No RIP For HerWe've previously admired the prose of columnist and radio hose Kevin Fobbs, but in his latest piece (which has the honor of being today's Renew America feature article), he has come up with an idea that is worthy of his rhetoric. Here's a sample:
And when the culture of death started by "Dr. Korvorkian" swept across the nation like a mask-of-death plague, it took out Terri Schiavo. And so Kevin proposes that a million of us sign petitions asking that March 31st be officially named as "Terri's Day"
I just checked my calendar, and it doesn't list Nov.22 as "JFK's day." But then, Terri did more for her country than the former president did, in that she was mindless, and therefore pure. (Or, as Kevin put it, her "innocence and faith touched the hearts and spirits of millions of Americans.") But back to why we need this holiday: (mainly, in order to show that bitch Susan Sarandon that by being against capital punishment she's actually part of the culture of death).
So, that's why people like Sean Hannity tried to make the Schiavo case into a sort of combination of Bluebeard, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, and Gas Light: so it would be dramatic enough to get the Hollywood-types involved!
Or, Terri would be appalled and horrified. (Whether or not you believe that she didn't want have her body preserved long after her mind had died, I think you'd agree that it's highly unlikely that she wanted to be the patron saint of persistent vegetative states.) 5:07:45 AM ![]() |
Where Are They Now?Remember Christian martyr Matt "Bam-Bam" Barber? You know, the guy who said he was fired by Allstate Insurance simply for standing up for traditional marriage (by denouncing gays as disease-ridden perverts who die young because of their icky sexual practices, and so sued the company for violating his freedom of religion. Well, it seems that he and Allstate reached some kind of settlement. Neither side can discuss the terms, but Matt did tell WorldNetDaily that because of the settlement, he and his wife can "now move forward" with their lives -- which says to me that Matt didn't get total vindication (nor a really large cash amount). In any case, the deal didn't involve Allstate hiring Matt back, which is what the wingnuts were demanding that the company do. And since I can't find any indication that the AFA, which mounted a campaign against Allstate based on Matt's claims, has said anything about the resolution of the case (let alone trumpeted how their efforts led to the Allstate's total defeat, which is what they do in almost every case they champion), I'm suspecting that this wasn't the glorious victory that they were hoping for. Oh, and the press accounts seem to indicate that Matt stuck to his story that MensNewsDaily added a bio mentioning his Allstate employment to his column without his permission -- a claim I still find rather hard to believe, since the same bio had been used for his WND columns for the previous several weeks, and Matt apparently didn't complain. If I were MND, I'd sue Matt.) But back to the WND article about Matt's settlement: I found this part especially interesting:
Yes, Matt now has a job which involves helping to run the political campaign of a far-right religious conservative. Who would have ever expected that? (Okay, I did. See, at a ANOTER site where Matt mentioned his Allstate employment in his bio, he also said that his "term goal is to run for Senate or Congress." So, working on Oberweis's campaign seems like a perfect way for him to get his feet wet, especially since Oberweis is a "pro-marriage, pro-life," anti-gay candidate.) Anyway, Matt has a new column up at Renew America -- you'll never guess what it's about? Okay, maybe you will. It's about how a group of concerned Republican citizens has started this informative website to let the world know that the Republican candidate running against candidate Oberweis is a gay-loving liberal. Here are a couple of paragraphs from it:
So, Matt is once again bashing gays as a way to show his "pro-family" creds. And, interestingly enough, the guy who heads the Illinois group which defended Matt against big, bad Allstate is also the spokesman for another group, one that is smearing Matt's candidate's Republican rival. Coincidence? YOU be the judge! But here's more of the Bam-Bam story, from a Nov. 2005 Chicago Herald story:
And then, in he got fired, which was especially unfair, in that Allstate should have known that it would be an undue hardship on Matt not to continue to receive a six-figure salary. In fact, it was practically a hate crime (as Matt tells us later).
Um, shouldn't a guy who was paid a six-figure salary for five years managed to have put away some savings? And wouldn't it have helped Matt's finances if he had gotten a job? I mean, sure, it took him almost a year to land his dream job (working for a wingnut political candidate), but shouldn't he have been working at McDonalds or WalMart in the meantime? At least, that's what conservatives always advise poor people who are complaining about not being able to feed their families. See, I guess it's okay for guys living in c. $300,000 houses to shake down strangers to help pay their mortgages, but it's not acceptable for the unworthy poor to panhandle for food money. That's how conservatism works. But back to the story:
Anyone who has heard Matt's story knows that he's a moron. Illinois residents, I don't want to tell you how to vote, but I think you should consider the possibility that candidate Oberweis is not the sharpest wingnut in your state.
And saying that "the average life expectancy of a homosexual male is only about 45 years old – 30 years younger than that of a heterosexual male," and that gays are largely to blame "for this Country’s skyrocketing health care costs" is what a responsible insurance company executive should do (you know, to show that he loves everybody).
Gays kept Matt from stocking shelves at WalMart? The bastards! Anyway, we will add Oberweis to our list of wingnut candidates whose campaigns we will attempt to remember to follow in the coming months. But I can tell you right now, 2006 is going to be an awfully stupid year. 3:33:21 AM ![]() |
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