
“Maybe it’s just the catnip talking, but have you ever noticed that when I do this with my paw, it looks exactly like the Creature from the Black Lagoon’s hand?”
And Moondoggie:

“Look, you call it a faux sheepskin bed from PetSmart, I call it the sacred throne of Bubastis, but I think we’re basically both on the same page. By the way, this would be a good time to sacrifice a handful of Bonita Tuna Flakes to ensure that the gods do not smite the laundry hamper and drag your underpants around the apartment. Now go in peace. Bast be with you.”
9 Responses to “Friday Beast Blogging — Gods and Monsters Edition”
Today I purchased two “cat cubes” from Target for my Queen, H.R.H. Kitty Cheese. Basically it’s like two little nylon cubes with portholes for moving between the cubes and exiting and entering. On the package, it declared it would be “hours of fun for your cat!” or something to that effect, and so far, there’s truth in advertising. The weren’t too pricey and she seems to love them. Sometimes us humans do good! 

Your kittehs are soooooo stoned. Heh.
I haven’t thought to bring teh kitteh weed over for the two boys who are holding my apartment hostage (Somebody PLEASE help me get these cats the hell outta my house!!!! I’m having surgery on WEDNESDAY, for fuck’s sake, I can’t even clean house like this!!!), but I *did* splurge a whole 2 bucks for one of those feathers-on-elastic-string-on-a-short-plastic-fishing-pole thingys for teh Marlin baby cat. Moose could give a shit — he can always be back in the bed, and frankly, that seems to be his main interest in life, aside from food-on-demand. Marlin LOVES the bouncy feathers on the string, and yells at the feathers every time that they get away from him.
Now if I could just keep him from trying to mug me for my raspberry sherbet, while it’s in teh spoon en route to my mouth… Obnoxious little fart.
I haven’t thought to bring teh kitteh weed over for the two boys who are holding my apartment hostage (Somebody PLEASE help me get these cats the hell outta my house!!!! I’m having surgery on WEDNESDAY, for fuck’s sake, I can’t even clean house like this!!!), but I *did* splurge a whole 2 bucks for one of those feathers-on-elastic-string-on-a-short-plastic-fishing-pole thingys for teh Marlin baby cat. Moose could give a shit — he can always be back in the bed, and frankly, that seems to be his main interest in life, aside from food-on-demand. Marlin LOVES the bouncy feathers on the string, and yells at the feathers every time that they get away from him.
Now if I could just keep him from trying to mug me for my raspberry sherbet, while it’s in teh spoon en route to my mouth… Obnoxious little fart.
I call the crossed paws the “sitting pretty” pose. Utterly relaxed and serene.
Something none of my four cats/kittens are at this point since I took the terrorist duo in for their rabies shots and went home with three cats. I had NO idea that a free kitten came with a vet visit! But then again, it could have been the big E for easy marked on my forehead that only the clinic personnel can see. No one is enamored with Taco Bob yet since I brought him home(possibly because he’s the only cat with testicles…..though not for long! heh.)He’s not much older than the kittens, black,sleek and made himself immediately at home. La-La the Bengal has made herself scarce and is working out her rage by viciously slaughtering mice she catches in the cornfields. Fine with me…..less to sneak in the house when the weather cools down though I suspect if La La knew she was doing me a favor, would switch over to killing birds. I am not much loved at this point.
Something none of my four cats/kittens are at this point since I took the terrorist duo in for their rabies shots and went home with three cats. I had NO idea that a free kitten came with a vet visit! But then again, it could have been the big E for easy marked on my forehead that only the clinic personnel can see. No one is enamored with Taco Bob yet since I brought him home(possibly because he’s the only cat with testicles…..though not for long! heh.)He’s not much older than the kittens, black,sleek and made himself immediately at home. La-La the Bengal has made herself scarce and is working out her rage by viciously slaughtering mice she catches in the cornfields. Fine with me…..less to sneak in the house when the weather cools down though I suspect if La La knew she was doing me a favor, would switch over to killing birds. I am not much loved at this point.
I am looking for ‘cute’ cat pics, to make a calendar for Annti & Cat Haven. If you have some you’d like to share, my email
Yeah, all cats love new toys for the first twenty minutes. Then they’re bored again.
Kathy, I sent you some pics, they’re probably huge files, sorry. You can use or ignore them as you like. The cat is adorable, my camera skills suck.
Kathy, I sent you some pics, they’re probably huge files, sorry. You can use or ignore them as you like. The cat is adorable, my camera skills suck.
Thats ok, I have plenty of memory. I want to make small calendars which can be given our free, as ads for CatHaven. I have the materials, just need cute, non-copyrighted pics. I did take one off the net of a furious looking wet kitten. Reminded me of the time I washed BlackCat after my daughted shampooed him with furniture polish. One angry cat!
I opened this up again ( my first view of the cats was yesterday) and I see another cat’s face in the lower body portion of Riley.
Does anyone else see that or has it really been that long of a day for me?
Does anyone else see that or has it really been that long of a day for me?
kate: I see it too (had to look for a few secs.) but I s’pect it’s R.’s rt. hind paw, fully expanded. Our tiny brains do like to see patterns, even if they’re not there.
The nose/muzzle aren’t really right, except for a WB cartoon cat, but it sure does look like two ears & a left eye.
The nose/muzzle aren’t really right, except for a WB cartoon cat, but it sure does look like two ears & a left eye.
Let me know when the calendar is ready,, and I’ll buy one.
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