*Because Scott is known in Hollywood as a Black Belt Commie Sympathizer.
Anyway, as we continue our stroll down Town Hall’s boulevard of broken dreams, tortured syntax, and muddled thinking, let’s stop and stare at Chuck Norris, who has followed in the footsteps of Pat Boone and used his golden years to become a conservative columnist/crackpot. So, here’s Chuck’s latest piece, Clandestine Conservatives in Hollywood.
As I was being interviewed recently at my Texas ranch by Geraldo Rivera, I thought back over my four decades in acting and how the pool of conservative “tough guys” seems to be drying up in Hollywood.
What a coincidence! As I was being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for Blogging, I thought back over my four decades of watching bad movies and how really atrocious Chuck Norris’s Invasion USA is. (Although this film left deep emotional scars, it didn’t make the cut forBetter Living Through Bad Movies, possibly because the book self-publishing industry is secretly controlled by liberals.)
Or are liberal waters just getting too hot for conservatives?
Yes, conservative tough guys are drying up due to hot liberal waters. That’s got to be it, Chuck!
Then I recalled that The Washington Times recently reported, “A group of politically conservative and centrist Hollywood figures (up to 600 at once) organized by actor Gary Sinise and others has been meeting quietly in restaurants and private homes, forming a loose-knit network of entertainers who share common beliefs like supporting U.S. troops and traditional American values.”
How sad that Chuck had to read in the paper about these gatherings — you’d think that he’d rate at least a courtesy invitation. (“Hi, Mr. Norris, it’s Gary Sinise. Yes, the guy from the C.S.I. that nobody watches. Anyway, I understand that you are a wingnut, so I wanted to let you know that me and 600 of my closest closeted conservative friends are getting together at Olive Garden on Tuesday. We wondered if you wanted to join us as we whine about how we coulda been contenders if only we weren’t always being blacklisted for loving America and Jesus. Yes, they are doing that “Endless Pasta Bowl” thing there now. Of course, most of the others think that you are an embarrasing old coot, so you probably wouldn’t want to come. Maybe another time, okay?”)
But the article also noted that the secret is out on these clandestine meetings, as conservatives progressively are becoming more and more emboldened.
I hear that they are so emboldened that one of them dared to tell the Wash Times that they’re here, they’re against queers, and Hollywood should get used to them secretly not caring about the rain forest.
In a so-called age of tolerance, it amazes me just how intolerant some people are of those who stand for traditional values. For example, if I stand against California’s memorializing of Harvey Milk Day or stand for California’s Proposition 8, which would create an amendment to the California Constitution to safeguard heterosexual purity in marriage (which I do support and encourage Gov. Schwarzenegger and all Californians to do the same), I’m considered by many to be intolerant and a bigot.
Aw, now who would consider Chuck to be intolerant just for trying to safeguard heterosexual purity by denying other people the right to marry?
But if another actor takes just the opposite positions on those measures, he is considered to be compassionate and a liberator.
It’s true! All of California hails our friend Actor212 as a Liberator (“El Libertador212,” they call him) for not supporting Prop. 8.
Or when a liberal candidate, such as Hillary Clinton, runs for president, her candidacy is considered a fulfillment of civil rights and women’s suffrage. But when a conservative candidate, such as Sarah Palin, runs for vice president, she’s considered a radical right-wing extremist who could usurp the Capitol by toting rifles at her side.
Okay, it’s time for Chuck to take his nap now. (He gets a little worked up when he thinks about a rifle-toting Sarah Palin taking over the Capitol, much as the bazooka-toting Cubans took over a Miami mall inInvasion USA). But here’s a parting thought for you to mull over as you go about your business.
This is America, and we should respect the fact that we will have strong, diverse opinions, and we must allow one another the freedom of speech to air such opines, not suppress them through peer pressure of any type like children.
So, no more peer pressure of any type, Hollywood! You totally accept the conservatives or there will be no dessert for anyone!

Posted by s.z. on Tuesday, September 30th, 2008 at 5:03 am
31 Responses to “Scott, This One is for You*”
Y’know, I’ve always thought he was a lame actor without a single good movie to his credit. This I could overlook. That he’s also a total jackass just gives me one additional reason to ignore him.
Yet another bigot who thinks “If you were TRULY tolerant, you’d be tolerant of the intolerant” is a “Gotcha!” argument. Gee Chuck, you use a phrase like “heterosexual purity” and you’re surprised people think you’re an asshole?
But he’s not without his fans, I guess. So I’ll let Corey “Mr. Safety” Williams have the final word:
Yet another bigot who thinks “If you were TRULY tolerant, you’d be tolerant of the intolerant” is a “Gotcha!” argument. Gee Chuck, you use a phrase like “heterosexual purity” and you’re surprised people think you’re an asshole?
But he’s not without his fans, I guess. So I’ll let Corey “Mr. Safety” Williams have the final word:
“safeguard heterosexual purity in marriage”?
What exactly is heterosexual purity? Is this man on top, three strokes and you’re done? Murikan sex, none of that French or Greek stuff for us…
What exactly is heterosexual purity? Is this man on top, three strokes and you’re done? Murikan sex, none of that French or Greek stuff for us…
I think he’s saying bisexuals are a traitorous infiltration group. So, um. Anybody wanna be infiltrated?
Hey, when I was reading bits of this to my partner, I accidentally read “safeguard racial purity in marriage”. Anyone else hear that echo, or is my white ass in trouble with my Japanese-American partner?
So much for that open-mindedness that supposedly comes from the self-discipline of martial arts. Now he’s just an asshole who works out. Surprise!
All of California hails our friend Actor212 as a Liberator (”El Libertador212,” they call him) for supporting Prop. 8.
Um, for the record, I fully support the rights of gay men and lesbians to marry whomever they damned well please. I believe marriage is a torture that should be inflicted on everyone, and that “gay” should not be a state of emotion any longer.
You fagelehs have had it too good for too long! Now get your asses married!
Um, for the record, I fully support the rights of gay men and lesbians to marry whomever they damned well please. I believe marriage is a torture that should be inflicted on everyone, and that “gay” should not be a state of emotion any longer.
You fagelehs have had it too good for too long! Now get your asses married!
Or when a liberal candidate, such as Hillary Clinton, runs for president, her candidacy is considered a fulfillment of civil rights and women’s suffrage. But when a conservative candidate, such as Sarah Palin, runs for vice president, she’s considered a radical right-wing extremist who could usurp the Capitol by toting rifles at her side.
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Chuck? How are those inconsistent?
If anything, it shows Palin is NOT being judged by the contours of her bra, but by the content of her character!
Errrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Chuck? How are those inconsistent?
If anything, it shows Palin is NOT being judged by the contours of her bra, but by the content of her character!
The double standard in Hollywood is ridiculous, and it goes back for decades. For example, if you fought on one side during World War II, you were a brave soldier liberating Europe from evil. But if you fought on the opposite side, suddenly you’re a “fascist” and a “Nazi.” Stupid liberals!
For a “Conservative tough guy” Norris sure sounds whiny. And he may have been a great martial artist, but he’s a terrible action star. I don’t expect Olivier in my martial arts movie leads, but at least try to project a little emotion or charisma or something. I suspect the only reason he became as big as he was is because there just aren’t many American martial arts actors. Big fish in the small pond I guess.
Oh yeah, gotta keep hetero marriage PURE. For sure!
In the 80′s I read a review of a Chuckie movie. The reviewer said he had “soulless Teddy-bear eyes” behind that awful beard.
In the 80′s I read a review of a Chuckie movie. The reviewer said he had “soulless Teddy-bear eyes” behind that awful beard.
f anything, it shows Palin is NOT being judged by the contours of her bra, but by the content of her character!
Tab all over the screen. Kudos, actor212.
Tab all over the screen. Kudos, actor212.
D. Sidhe, when I read “safeguard heterosexual purity”, my first thought was, “is that anything like racial purity?”
“In the 80’s I read a review of a Chuckie movie. The reviewer said he had “soulless Teddy-bear eyes” behind that awful beard.”
Can one be wooden and leaden at the same time?
Can one be wooden and leaden at the same time?
I thought back over my four decades in acting and how the pool of conservative “tough guys” seems to be drying up in Hollywood.If by “drying up” he means dying of neglect, then, yeah, I can see that.
You fagelehs have had it too good for too long! Now get your asses married!
Exactly. Gays should be made to suffer just like the rest of us.
Let me try an opine (it’s now a noun, I see).
I’ve never seen Invasion USA. But it really can’t be worse thanThe Hero and the Terror can it? Can it???
I’ve never seen Invasion USA. But it really can’t be worse thanThe Hero and the Terror can it? Can it???
I thought back over my four decades in acting and how the pool of conservative “tough guys” seems to be drying up in Hollywood.
So, global warming is killing conservatives by exposing them to sunlight? Wow, how ironic!
“For example, if you fought on one side during World War II,”
If you fought on neither side, then you were John Wayne, archetype of the posturing chickenhawk ‘action hero’.
So, global warming is killing conservatives by exposing them to sunlight? Wow, how ironic!
“For example, if you fought on one side during World War II,”
If you fought on neither side, then you were John Wayne, archetype of the posturing chickenhawk ‘action hero’.
Actually I read “Black Belt Patriotism” and it’s pretty impressive in research and depth. By the way, it’s a New York Times bestseller in its 2nd week. I guess “Walker” is more popular than many here think.
One last point… you missed one point he said…”We must agree to disagree agreeably, without blogging about or denigrating someone’s life and character before the nation and rest of the world. We must do better at keeping the focus on the fact that we are Americans first; we are not just conservatives and liberals.” Looks like virtually everyone on this blog proves his point of intolerance–it’s not just his problem, but yours too. It looks like most here flunk that patriot test. Maybe some day we’ll finally learn how to respect again.
Yes, and popular automatically means “completely credible and rational, not worthy of avoiding or mocking at all”.
For example, Paris Hilton, Carrot Top.
For example, Paris Hilton, Carrot Top.
Um…Norris said that banning gay couples from marrying is a way to “safeguard heterosexual purity”. In other words, homosexuals are a pollutant.
That is not an opinion that I, as a gay man, feel obliged to respect. ‘Cause he sure doesn’t seem to have any for me.
That is not an opinion that I, as a gay man, feel obliged to respect. ‘Cause he sure doesn’t seem to have any for me.
I smell a sock puppet.
I’ll consider respecting Mr Norris when he gets his nose out of my love life, stops suggesting I’m a baby-killer, quits saying liberals are unpatriotic, abandons his theory that evolution in schools is responsible for kids killing each other (but guns are perfectly innocent), stops saying that atheists and gays are trying to seduce teenagers, and generally respects me.
He might also have to stop whining about how MEAN the sexual deviant minority is to him and his major religion.
I’ll consider respecting Mr Norris when he gets his nose out of my love life, stops suggesting I’m a baby-killer, quits saying liberals are unpatriotic, abandons his theory that evolution in schools is responsible for kids killing each other (but guns are perfectly innocent), stops saying that atheists and gays are trying to seduce teenagers, and generally respects me.
He might also have to stop whining about how MEAN the sexual deviant minority is to him and his major religion.
Or, what Bill S. said.
Just for the record, I’m not a “sympathizer.” I am a black belt Commie. Sympathy’s for pussies and Tae Kwon Do green belts.
Actually I read “Black Belt Patriotism” and it’s pretty impressive in research and depth.
You impress rather too easily.
You impress rather too easily.
Looks like virtually everyone on this blog proves his point of intolerance–it’s not just his problem, but yours too. It looks like most here flunk that patriot test. Maybe some day we’ll finally learn how to respect again.
Left by Rich Moore on September 30th, 2008
Chum, you don’t want to go flag flying here, son. I can run rings around you AND Norris on that count. I’ve served my country far better than you can possibly imagine, and would (and likely will) do it again.
We are not intolerant of anything except ignorance and knee-jerk chauvinism, like yours, like Norris’. Any asshole who can say this, “Or when a liberal candidate, such as Hillary Clinton, runs for president, her candidacy is considered a fulfillment of civil rights and women’s suffrage. But when a conservative candidate, such as Sarah Palin, runs for vice president, she’s considered a radical right-wing extremist who could usurp the Capitol by toting rifles at her side,” clearly hasn’t given this topic a minute’s thorough thinking through!
And that kind of idiocy is unacceptable in this great nation of ours.
Why do you fucking hate America so, “Richie”, that you’d want us to stoop to the lowest common denominator, just like conservatives have for decades?
or to put it another way, you obtuse ingrate, “Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things…every one! So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘Liberal,’ as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won’t work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor!”
Left by Rich Moore on September 30th, 2008
Chum, you don’t want to go flag flying here, son. I can run rings around you AND Norris on that count. I’ve served my country far better than you can possibly imagine, and would (and likely will) do it again.
We are not intolerant of anything except ignorance and knee-jerk chauvinism, like yours, like Norris’. Any asshole who can say this, “Or when a liberal candidate, such as Hillary Clinton, runs for president, her candidacy is considered a fulfillment of civil rights and women’s suffrage. But when a conservative candidate, such as Sarah Palin, runs for vice president, she’s considered a radical right-wing extremist who could usurp the Capitol by toting rifles at her side,” clearly hasn’t given this topic a minute’s thorough thinking through!
And that kind of idiocy is unacceptable in this great nation of ours.
Why do you fucking hate America so, “Richie”, that you’d want us to stoop to the lowest common denominator, just like conservatives have for decades?
or to put it another way, you obtuse ingrate, “Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things…every one! So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘Liberal,’ as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won’t work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor!”
Well said, actor212.
And FlipYrWhig, of course he impresses easily. Why do you think he’s a Chuck Norris fan?
And FlipYrWhig, of course he impresses easily. Why do you think he’s a Chuck Norris fan?
Please, don’t be so harsh on Chuck! I’m a witness for his defense: I had a once-in-a-lifetime hilarious experience watching “Delta Force 3″ surrounded by psychology students!
Strangely, the University’s movie club decided to make a double feature combining that “movie” (well-applied scary quotes here) with a profound psycho-drama (“Hombre mirando al Sudeste”). Or… maybe it was an mind experiment!
Strangely, the University’s movie club decided to make a double feature combining that “movie” (well-applied scary quotes here) with a profound psycho-drama (“Hombre mirando al Sudeste”). Or… maybe it was an mind experiment!
I never post here, but I have to ask: When did Chuck Norris become a live-action Ned Flanders:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzE0FOPiaDU ?
There was a “Delta Force 3″?
‘Cause the first two left us with so many unanswered questions.
Sweet Lordy-Gordy, SONNY TUFTS had a better film resume than this guy.
‘Cause the first two left us with so many unanswered questions.
Sweet Lordy-Gordy, SONNY TUFTS had a better film resume than this guy.
Sorry, it was “Delta Force”.
Gary Sinise looks like a turtle. Apparently he has the political instincts of one, too: scrunch yourself up inside a shell of total denial and mutter about how anyone not totally motivated by fear is un-American.
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