From the Grand Rapids Press story "GOP scoffs at Democrats' call to keep Coulter away" (emphasis added):
Coulter's Grand Rapids appearance has provoked outrage from liberals, but Republicans are sticking by her. More than 1,000 tickets have been sold, and the GOP is expecting to sell out the DeVos Place Steelcase Ballroom with another 500 by the end of the month, said party co-chairman Karl Hascall."Mark Brewer can run his own event, and we can run ours," Hascall said. "Ann Coulter is an entertainer who does political commentary. She uses extreme statements to get her point across. I wouldn't go around calling Arabs ragheads but, in certain contexts, such as comedy, that's accepted."
Yes, I guess that in certain gatherings, such as the Conservative Political Action Conference or fundraisers for the Republican Party, racism is perfectly acceptable. It's all in the context. Good to know.
Yes, she's at her best when she's making ethnic slurs. That's why the right keeps her around, after all.State Republican Party Chairman Saul Anuzis touched off Brewer's criticism when he enthusiastically praised Coulter's Feb. 10 speech.In his Feb. 11 state party blog, Anuzis said, "So, did Ann Coulter 'rock' the conference? ... We sat, stood, applauded, sat, stood, applauded. you get the picture. She was motivational, funny, sarcastic and Ann Coulter at her best."
Um, yeah, she was throwing the troops "red meat." That says it all.Anuzis said he wasn't condoning her ethnic slur, calling it "distasteful. My point was that she has the presence and style that fires people up. She excited the troops, threw them a lot of red meat. That's part of her role, her schtick as a commentator."
1:12:58 PM

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