The China infant milk scandal, even though it has so far not damaged any American babies, has exposed a major defect in the concept of free trade. It’s dangerous to buy products from a nation whose economy is not based on Judeo-Christian morality.
Yeah, take that, Japan, with your dangerous, non-Christian Honda Accords and your shoddy, non-Judeo electronics!
The American private enterprise system depends on honesty as normal and accepted behavior. We don’t have or want a policeman on every corner, or an army of government officials to inspect every bottle of baby formula or tube of toothpaste.We do have regulations and random checks, but the majority of producers and sellers are restrained from criminality by adherence to the Judeo-Christian ethic.
It’s nice to know that the 108-year-old Phyllis is just as sharp as she’s ever been.

Posted by s.z. on Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008 at 5:28 am.
24 Responses to “Today’s Chuckle, From Phyllis Schlafly”
Man. A normal person would take this as evidence that a poorly regulated free market with no public oversight leads to horrible consequences for the consumer.
Then there’s Phyllis, who thinks it’s all about whether people have accepted the white Jesus or not. I know a lot of stalwart, patriotic, white Christians who would–in a heartbeat, Phyllis–sell their grandmother’s cat to a baby food factory for twenty cents. They just wouldn’t *buy* the baby food later for their own kids. Hey, you know what, that sounds a lot like “privatized profits and socialized risks”. Now where have I heard that recently? Oh, man. Wall Street was run by filthy non-Christian foreigners! There’s no other possible explanation!
Seriously, does anyone else think Phyllis has Mad Cow Disease?
Then there’s Phyllis, who thinks it’s all about whether people have accepted the white Jesus or not. I know a lot of stalwart, patriotic, white Christians who would–in a heartbeat, Phyllis–sell their grandmother’s cat to a baby food factory for twenty cents. They just wouldn’t *buy* the baby food later for their own kids. Hey, you know what, that sounds a lot like “privatized profits and socialized risks”. Now where have I heard that recently? Oh, man. Wall Street was run by filthy non-Christian foreigners! There’s no other possible explanation!
Seriously, does anyone else think Phyllis has Mad Cow Disease?
Well, she is a mad cow, so, yeah.
The Jungle doesn’t count, as Sinclair was a liberal and probably made the whole thing up just to smear Our Homeland! Have you read his hateful anti-freedom screed “It Can’t Happen Here”? Crazed Bush derangement syndrome. He’s worse than Micheal Moore!
Things like this only reinforce my belief that I cannot trust lying weasel christians at all any more. If supposedly thinking christians think like this, in (I think) complete opposition to what reality shows them, I thinks it’s time to stop thinking about them thinking at all…
Gundamhead: “It Can’t Happen Here” was Sinclair Lewis; “The Jungle” was Upton Sinclair. Common mistake.
I thought Japan invented Judeo, along with Jew Jitsu?
The American private enterprise system depends on honesty as normal and accepted behavior.
Right! That’s why we’re spending a trillion dollars bailing out banks and brokerages! All that “honesty”…
Right! That’s why we’re spending a trillion dollars bailing out banks and brokerages! All that “honesty”…
“It Can’t Happen Here” was Sinclair Lewis; “The Jungle” was Upton Sinclair. Common mistake.”
Umm, that’s actually central to my point? Maybe?
Umm, that’s actually central to my point? Maybe?
[...] Babies poisoned because milk not produced in a Judeo-Christian country? [...]
[...] Babies poisoned because milk not produced in a Judeo-Christian country? [...]
Um, perhaps she missed the recent story about Agriprocessor’s–one of the nation’s largest providers of kosher meat–being busted for violating immigration policies, safety regulations and child labor laws.
Oh but nitpicker! Kosher isn’t covered under Judeo-Christian eth–
Oh. Wait.
I mean, not under Schlafly‘s Judeo-Christian ethics, light on theJudeo bit.
I’ve always wanted to write a script that included an address on Judeo Drive in Hollywood.
Oh. Wait.
I mean, not under Schlafly‘s Judeo-Christian ethics, light on theJudeo bit.
I’ve always wanted to write a script that included an address on Judeo Drive in Hollywood.
Russell Carollo, Sacramento Bee, September 9, 2007:
Using the CPSC’s database of exports of non-approved products and hundreds of pages of documents obtained through the federal Freedom of Information Act, The Bee found that between October 1993 and September 2006, the CPSC received 1,031 requests from companies to export products the agency had found unsafe for American consumers. The CPSC approved 991 of those requests, or 96 percent.
That would include–just one year prior to the well-publicized recall of lead-tainted Toys R Us art supplies made in China–the shipment of 16,500 art sets to Venezuela, and 5000 crayon sets to Jamaica, both of which violated the same standards.
The CPSC did not issue press releases in those cases. Maybe that’s why Phyllis missed ‘em.
I swear to god, forty years ago she was Martha Mitchell without the thorazine. Now she’s just a few Botox injections shy of being the VP nominee.
Using the CPSC’s database of exports of non-approved products and hundreds of pages of documents obtained through the federal Freedom of Information Act, The Bee found that between October 1993 and September 2006, the CPSC received 1,031 requests from companies to export products the agency had found unsafe for American consumers. The CPSC approved 991 of those requests, or 96 percent.
That would include–just one year prior to the well-publicized recall of lead-tainted Toys R Us art supplies made in China–the shipment of 16,500 art sets to Venezuela, and 5000 crayon sets to Jamaica, both of which violated the same standards.
The CPSC did not issue press releases in those cases. Maybe that’s why Phyllis missed ‘em.
I swear to god, forty years ago she was Martha Mitchell without the thorazine. Now she’s just a few Botox injections shy of being the VP nominee.
What a loon. I mean Yeah, the few legal situations I’ve been personally involved in were just all about jew-X values, nothing at all like corporate weasels trying to subvert that “reality” thing to get illegal behavior off the radar, no sir.
Damnedest thing, I could’ve sworn that they’d interred her remains at the Smithsonian 20 years ago… That was Phyllis in the sarcophagus, right?
It’s dangerous to buy products from a nation whose economy is not based on Judeo-Christian morality.
Since no nation’s economy is based on Judeo-Christian morality, this may be so daft and bigoted as to ricochet into being an inadvertently true statement.
Since no nation’s economy is based on Judeo-Christian morality, this may be so daft and bigoted as to ricochet into being an inadvertently true statement.
Bloody Hell does the woman not know the history of her own country? Or were the robber barons, the sweat shop owners and the traders who sold adulterated food all Zen Buddists?
Is Phyllis supporting Socialism here, because Acts 4 gives an example of how Christians should live: “There was no needy person among them, for those who owned property or houses would sell them, bring the proceeds of the sale, and put them at the feet of the apostles, and they were distributed to each according to need. Thus Joseph, also named by the apostles Barnabas…, a Levite, a Cypriot by birth, sold a piece of property that he owned, then brought the money and put it at the feet of the apostles.”
And in Acts 5, it gets even worse, because God won’t put up with bad sharers: “A man named Ananias, however, with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property. He retained for himself, with his wife’s knowledge, some of the purchase price, took the remainder, and put it at the feet of the apostles. But Peter said, ‘Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart so that you lied to the holy Spirit and retained part of the price of the land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain yours? And when it was sold, was it not still under your control? Why did you contrive this deed? You have lied not to human beings, but to God.’ When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and breathed his last, and great fear came upon all who heard of it.”
And in Acts 5, it gets even worse, because God won’t put up with bad sharers: “A man named Ananias, however, with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property. He retained for himself, with his wife’s knowledge, some of the purchase price, took the remainder, and put it at the feet of the apostles. But Peter said, ‘Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart so that you lied to the holy Spirit and retained part of the price of the land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain yours? And when it was sold, was it not still under your control? Why did you contrive this deed? You have lied not to human beings, but to God.’ When Ananias heard these words, he fell down and breathed his last, and great fear came upon all who heard of it.”
Don’t sell your land! Don’t sell your capital! Lease it out, sure, and give the proceeds to charity, but hang on to your land. Sheesh. I’d love to see our Wall Street Wizards fall down and breath their last.
No, Annti, it wasn’t Phyllis. You could tell because:
1. It was more attractive
2. Its crotch smelled better
1. It was more attractive
2. Its crotch smelled better
No one will be able to tell when dementia begins to set into Phyllis’ brain, it’ll look like business as usual.
No, Annti, it wasn’t Phyllis. You could tell because:
1. It was more attractive
2. Its crotch smelled better
Left by Bill S on September 24th, 2008
And that, my loves, is the day that the music died.
Nope, no clorox can save my 12 brain cells from THAT imagery. Bill broke what was left of my stunted, shriveled cerebellum.
I’ve been guilty of implanting some pretty disturbing/disgusting/unforgivable cartoons into the heads of my fellow World O’Crappers, not to mention all of the innocent bystanders/lurkers all over teh innernets, this is true. I never claimed to be innocent in any sense of the word, nor the concept.
But this, m’loves, goes far beyond the fingernails-across-the-cervix screams, could not even be properly expressed by a self-induced vivisection. That imagery, that beyond-even-John-Waters Smell-O-Vision, that shit right there, was waaaaaaaaayyyyy beyond the motherfucking PALE.
Feel free to donate to the charity of your choice ( in my memory, flowers are lovely, but a waste of money in the belly of an intentionally-created international economic collapse.
My brain’s been on the brink of extinction for years now, especially after the evil that is Lyrica, but this one, oh, I can’t even process it, but this is the one that shoved that last little lemming of a brain cell over the cliff, just like those douchebag “documentary” makers.
You should be proud, Bill. Nobody has ever achieved these heights/depths of depravity, let alone with the brevity and exactitude displayed above. You oughta get a medal or a new pair of shoes or something for that achievement.
1. It was more attractive
2. Its crotch smelled better
Left by Bill S on September 24th, 2008
And that, my loves, is the day that the music died.
Nope, no clorox can save my 12 brain cells from THAT imagery. Bill broke what was left of my stunted, shriveled cerebellum.
I’ve been guilty of implanting some pretty disturbing/disgusting/unforgivable cartoons into the heads of my fellow World O’Crappers, not to mention all of the innocent bystanders/lurkers all over teh innernets, this is true. I never claimed to be innocent in any sense of the word, nor the concept.
But this, m’loves, goes far beyond the fingernails-across-the-cervix screams, could not even be properly expressed by a self-induced vivisection. That imagery, that beyond-even-John-Waters Smell-O-Vision, that shit right there, was waaaaaaaaayyyyy beyond the motherfucking PALE.
Feel free to donate to the charity of your choice ( in my memory, flowers are lovely, but a waste of money in the belly of an intentionally-created international economic collapse.
My brain’s been on the brink of extinction for years now, especially after the evil that is Lyrica, but this one, oh, I can’t even process it, but this is the one that shoved that last little lemming of a brain cell over the cliff, just like those douchebag “documentary” makers.
You should be proud, Bill. Nobody has ever achieved these heights/depths of depravity, let alone with the brevity and exactitude displayed above. You oughta get a medal or a new pair of shoes or something for that achievement.
Well, I don’t drive and my primary mode of transportation is walking, which I also do a lot of at my CRAPPY JOB I’VE HAD FOR 12 YEARS AND NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN MY HOURS HAVE BEEN CUT BUT AM I BITTER OH, NOOOOOO!!! so I’ll take the shoes. Size 8 and 1/2 please.
Well, honey, soon as that Powerball kicks-in, I’ll send you the bestest walking shoes and maybe a Segueway and a semi-automatic weapon for the day that you “resign,” if needed…
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