The Townhallers v. WhomeverHere the current roster of Ultimate Wingnut Challenge contestants:
Everybody has had a chance to play in the last week, except for the Townhallers. And now there's nobody for them to play against without subjecting another team to double jeopardy. So, I'm going to have them vie against the two current contestants who got the most negative votes this week, because the rules say that we can do this kind of thing to wingnuts who just aren't cutting it. But in the interest of fairness, I will protect the identities of these two contestants so that you will give them a fair shake, despite their lameness. Now, let's get ready to rumble! 1. Townhaller Dr. Mike S. Adams comes through with a great piece called "Citizen of the Year Finalist: Of Mice and Minutemen." Summary: Townhall is honoring "the people most responsible for advancing the causes of freedom, limited government, prosperity and traditional values." In furtherance of that project, Dr. Mike tells us a story about how his high school friend Bubba got knifed up by an illegal immigrant just because Bubba got in the middle of a knife fight. Dr. Mike then has a conversation with a made-up liberal who is eavesdropping on Dr. Mike's thoughts, and the piece ends by recommending the Minutemen for Citizen of the Year. Highlights:
Yes, the measure of a man is the attractiveness of his girlfriends. Anyway, Bubba tries to break up a fight, and gets knifed. Dr. Mike's other friends rush Bubba to the hospital, and/or beat the crap out of the Mexican kid who attacked Bubba, but Dr. Mike apparently doesn't make any contribution to the night's events. That's what happens when you flunk English! The nurse says that Bubba will be okay. And that's when Dr. Mike learns the shocking truth: that Mexican wasn't an American! But thank heavens that this incident occurred, because it gave Dr. Mike the perfect snappy response to the Democrat who butted into Dr. Mike's conversation with his imaginary friends.
This reminds me of a mayoral debate hosted by the great conservative talk radio host Birch Barlow -- he asked a similar question of our six-term mayor, the illiterate, tax-cheating, wife-swapping, pot-smoking, spendocrat Diamond Joe Quimby.
But back to Dr. Mike:
And that's why the Minutemen are one of Townhall's finalists for "Citizen of the Year" -- and why Dr. Mike is one of World O'Crap's semi-finalists for "Ultimate Wingnut of the Year." 2. We will now hear from Mystery Wingnut #1, who will tell us about "California and the Legacy of the Sixties." (While this piece is from 1999, I don't think it's any more dated now than it was back then.) Summary: Our wingnut visited San Francisco in approximately 1977, and got the munchies while she was there. This helped her to realize the reason we had a hippie problem back in the 1960's (and 70's) was that young people were seduced by all the pleasantness in California, and soon abandoned all sense of responsibility and began to use drugs, and eat cookies and such. This "California problem" is emblematic of the main problem our society currently faces: women's liberation and homosexual liberation. Highlights:
So, beware California and its seductive big cookies or you may turn into a gay women's libber! 3. Next up is Pastor Doug Giles, writing about "The Church and Contextualization Frustration." Summary: Pastor Doug has been called to minister to America's youth (or as he used to say in his bio, "Doug Giles is a no-nonsense, God-fearing student of society with a special ability to jerk the slack out of slacking young people"). Basically, today's youngsters are heathens, and the only way to reach them is to learn about their culture. And that's why Pastor Doug spends several hours a day reading Maxim, watching MTV, and hanging out at the food court with his friends instead of comforting the bereaved or helping the poor. He does it for the children.
I have to say that I've never condemned myself for my belligerency towards contextualization (if I am indeed belligerent toward it). I guess I'm going to hell for that.
Because if you can preach the gospel using "South Park" references, the kids will respect you. And you will own them. Bonus: the Giles metaphor of the day. "The society that we’re living in here in the U.S. is undergoing more changes than a PMSing Emily Rose." 4. And now, Mystery Wingnut #2 will rap with NRO's Kathryn Jean Lopez about Pope John Paul. Summary: Pope John Paul was so dreamy! Along with the other members of the Super Friends (Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Aquaman), he saved Western civilization. And he will be soon be recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church, since not only was he great, but his life was miraculously saved by angelic dolphins. Highlights:
Yup, Ronnie, the Pope, and Maggie all fought communism because they saw their mothers mend clothes when they were children. God works in mysterious ways.
Indeed. One might say that they both had a lot of woo-woo in them. 5. And lastly, here's VBen Shapiro, who will read us his book report on "2005: The big picture." Summary: Although Scooter Libby, Jack Abramoff, Randy Cunningham, Karl Rove, and possibly even George Bush have been revealed as law breakers this year, if we look at the big picture, we'll see that retail spending was up this "holiday season," the outsourcing of jobs to India has led to rising productivity, and nobody really misses New Orleans. And more importantly, we'll realize that things are going great in Iraq, so there's no need for young Ben to enlist. Highlights:
So, the fact that many Republicans are corrupt has actually made your life better, you might say. And that's why we should all stop focusing on all the negative stuff about civil liberties violations, and bribery and corruption, and think instead about our great advances in terrorist mining.
Don't ask how terrorists are mined -- it might involve negative stuff, like waterboarding and "renditions" to countries where out-and-out torture is practiced. No, just keep looking at that shiny, green forest full of Iraqi purple fingers, and you'll feel a lot safer. And those are our contestants for this round. Vote off two of them. Yes, there was some strong wingnuttery this time (except on VBen's part), but we need to get rid of a couple of them. Okay, more that a couple of them, but just vote to remove two of them this time. (The polls will close tonight, Dec. 28, at midnight, so that tomorrow we might have our elimination round). Vote now, or be square ... or something. 1:51:13 AM ![]() |
Charlie Cabbagemallet and the BulldogNot only another new NBC sit-com, but also the two "Ultimate Wingnut Challenge" contestants who will be walking the gankplank of shame and failure today. And as we say good-bye to Charles Krauthammer and JimJeff GannonGukert, let's remember the good times.
While this may sound kind of harsh, Charles was probably just inspired by Bill O'Reilly's advice to a Jewish caller: "If you are really offended, you gotta go to Israel then." (But don't be calling Charles an "Uncle Jake," since that's Dennis Prager's nickname!) And here's Jeff's mission statement, an inspiring message we will always treasure:
No wonder Jeff was so good at asking Ari and Scottie those probing questions like, "And doesn't that, combined with the now-proven al Qaeda link between Iraq -- between Saddam Hussein and the terrorist organization -- unequivocally make the case for going to war in Iraq?" and "President George Bush has been described as a 'steely-eyed rocketman,' and a 'man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius' -- but wouldn't you say that he's more of a steely-eyed genius cowboy?" So, good-bye, Jim and Charlie. Don't forget to not write. Anyway, while Jeff and Charles have been kicked off Wingnut Island, I doubt that we've seen the last of them ... except for Jeff, whose 15 minutes ended a long time ago. 12:32:32 AM ![]() |
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