name of Democrat] thinks terrorists’ rights are more important than your safety.” He was preening about it to O’Reilly and even O’Reilly wasn’t buying into it.
“xx Mrs. Tarquin “Sugar Tits” Biscuitbarrel”
(Human) breast milk tastes a lot sweeter than cow’s milk, as some husbands/fathers have occasion to know. I wonder if that’s what Mel was alluding to.
(Human) breast milk tastes a lot sweeter than cow’s milk, as some husbands/fathers have occasion to know. I wonder if that’s what Mel was alluding to.
Woohoo! Billmon’s back!
Woohoo! Billmon’s back!
Well, folks, YOU I trust!
Annti, I’ll pass on the tattoo. Why would I need one when you guys remember that I actually called myself…? Well, anyway, some twenty years ago my husband had a skittish young assistant (also Jewish) who was contemplating a tattoo. He called me in a panic. “Her mother will just freak out!” gabbled the manly Mr. B. “Find me the citation in Jewish law that forbids tattooing so I can tell Miss X!” I found the relevant quote from the Shulchan Aruch. Issue dropped.
Miss X, by the way, is now Mrs. Y, and past forty, with wee bairns and dogs, too.
Frederick, I know allllllll about breast milk. (So, doubtless, does Mel G., legitimately father of seven, not to mention the Aussie he reportedly fathered in the back of a truck.) It’s funny to see my three strapping teenage sons, two of whom are sprouting copious amounts of hair from their bodies’ public areas, and remember how they used to leer at me when I maneuvered them into nursing position.
Two of them could read before they chose to wean themselves, and it was a tad weird to find myself leaning on the corner of a book that my young master-of-the-time had brought into the rocking chair with us. “YOU eat and read,” said my eldest, reproachfully, once when I confiscated the Rand-McNally Road Atlas.
Have a merry Whatever-It-Is-You-Do! xx Mrs. T “S T” Biscuitbarrel
Annti, I’ll pass on the tattoo. Why would I need one when you guys remember that I actually called myself…? Well, anyway, some twenty years ago my husband had a skittish young assistant (also Jewish) who was contemplating a tattoo. He called me in a panic. “Her mother will just freak out!” gabbled the manly Mr. B. “Find me the citation in Jewish law that forbids tattooing so I can tell Miss X!” I found the relevant quote from the Shulchan Aruch. Issue dropped.
Miss X, by the way, is now Mrs. Y, and past forty, with wee bairns and dogs, too.
Frederick, I know allllllll about breast milk. (So, doubtless, does Mel G., legitimately father of seven, not to mention the Aussie he reportedly fathered in the back of a truck.) It’s funny to see my three strapping teenage sons, two of whom are sprouting copious amounts of hair from their bodies’ public areas, and remember how they used to leer at me when I maneuvered them into nursing position.
Two of them could read before they chose to wean themselves, and it was a tad weird to find myself leaning on the corner of a book that my young master-of-the-time had brought into the rocking chair with us. “YOU eat and read,” said my eldest, reproachfully, once when I confiscated the Rand-McNally Road Atlas.
Have a merry Whatever-It-Is-You-Do! xx Mrs. T “S T” Biscuitbarrel
Ah, well, I can understand why you might not want the tat, but if you ever get het-up in some menopausal heat-flash hissy-fit and decide to decorate your sweet mammaries, just holler at me, I probably know a good artist in your neck o’ the woods, wherever that might be.
And y’know, once they’ve got TEETH, isn’t it generally a good idea to wean the little buggers?!??!?!
Still Grateful To Be A Non-Breeder,
And y’know, once they’ve got TEETH, isn’t it generally a good idea to wean the little buggers?!??!?!
Still Grateful To Be A Non-Breeder,
One can teach them not to bite, it’s not hard. Or at least I didn’t find it so.
But if I change my mind about the tat, I’ll let you know!
But if I change my mind about the tat, I’ll let you know!
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