Christmas Eve Ultimate Wingnut Challenge: Media Vs. LifestyleAs we race to eliminate a dozen or so contestants before the bells toll in the new year, we should take a minute to think of that babe who was born in a stable over 2000 years ago. And we should, like the Little Drummer Boy, give him our very best -- in this case, our very best wingnuts. Therefore, in honor of that baby, we're going to let loose the Media Wingnuts, and see what they can do against the Lifestyle Wingnuts. Blood may be shed. Feelings might get hurt. Pies may get thrown. We guarantee it won't be pretty. So, let's begin! 1. First out of the gate from the Media Wingnut team is Ann Coulter. Her latest column is about the NSA wiretapping story, and about why fascism is the best form of government.
And while an ept commander-in-chief would have found a way to do this legally, you go to war the commander-in-chief that you have, not the one you might want (especially when it's the inept one who declared the war).
Civil liberties are just one of the sacrifices we have to make during war time (and since, as Rumsfeld has stated, the War On Terror is "the mission of a generation," be prepared to do without privacy for a pretty long time. Ann goes on to defend the Japanese internment camps, links to Michelle Malkin's book on the subject, and then says:
So, if it was legal for FDR to intern Japanese-Americans in W.W.II, then not only is it legal for George Bush to intercept (without warrants) the communications of Americans, it's time for him to start some internment camps. Ann will help him to round up prisoners. 2. Lifestyle Wingnut Dennis Prager's most recent column, "Jews who support the Christian right," is about how somebody called Dennis an "Uncle Jake" -- but since nobody has done more for Jews than Dennis, then that guy is as wrong and stupid as all the smearers who say mean things about Bill O'Reilly.
Say it ain't so, Dennis!
Since Dennis is so embarrassed, we'll skip to the end of his list:
Tens of thousands -- wow, I bet that's even better than Moses's record. Anyway, Dennis claims that Rosenberg is not only one of those damned smearers, but he's also wrong to believe that the Christian Right's agenda of "opposing abortion, poverty programs, progressive taxation, laws that protect gays, affirmative action, the environmental movement, and feminism" is anti-Jewish, because apparently one can be a super Jews like Dennis, while still being an asshole.
Yeah, the truth is that you're just anti-humanity. 3. Next we'll hear from Media Wingnut Rush Limbaugh, who will tell us "Why I’d Never Want to Be a Liberal."
Could it be the drugs?
Yes, if Rush weren't a conservative, he'd be the richest, most popular guy in the world! He owes his current status as an impoverished multi-millionaire and an obscure radio personality to his conservative politics.
Yes, as a lonely, friendless, loser back in high school, Rush vowed that he didn't need any of them, didn't want to be part of their clique, and that someday he'd make them all pay! And then he began assembling his unholy army of
Um, isn't his mistress Daryn Kagan supposed to be a liberal? 4. Now here's Lifestyle Wingnut Peggy Noonan with a little rant about how the media is becoming more openly liberal all the time. (Hey, while your perception is that the media is becoming more "pro-establishment, let's suck up to people in power" all the time, and so you suspect that Peggy must be crazy, remember that at least she's not throwing cats at people, like that woman on "The Simpsons.")
And she didn't enjoy it when Dan Rather would send her secret messages with his eyebrows, and when Katie Couric would try to seduce Peggy while interviewing pop stars on "The Morning Show." 5. Our last contestant is Michelle Malkin. Her topic for the day is "The Left's privacy hypocrites." It's about how we should take Ann Coulter's advice and start interning Arab-Americans. No, wait, it's about how the liberals are big hypocrites because they have a hissy fit when brown people have their telephone calls and emails tapped without warrants being obtained, but don't care a bit when white neo-Nazis are being spied on from space.
Michelle presents no evidence that the program is ongoing, that it was more than a one-time thing, or that it broke any laws (only that it purportedly went against DOD/CIA regulations, which presumably President Clinton had the power to supercede in the absence of any laws prohibiting such actions). But yeah, other that that, having a satellite taking photos of your compound from space is exactly the same as having your phone calls intercepted, so obviously the only reason the Left isn't all over this story is that they don't care if white terrorist suspects have their rights violated. And there you have our contestants for today. Now, vote TWO of them off the island. The remaining three will live to fight another day (and to compete for the title of The Ultimate Wingnut of 2005). So, vote off the two contestants whom you feel were the least wingnutty in this round (or just generally the weakest). Unless you have some gold on you, it's the best present you could give to that babe in the manger. 2:07:31 AM ![]() |
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Friday, January 21, 2011
December 24, 2005 by s.z.
Ultimate Wingnut
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