What Was I Thinking Of, Adopting At My Age?
Yodie, my rescued dog, is proving surprisingly resistant to house breaking (and a real fiend when it comes to chewing up stuff that I don't want chewed). And then there's the barking. Sure, I'd heard that the dog teen years are the worst for any parent, what with all the adolescent rebellion against authority and the testing of boundaries and such, but I didn't realize just how trying these times could be.
On top of that. Sheena, my 20-year-old cat, is having some problems related to her long-standing kidney disease -- the new symptom is incontinence and urine dribbling (this is the first that Sheena has failed to use her litter box for as long as I've known her, which is nearly 20 years). So, I guess it's to the vet's, for more expensive tests which are probably only go to reveal that she's old and has failing kidneys. (Sheena is a tough old broad, and may still have some good days left, but they're probably going to be very expensive days. And why oh why does she insist on avoiding the newspaper I have placed on the floor for her benefit in order to piddle and dribble on the carpet?)
I'd blame Yodie for Sheena's health crisis, except that her failing senses and the baby gate I installed to divide the house mean that she doesn't know he's here most of the time. But he knows that she's here, and seems to think that she's challenged him to a piddling contest.
So, I am going crazy.
Plus, my brother from West Virginia is in town.
So, I am going to take a couple of days off. I hope things are going better for you.
In the meantime, consult some of the fine blogs on the list to your left.
Oh, and here's a stock tip for you: now might be a good time to invest in the pet stain remover and paper towel industries. I am doing my best to give them a big boost.
1:48:52 AM

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