While glancing at the latest edition of Focus on the Family’s Citizen Magazine, I was pleased to notice that Dobson’s folks were focusing on young porn expert VBen Shapiro. So, I think that we should take a look at some passages from this very informative Afterschool Special calledTalkin’ Bout His Generation , as I’m sure we’ll find it edifying.
In one way, most of us are all too aware of pornography in our culture; we can’t turn on the TV or walk through a mall without being assaulted by it in one form or another. Yet in another way, most of us aren’t nearly aware enough.
And that’s the Dobson challenge for today: Be more aware of porn.
That’s because most of us aren’t teenagers. And even if we’re parents of teenagers, we likely don’t understand just how pervasive porn has become in the world they (and even younger kids) live in every day.Ben Shapiro knows, though, because he does live in that world. And he doesn’t like what’s happening one bit.
So, Ben doesn’t like the world that other young people live in. Why am I not surprised?
Porn Generation is a wake-up call, pure and simple. Anyone who’s tempted to minimize the problem–to regret that kids are “sexually active” but to imagine that they’re otherwise pretty much all right–will have a hard time maintaining their illusions after reading Shapiro. Let’s start with some numbers:
According to a survey of college students conducted by Details magazine and Random House, 46 percent had had a one-night stand, 43 percent had cheated on a steady partner, 21 percent had tried to get someone drunk or high to get them into bed, and 32 percent had slept with somebody knowing they would never call again. … 36 percent of respondents had had sex with someone they didn’t like, and 28 percent had used pot during sex.
There’s a lot that’s appalling in those numbers. The worst part, though, is not that so many young people do such things; it’s that so many admit it. They’re not only immoral; they’re shameless.
Yes, the worst thing is that today’s college students don’t have the decency to lie to pollsters. Damn kids! Hell in a handbasket, I tell ya!
But that, Shapiro stresses, is what you get when you subject an entire generation to porn via every media outlet. You get his desensitized classmates, who when they’re not having sex or looking at depictions of sex, spend hours at a time talking about sex.
Obviously, Ben’s Harvard classmates are all going to hell.
(We note that Ben may not actually have sex, but he makes up for that by spending even more time than his desensitized classmates do looking at depictions of sex and talking about sex.)
(We note that Ben may not actually have sex, but he makes up for that by spending even more time than his desensitized classmates do looking at depictions of sex and talking about sex.)
You begin to understand what Dr. Marsha Levy-Warren (quoted by Shapiro) calls “body-part sex.” “The kids don’t even look at each other,” she says. “It’s mechanical, dehumanizing.” And it leaves them unable to form lasting relationships later in life, she adds, because “they’re jaded.”Not every young person’s that jaded, of course. Shapiro, for one, isn’t.
Yes, Ben is a perfect young gentleman, and you should all be more like him, especially that young hellion Brad. (At this point in the article, can anybody else imagine Ben saying in an Eddie Haskell voice, “You’re looking espcially lovely today, Mrs. Focus on the Family”?)
Unlike a lot of timid older folk who fear sounding “judgmental” lest they alienate the youths, Shapiro’s not inclined to let his peers off the hook: He’s revolted by their behavior and he says so.
I’m guessing that the feeling is mutual.
Anyway, you can read the rest of the piece if you’re so inclined, but as for me, I would like to instead waste my time with a little imaginary encounter between Ben and Dr. James Dobson:
Ben: It is a great pleasure to meet you again, Dr. Dobson, sir. I learned a great deal about focusing from you.Dobson: And I am always delighted to associate with fine, young, strapping, Christian men like yourself.Ben: Um, I’m actually Jewish. But I like to think of myself as a Jewish Christian fundamentalist.Dobson: Likewise. And I think we can both agree that what today’s society needs is more Old Testament values. I believe that things started to go wrong when that bleeding heart liberal stopped that woman caught in the act of adultery from getting the bloody death she so richly deserved.Ben: I totally agree, sir. And I’m sure that porn was somehow behind the ineffective response to her sinning. After all, it’s just like your son Ryan said in his brilliant book: Be Judgmental: Because Some People Just Deserve Stoning.Dobson: Ben, I appreciate the thought, but you don’t need to pretend that Ryan is anything but a doofus. We at the institute all stopped focusing on him a long time ago.But Ben, I wanted to talk to you about something else. Son, you’re a bright, talented boy, and I think it’s great that you are guarding your purity and aren’t associating with those Harvard strumpets and Jezebels who would steal your precious essence. But I can’t help but noticing that you are unathletic, somewhat passive, unaggressive and uninterested in rough-and-tumble play. These characteristics set you apart from your male peers and could contribute to a distortion in the development of your normal gender identity.So, as somebody who considers himself a father-figure to you, I believe that it is my duty to mirror and affirm your maleness, in order to keep you from turning gay. I think we should play rough-and-tumble games together, in ways that are decidedly different from the games we would play with girls. I will help you learn to throw and catch a ball. I can teach you to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard, if you get my drift. I can even take you with me into the shower, where you cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like yours, only bigger.Ben: He asked me, he asked me!
Okay, maybe we should stop there. But hey, try to be more aware of pornography next time you go to the mall. And if you go to Harvard, punch Ben in the arm for me. It’s for his own good.

36 Responses to “Focus on the VBen”
I wonder what VBen and Dr. Dobson think about all those 40+ conservative republican swingers around the country? Oh, that’s right, they have the sense of shame not to admit it.
I need to start hanging out at the mall.
This stuff just sneaks up me sometimes, really putting me off my breakfast.
Don’t this interview constitute sex? I thought a dick and an asshole were never supposed to get together.
(Joke stolen, more or less, from Molly Ivins.)
(Joke stolen, more or less, from Molly Ivins.)
Miss Ivins, obviously, is not responsible for my inability to match up plurals and singulars.
Curse this preview-less wasteland!
Curse this preview-less wasteland!
HOORK! Yark!! Urk-urk-urk….
I may now have to cough up a HAIRBALL to get the taste of that last image out of my mouth…
Nope – no good. Dobson and VBen / in a showeree / Working up a lather-ee….
Sheesh. I may never eat – or shower – again…
I may now have to cough up a HAIRBALL to get the taste of that last image out of my mouth…
Nope – no good. Dobson and VBen / in a showeree / Working up a lather-ee….
Sheesh. I may never eat – or shower – again…
Yes, Ben is a perfect young gentleman, and you should all be more like him (especially that young hellion Brad.
Hey, if right-wing billionaires want to pay me money to write for Townhall and produce shitty books, I’d be up for it.
Hey, if right-wing billionaires want to pay me money to write for Townhall and produce shitty books, I’d be up for it.
In one way, most of us are all too aware of pornography in our culture … Yet in another way, most of us aren�t nearly aware enough.
In one way, that may be the dumbest thing I’ve read from Focus on the Family. In another way, it may be the least dumb. If only the next sentence began “the dictionary defines pornography as…” we’d have a classic.
In one way, that may be the dumbest thing I’ve read from Focus on the Family. In another way, it may be the least dumb. If only the next sentence began “the dictionary defines pornography as…” we’d have a classic.
What’s odd–well, The Virgin Ben is odd, and he seems to be getting younger, too; one imagines him appearing in court in a Little Lord Fauntleroy get-up–but it’s odd they’re just getting around to reviewing this year-old, remainer-bin, soon-to-be-in-a-major-landfill-near-you piece of scholarship. I don’t think Regnery even bothers with paperback releases, does it?
And you still can’t go five minutes without Benji spouting an anachronism from his parents’ culture war flashcard set:
“Right. And men read Playboy for the articles.”
Jeez, do they still publish Playboy? That line was getting Jack Carter wannabees booed off the stage in the Catskills in the Sixties. Sixties. Ummm…Free Love.
And you still can’t go five minutes without Benji spouting an anachronism from his parents’ culture war flashcard set:
“Right. And men read Playboy for the articles.”
Jeez, do they still publish Playboy? That line was getting Jack Carter wannabees booed off the stage in the Catskills in the Sixties. Sixties. Ummm…Free Love.
Sweet holy jeebus, that is golden comedy fodder, that bit.
I mean, 28 percent had used pot during sex? That’s really disturbing, because, if you use it the typical way, you might burn your partner with the hot ash. That’s why I’d recommend using it during lovemaking only as a suppository, if I swung toward that type of thing. Which I don’t. So far as you know. And, Christ, every media outlet is rife with porn? Damn you, National Public Radio, and all your vile “Prairie Home Companion” and “Evening with the Classics” spawn. And, I am sick that you kids today can achieve the worn-down jaded-ness by the time you graduate college that it took me decades to assemble.
I mean, 28 percent had used pot during sex? That’s really disturbing, because, if you use it the typical way, you might burn your partner with the hot ash. That’s why I’d recommend using it during lovemaking only as a suppository, if I swung toward that type of thing. Which I don’t. So far as you know. And, Christ, every media outlet is rife with porn? Damn you, National Public Radio, and all your vile “Prairie Home Companion” and “Evening with the Classics” spawn. And, I am sick that you kids today can achieve the worn-down jaded-ness by the time you graduate college that it took me decades to assemble.
Reading those statistics made me wonder, what percentage of 30, 40, or 50 year olds have done all of that bad, bad stuff?
I’m willing to bet that the numbers would be close to the same, or maybe even higher.
Of course, that would kind of ruin the whole Porn Generationhypothesis.
Also, I am just appalled that people would admit to that kind of behavior in an anonymous survey conducted by a men’s magazine.
I blame the sixties, naturally.
Also, I googled ‘Details magazine college sex survey,’ and it seems that that survey was conducted in 1996, so all those ‘kids’ would be in their 30s by now.
I’m willing to bet that the numbers would be close to the same, or maybe even higher.
Of course, that would kind of ruin the whole Porn Generationhypothesis.
Also, I am just appalled that people would admit to that kind of behavior in an anonymous survey conducted by a men’s magazine.
I blame the sixties, naturally.
Also, I googled ‘Details magazine college sex survey,’ and it seems that that survey was conducted in 1996, so all those ‘kids’ would be in their 30s by now.
Jeez, if you can go through college without having a one night stand, or drunken sex, you shouldn’t be allowed to operate a vehicle, let alonoe vote.
At some point, an adult has got to develop some kind of range of experiences.
And contrary to what the modern moralists would have us believe, mature humans experiencing sex is actually a good thing. Without the experience of bad sex, one night stands, and drunken flailing, how can we ever have the perspective to judge good sex?
Of course, VBen and the Dob would prefer theri partners to not have comparables, being insecure about their abilities in this regard (and having shown remarkable inability to learn, they have little chance of improving).
At some point, an adult has got to develop some kind of range of experiences.
And contrary to what the modern moralists would have us believe, mature humans experiencing sex is actually a good thing. Without the experience of bad sex, one night stands, and drunken flailing, how can we ever have the perspective to judge good sex?
Of course, VBen and the Dob would prefer theri partners to not have comparables, being insecure about their abilities in this regard (and having shown remarkable inability to learn, they have little chance of improving).
Brad, I think you have to give up sex until marriage, too. Not worth it, if you ask me.
Doesn’t Ollie North read Playboy for the articles?
Doesn’t Ollie North read Playboy for the articles?
A recent study showed that at least 46 percent of politicians had run a one-issue campaign, 43 percent had cheated on their base constituency, 21 percent had tried to lure voters with rebate checks or similar phony incentives to get them into the voting booth, and 32 percent had promised voters something, knowing they would never call again. � 36 percent of them pandered to voters they didn�t like, and 28 percent had used pot or alcohol while campaigning. IN OTHER WORDS, maybe the problem isn’t in the sex itself but in a culture of manipulative self-serving dishonesty that’s crept into our political, family, and sexual lives. Does Dr. Dobson care to help us out with that problem? Maybe help us track down some of the perps? Fix that, and “morality” will take care of itself. End of sermon.
and 32 percent had slept with somebody knowing they would never call again.
Guilty. I blame liberal university professors for steering me down this godless path.
Guilty. I blame liberal university professors for steering me down this godless path.
Temporary costello Says:
May 3rd, 2006 at 2:27 pm
Jeez, if you can go through college without having a one night stand, or drunken sex, you shouldn�t be allowed to operate a vehicle, let alonoe vote.
Um, just to let you know there’s someone here who didn’t do that stuff in college and still hasn’t, and I drive and vote responsibly. I also think Ben is a priggish, callow, ridiculous person. Let’s not get skewed too far in the other direction as we rake VBen over the coals.
May 3rd, 2006 at 2:27 pm
Jeez, if you can go through college without having a one night stand, or drunken sex, you shouldn�t be allowed to operate a vehicle, let alonoe vote.
Um, just to let you know there’s someone here who didn’t do that stuff in college and still hasn’t, and I drive and vote responsibly. I also think Ben is a priggish, callow, ridiculous person. Let’s not get skewed too far in the other direction as we rake VBen over the coals.
As I read the review of VBen’s, I found all of the usual suspects they blame, save one. I actually thought Ben “I hope he dies before he gets old” Shapiro would violate wingnuttery”s most sacred obligation – blame the dems. And then at the very end was this: “If you read nothing else, you’ve got to read the part about John Kerry’s praise of rap music for its “poetry” and “social energy”; Shapiro has a blast with it.”
I suggest we start a fund to get VBen laid or something, or maybe we should stuff him and put him on the mantle. I don’t really care which.
I suggest we start a fund to get VBen laid or something, or maybe we should stuff him and put him on the mantle. I don’t really care which.
Awww. Little Ben finally got asked out! And he was so excited about it, too! That warmed my liberal bleeding heart, it did. Even two porn-obsessed, sactimonious, obnoxious, sicko cultural fascists deserve to find a little happiness in this world.
And here I thought the Doob was gonna challenge Little Benji to a manly round of Spartan grappling… oiled, etc. ala the General.
Ben’s still around kicking, huh? I guess when he’s not writing articles claiming that we should be attacking half a dozen extra countries from the safety of his Harvard dorm room he’s got to keep busy with the book publicity
Congrats on the new digs. May I suggest, however, that you ditch the red text? It’s confusing, and headache inducing.
Oh, so here you all are. Hiding.
Actually, I knew about the new digs since day one, but ubfortunately, I’ve been sick and commenting at a record low pace. So, congrats on the new clubhouse! Have to say I’m less-than-fond of the maroon text, too. It is pretty-much headache-inducing. It doesn’t necessarily have to be black, per se, but something a little less assaultive on the vision. Oh, and no pastels!
Aw. keeeeripes, is Shapiro still flogging that worthless chunk o’ dreck? Haven’t they sold out yet? I mean, how many did they print, seven?!? Wot a gob o’ butterfat is he! The way he goes on about “porn,” it’s like he considers literally everything to be porn. You know, tree leaves? Porn. Air molecules? Porn. A good meal? Porn. Baskin Robbin’s 31 Flavors of? Porn.
I wonder if vBen has figured out yet that fewer and fewer people are paying any attention to anything he says due to that “Little Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf’” problem he shares with a certain “popular wartime preznit?”
Actually, I knew about the new digs since day one, but ubfortunately, I’ve been sick and commenting at a record low pace. So, congrats on the new clubhouse! Have to say I’m less-than-fond of the maroon text, too. It is pretty-much headache-inducing. It doesn’t necessarily have to be black, per se, but something a little less assaultive on the vision. Oh, and no pastels!
Aw. keeeeripes, is Shapiro still flogging that worthless chunk o’ dreck? Haven’t they sold out yet? I mean, how many did they print, seven?!? Wot a gob o’ butterfat is he! The way he goes on about “porn,” it’s like he considers literally everything to be porn. You know, tree leaves? Porn. Air molecules? Porn. A good meal? Porn. Baskin Robbin’s 31 Flavors of? Porn.
I wonder if vBen has figured out yet that fewer and fewer people are paying any attention to anything he says due to that “Little Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf’” problem he shares with a certain “popular wartime preznit?”
It doesn�t necessarily have to be black…
Teal! Teal! Teal!
Teal! Teal! Teal!
[they] will have a hard time maintaining their illusions after reading Shapiro.
Many, many things are difficult to maintain after reading Shapiro, illusions being just a few of them. For example, respect for Harvard as an institution of higher learning. A good buzz. Sympathy for human suffering. The benefit of the doubt. One’s own sanity. Etc.
On the bright side, if 36% of college students have sex with someone they don’t like, Ben has a chance of actually geting laid.
Many, many things are difficult to maintain after reading Shapiro, illusions being just a few of them. For example, respect for Harvard as an institution of higher learning. A good buzz. Sympathy for human suffering. The benefit of the doubt. One’s own sanity. Etc.
On the bright side, if 36% of college students have sex with someone they don’t like, Ben has a chance of actually geting laid.
I agree about the red text�without more contrast my old eyes will interpret a post like it’s a Norm Crosby routine. So whassamatta with black text? Stark is good. Although red is not nearly as bad as others. Designers might love the new NY Times layout, but I’m sure lots of readers don’t. Light grey text on a white background? Is this ophthalmology?
Apologies to everyone who’s getting eyestrain from the Commie-colored text. There doesn’t seem to be anyway to change the font hue, short of importing a new theme. We’ll see if we can figure out how to do that.
[they] will have a hard time maintaining their illusions after reading Shapiro.
My illusions are in fine fettle after reading Ben’s stuff. It’s maintaining an erection that becomes a chore…
[they] will have a hard time maintaining their illusions after reading Shapiro.
My illusions are in fine fettle after reading Ben’s stuff. It’s maintaining an erection that becomes a chore…
hey, anybody miss me while I was away? Like what you’ve done with the place!
I haven’t posted comments in awhile because I simply haven’t had anything clever, or interesting to say. I still don’t, but I wanted to let y’all know I haven’t vanished.
What can I say about little Benjamin that hasn’t already been said better? That he’s an idiot? That he’s socially maladjusted and doesn’t relate to his peers? That he needs to get laid, and soon? That his preoccupation with transsexuals and gays makes one wonder if he’s got identity issues?
It’s funny enough that he sees pornography EVERYWHERE, but the idea that he’s being “assaulted” by it? Truly absurd.
“Help, help, the boobies are attacking me!”
I haven’t posted comments in awhile because I simply haven’t had anything clever, or interesting to say. I still don’t, but I wanted to let y’all know I haven’t vanished.
What can I say about little Benjamin that hasn’t already been said better? That he’s an idiot? That he’s socially maladjusted and doesn’t relate to his peers? That he needs to get laid, and soon? That his preoccupation with transsexuals and gays makes one wonder if he’s got identity issues?
It’s funny enough that he sees pornography EVERYWHERE, but the idea that he’s being “assaulted” by it? Truly absurd.
“Help, help, the boobies are attacking me!”
Hey, paragraph breaks!
[...] From World O’ Crap via Pandagon we learn that, somehow, college student Ben Shapiro is getting entirely too much press for poo-poo-ing porn. Apparently, like most ‘nuts, he’s decided all of the problems of the world boil down to whatever irks him the most. [...]
Gosh, Scott, good luck with that erection thing.
I also don’t like the red text and thank you for addressing that. I think you could use some cool graphics to dress up the place, too, a la BlondeSense: Beauty, Brains AND Boobs! (Scott, does that help?)
I also don’t like the red text and thank you for addressing that. I think you could use some cool graphics to dress up the place, too, a la BlondeSense: Beauty, Brains AND Boobs! (Scott, does that help?)
I do think that a lot of people are desensitized, fucked up, etc. in regard to sex. But the answer is not to become a punitive Puritan who wants no sexual education at all. Jeez.
On the bright side at least Ben won’t be passing on his DNA any time soon.
I try to be optimistic.
I try to be optimistic.
Maybe you can get August J. Pollak to draw you some kind of logo with Ann Coulter dodging pie. Or Dr Mike and Pastor Giles hunting with Dick Cheney.
Since I go to Harvard, I was curious about this kid and looked up his facebook.com profile. It’s a bit hypocritical – he heavily stresses his views that oversexualization of our culture is a huge problem, but is also a member of a group called “Law School Guys, and the College Girls Who Want To Hook Up With Them.” Description:
“Undergrad Ladies: You always wanted to…here is your opportunity!
Charming, semi-intelligent and great in bed. And, come on, what is that history degree going to get you anyway?”
(got here through Pandagon, btw)
“Undergrad Ladies: You always wanted to…here is your opportunity!
Charming, semi-intelligent and great in bed. And, come on, what is that history degree going to get you anyway?”
(got here through Pandagon, btw)
Jeeze, Bill S., no comments just because you didn’t have anything funny or smart to say? I’ve never let that stop me!
[...] Sniveling authoritarian, misogynist, and professional sex-dodger Ben Shapiro = Damien Thorn, the anti-Christ [...]
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