We want to thank the one and only Anntichrist Coulter for her very kind plug for our critter rescue over at her fine blog, Mark Of The Beast. Sure, she called us a ”heifer,” but I’m sure she meant it in a nice way. 
And a big thank-you to all of you who broke open your piggy banks to send us generous donations for our on-going pet rescue and poop collection efforts. I’ll be posting some cat and dog pics later, and letting you know which particular pet YOU are now sponsoring (and assigning you times to come by and scoop out a litter box for your new charge).
I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again: you folks are the best!

And a big thank-you to all of you who broke open your piggy banks to send us generous donations for our on-going pet rescue and poop collection efforts. I’ll be posting some cat and dog pics later, and letting you know which particular pet YOU are now sponsoring (and assigning you times to come by and scoop out a litter box for your new charge).
I’ve said it before, but it’s worth saying again: you folks are the best!

12 Responses to “A Little Help From Our Friends”
Well, hell, I hadda plug ya, I wanted to put up a donate button but ya wouldn’t let me, so that’s what ya get, neener neener nyeh-nyeh!
After all, you are, dear S.Z., my inspiration in all deeds great and small.
Going back to bed now. Just had to fire my physical therapists for making that mistake, in that too-sweet-phony-Southern-female-passive-aggressive-bullying way, of treating me like I work for them.
Anybody who calls my house at a quarter to 8 in the fucking morning, when these people have known me since I got home from the hospital — was askin’ for it, especially since I’d scheduled my therapy for 1 fucking P.M.
After all, you are, dear S.Z., my inspiration in all deeds great and small.
Going back to bed now. Just had to fire my physical therapists for making that mistake, in that too-sweet-phony-Southern-female-passive-aggressive-bullying way, of treating me like I work for them.
Anybody who calls my house at a quarter to 8 in the fucking morning, when these people have known me since I got home from the hospital — was askin’ for it, especially since I’d scheduled my therapy for 1 fucking P.M.
hey, where else can we get piping hot snark and a matching mug for a piping hot beverage?
Would you like one of those automatic self-cleaning litter boxes for Christmas? I read reviews of it on Amazon, and it seems OK. I gather the kitty’s are amused by it.
Scooping??? Having quite enough of that chore at home, I must assume my donation went to one of those adorable puppies…
Did you realize that the hyperlink “Mark of the Beast” actually links to a scary evangelical website? I’ll bet their sitemeter is registering some puzzling results today.
You’re welcome, s.z. I was sort of hoping the Creepies had gone to the trouble of hijacking Annti’s site; not that I wish her trouble, but it would be just plain funny to know they knew about her website.
Lucy, dearest, while I appreciate your obviously demented and sadistic sense of humor, if you ever mutter those words, in that order, ever again, and somehow bring about the wrath of the cosmos (in the form of bible-banging, tax-evading, psycho-cunt so-called “christians” hijacking my blog) — I will sell your entire personal identity to every single chapter of Mormon missionaries ON THIS CONTINENT.
Ask S.Z. — this is not a threat. This is a promise.
And believe you me, even though I don’t have a site traffic meter, I’ve had more than a few blatant examples of how many republicunts stumble onto Mark Of The Beast. And that’s more than enough information for me.
My normally obscenely-low blood pressure has raised at least 10 points in the past month, so let’s not tempt the fates, shall we?
And I noticed that there was something wonky about the link this morning, but I didn’t wanna bitch, but then, I didn’t click on it either.
S.Z., you’re gonna HAVE to e-mail me that original boo-boo link… I’m just dying of curiosity now…
And Lucy… Let’s not be making little jokes like that anymore, or I’d be sorely tempted to do a few road trips… and I know a few people who could find every single dirty picture on your hard drive, pumpkin.
Ask S.Z. — this is not a threat. This is a promise.
And believe you me, even though I don’t have a site traffic meter, I’ve had more than a few blatant examples of how many republicunts stumble onto Mark Of The Beast. And that’s more than enough information for me.
My normally obscenely-low blood pressure has raised at least 10 points in the past month, so let’s not tempt the fates, shall we?
And I noticed that there was something wonky about the link this morning, but I didn’t wanna bitch, but then, I didn’t click on it either.
S.Z., you’re gonna HAVE to e-mail me that original boo-boo link… I’m just dying of curiosity now…
And Lucy… Let’s not be making little jokes like that anymore, or I’d be sorely tempted to do a few road trips… and I know a few people who could find every single dirty picture on your hard drive, pumpkin.
Wow, don’t know that I deserve all that, but sorry. I would have thought it was obvious I didn’t mean it literally. Guess I didn’t think it through.
I think the site’s url was “mark of the beast” (no spaces) dot com or dot org.
I think the site’s url was “mark of the beast” (no spaces) dot com or dot org.
Thank you, s.z. I can be a little sensitive and/or dense. Your adoption of the kindergarten teacher persona (I mean that nicely) is much appreciated. I’m relieved to know I’m probably not being run out of town on a rail, ..er, not until the next time.
I wish I had a bucket of money to send to your critters, but I posted a link at my place in the hopes that one of my readers has said bucket laying around.
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