Wingnut o' the Day
Our first candidate is Renew America's Warner Todd Huston, whose entry is called "Turning our daughters into whores -- is it the modern way?" It's about how Planned Parenthood is turning our daughters into whores by telling them about condoms.

Here's a sample from Warner's piece:
Modern western civilizations have always been held apart from third world nations and past monarchist or despotic societies because of the special standing that their girl children have had. Particularly the protective status that our little girls are accorded is one of the civilizing factors that separates us from the more brutal, uncaring societies where girls are treated as mere playthings, slaves or, worse yet, a curse on a family.For many generations we have considered our girls as something to protect, to be kept pure and free of the ravages of a hard life until they are ready to enter into the world properly prepared. "Daddy's little girl" is placed on a pedestal and we men joke of sending our little girls to a convent to keep them from those predatory boyfriends. After all, we were ourselves once young men full of raging hormones and we know exactly what those boys want with our little girls. Immediately thoughts of this send men in our society into protector mode. [...]Our cave man urges rise to the side of our daughters.
... unless you are a member of Planned Parenthood.
Yeah, Western society is way better than third world nations which treat daughters as slaves, because we attempt to control our daughters' sexuality. Hey, if it was good enough for cave men, it's good enough for us.
But on to the Planned Parenthood ad which is turning our daughters into prostitutes.
This new TV ad begins with a woman in the role of a construction worker, wielding power tools and wearing a hard hat. The girl's voice-over tells us that her Father always told her to "use the right tool for the right job."
When the construction-working woman gets home after a day's work, she finds a man waiting in her bed. The woman casts aside her hard hat and opens a toolbox filled with condoms. The voice over ends the ad saying "Nice tool."
(See the ad by Clicking here)
Talk about treating sex in a trivial way. Planned Parenthood is again guilty of objectifying our girls and telling them to treat sex as mere fun, offering condoms as an avenue to that end — a mere "tool" to be used as mindlessly as one might a power tool. And the comment that her Daddy is condoning this offhanded treatment of her sexual relations is a strike against our society, turning girls from something to protect into something merely to desire and from whom to expect easy sexual conquests.
So, papas, don't let your daughters grow up to be construction workers -- because they'll use power tools as casually as they do condoms, and will also become sluts who think they can use prophylactics to help prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. And then we will be no better than the Chinese.
Our next applicant for the title of Wingnut o' the Day is San Francisco radio harridan Melanie Morgan. (Melanie has the distinction of having had a made-for-TV movie based on her story of her gambling addiction -- so, she's already one up on both Warner and Bill Bennett.)
Melanie's WorldNetDaily column, "Mary McCarthy's leftist ties," reveals the shocking truth about CIA whistle blower/leaker McCarthy: she donated money to Democratic candidates, and some Democrats are liberals!!!
Melanie Morgan
Here are some excerpts from Melanie's entry:
McCarthy is a revolting figure who deserves condemnation and prosecution for her crimes against the CIA and her nation.
Her motivations are obvious: She has an abundance of disdain for the Bush administration and a tough, pro-American foreign policy, in general.
McCarthy contributed $7,000 to help John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign, along with other contributions she has made to the Democratic National Committee and to Democrat candidates running on a "Blame America First" platform.
Most notably, McCarthy has twice contributed to the Democrat challenger to Republican Congressman Curt Weldon. Weldon achieved fame when he broke the news that the 9-11 commission and others were covering up the fact that the Clinton aministration knew the identities of the 9-11 terrorists before 2001 and knew they were in this country taking flight lessons.
I think you know what it means that McCarthy donated (TWICE!!!) to the campaign of the unnamed Democratic candidate who was running against the demonstrably insane Weldon -- it means that she hates America!
The common theme to many of McCarthy's political contributions is the presence of Clinton's NSC chief, Sandy Berger. .
How exactly is Berger a "common theme" to McCarthy's political contributions? Melanie doesn't explain -- but I think she is implying that belonging to the Democratic Party is comparable to being a member of the Communist Party (with Berger being a cell leader, or something), and so McCarthy is basically a commie spy.
Berger achieved fame for stuffing top secret documents down his pants and stealing them from the National Archives. He later destroyed those documents that incriminated the Clinton administration for their failures to address the terrorist threat posed by al-Qaida.
How many inaccuracies, lies, and canards can YOU spot in the above paragraph? (Here's a link to a WSJ story just to get you started.)
Now, for the exciting conclusion:
Now, for the exciting conclusion:
The Clintonites are so desperate to regain power that they are willing to sell out our national security to do it. And the reporters who serve as agents for this effort are rewarded for executing their role in the effort.
Right has become wrong. Good has become bad.
And the people who are hurting America are being rewarded.
McCarthy was rewarded by getting fired shortly before she was already scheduled to retire, and by being blamed for stuff she didn't do. (But I guess it was part of her cunning plan to put Bill Clinton back in the Oval Office.)
You know, to be fair, someone like Melanie, who is HELPING America, should get the same rewards as McCarthy.
Anyway, those are the two candidates for the coveted title of "Wingnut o' the Day." May the wingnuttier person win!
2:08:06 AM

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