It’s been a very hectic weekend (it was the semi-annual PetsMart Super Adoption event on Fri, Sat, and Sun), but I have been remiss is conveying my gratitude to everyone for the birthday wishes and kind thoughts. So, thanks everyone!
Thanks especially to Scott (who, I should probably mention, is coauthor of a moderately amusing self-help/cinema humor book that you might consider reading some day) for his lovely and semi-factual tribute, and to Preznit and Katherine for their very generous contributions to the “keep the cats from eating people” fund. I’ll send them some horribly cute kitten photos later (THAT will teach them!), but for the moment they will have to trust me when I say that their felines are in the mail.
And I will try to be back to post something more substantive after I’ve got the beasts under control. Maybe we can peruse Dr. Mike’s latest bid for attention (distrupting sexual harassment workshops). Or perhaps it’s time to check in on some of our other favorite whiners over at Townhall/WorldNetDaily/Human Events Online. (Any suggestions?)
For now, please enjoy these Rush Limbaugh Monday Quotes, selected as the BEST of what Rush had to say today. (Remember as you are reading that this is the creme de la creme of Rush.)

“I eat a lot of meat. Actually, a lot of liver and onions, too. My brain’s huge. Which is why, folks, I would suggest that you buy Allen Brothers. I’m one of their biggest customers!”“How about Lindsey Lohan, ladies and gentlemen? Heard about this? I think it’s safe to say that this woman’s brain is, at best, a fried egg. Okay, maybe a scrambled egg.””So Obama wanted defeat of the US military last year, but now, all of a sudden, he wants a delay in the withdrawal of troops so that he can say he did it as president, and fulfill a campaign pledge to the kook fringe? What a slimeball!””I went to Cleveland over the weekend with friends, and they said, ‘You need to go to the Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame.’ But I got confused and went to the Hard Rock Cafe.”
Remember, kids, if you use drugs this could happen to you too.
Posted by s.z. on September 15th, 2008
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