More Advice from Townhall
Doug Giles offers us more tips on how to turn out little copies of him in his latest Townhall column, "Raising Boys that Feminists Will Hate, Part 4."
Feminists—or lesbians—as I like I like to call them, would love nothing more than to take your son and eradicate his masculine uniqueness.
Pastors with psycho-sexual problems -- or Gileses, as I like to call them -- would love nothing more than to take your son back to the stone age.
So, be careful.
They hate men, and therefore, they will hate your son.
Yes, the bitches think Doug is a jerk, so they must hate all men, including your innocent two-year-old boy.
That is, of course, assuming that you, the parent, intend to raise your son to be a man instead of a rouged and lipsticked, male American Idol hopeful. Get it right, parental unit: in the coming days you will be facing female chauvinist pigs who have sick designs for your dear son—in culture, in the classroom and in a lot of churches.
So, America's culture, classrooms, and churches are run by lesbians who hate all men who don't wear lipstick. Gee, Doug has come up with quite the paranoid fantasy to explain why his life sucks.
But at least he isn't using his column to try to sell you something . . .
For the parents who have determined they are going to rage against the chauvinistic vomit of the shemales, you’re going to need some help in the form of books to give you wisdom to buck the sinister system of the cynical sisters. Get my book, The Bulldog Attitude, to help you perfect the masculine spirit of your son.
As you will recall, Doug's latest print-on-demand book is guaranteed to "take the poo out of poodles," making it a real boon for not only parents determined to rage against vomit, but also the owners of constipated pooches. informs us that customers who viewed it also viewed Stinky the Bulldog. Personally, I think Stinky sounds like a much better choice for parents who have determined they are not going to try to screw up their kids.
And our favorite kinky economist, Jennifer Roback "adultery, fornication, cohabitation, group sex, same-sex sex" Morse explains why YOU are a bad example in "Marriage: A social justice issue."
Our culture glamorizes early sexual activity, unmarried sexual activity, and unmarried childbearing. But these cultural influences have very different implications for poorly educated, low-income women of color, than for the elite opinion-makers who graduate from exclusive universities.
Upper class people have created a norm of years of unmarried, sterile sex before settling down to marry and raise a couple of children. But as these ideas cascade down the socio-economic ladder, they produce unmarried sexual activity with quite different consequences. Women who don’t look forward to glamorous careers view motherhood as their primary goal. Early sexual activity for them means early and frequent child-bearing. Early child-bearing all too often means a lifetime of poverty for themselves and their children.
I guess what Jennifer is trying to say is that the lower classes (and particularly the African-Americans) are too stupid to have sex -- and if you believe in social justice, then you shouldn't have sex either.
She even has a challenge for you:
Young people are often the most idealistic and zealous proponents of new social movements. So, I offer this challenge especially to the young: if you want to do something to help the poor, quit idealizing unmarried sexual activity. Some sexual lifestyle decisions you can get away with. But those very same choices would be a disaster for the poor.
So I challenge college students and young adults to ask yourself this question when you are making your decisions about sex: If a high-school drop-out did this, would it be good for her or not?
Because worrying about what sexual choices shouldn't be available to high-school dropouts is the best way to help the poor. I think it says so in the New Testament.
1:08:56 AM

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