Let Somebody Else Do It
I also haven't answered my email, returned calls from friends (sorry), read the news paper, ate, etc.
But I did manage to read some of my email this evening. And fortunately, I can use their correspondence to come up with material for this post.
Yes, I learned that other people (presumably, people without new dogs) have been doing some great work, either on their own blogs, or in doing research that I can make use of.
Let's check in with some of them.
1. The new blog Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy has a thought-provoking post about NFL player Jeremy Staat, who says he is emulating Pat Tillman, but who apparently doesn't know much about Tillman's story.
Other topics include a new word for Republican scandals, advice for ex-pro war Democrats, and a look back at the day the news media died.
I think you'll enjoy them.
2. Krup, the amiable and astute proprietor of I'm Just Sayin' has the latest on our old friend Vernon Robinson, the black Jesse Helms (who, although they are both running for office in North Carolina, is not to be confused with our newer friend Nathan Tabor, the young Jesse Helms).
Krup also has some other fun stuff, including a clip of a dead whales and an update on Tonya Harding. (I really didn't meant that as a crack at Tonya -- really!)
3. Oh, and speaking of young Nathan, it seems that he (along with every other wingnut in this country) has a book coming out soon. Per the site Nathan Tabor For Senate, his work is about the "about the evils of the United Nations" and will be published in June by Thomas Nelson, publisher of Bibles and Hugh Hewitt.
But while we are waiting for Nate's book, here's a snippet from his latest column, which is about the evils of the U.N.
Yeah, instead of allowing the "mob rule" of allowing each nation to vote, we should require them to side align themselves with U.S. interests. Otherwise, we'll take our ball and go home, and use our money to give tax breaks to millionaires like Nate.For years, a number of conservatives have said that it's time for us to get out of the UN. In reality, it's long past time. In theory, an organization designed to promote peace among nations might be a good idea — but, in practice, it's been a disaster for the U.S. It seems that reason does not rule the UN. Instead, it appears that, all too often, it is run by a mob rule mentality that is decidedly anti-American.
Anyway, while Nate's column does provide some interesting info about those ungrateful UN member nations who vote against us most of the time, I just can't see how Nathan can stretch this premise into a book-length manuscript. (I'm guessing he blows the lid on "Trick or Treak for UNICEF" or something.)
4. Oh, and speaking of upstanding Christian conservative candidates, reader John directs us to "Larry Kilgore for Texas Governor 2006." (Thanks, John!)
After reviewing Larry's Issues checklist, I thought he was pulling my leg. (He is in favor of executing people for such "crimes" as abortion, adultery, homosexual acts, and "deadly negligence," which would apparently include Laura Bush's auto mishap from her youth. He also advocates eliminating the Texas budget for "government indoctrination of children (public education)," and holds that "Texas should secede because the US has sealed its doom.")
But then I saw that he claimed to be endorsed by such notables as Flip Benham from Operation Rescue, Michael Marcavage of Repent America, and Coach Dave from Minutemen United, and I wasn't so sure.
Hey, YOU make the call!
(Okay, John also sent the link to a radio interview with Larry, so I guess Larry is for real. It's sad when one can't tell reality from a parody.)
We'll be following Larry's race with great interest.
5. Greg has written a very amusing "graphic political short story" which features all your favorite potato heads from the Bush administration. Check it out, if you haven't already.
6. Sean G. has done some research (again, so that I don't have to).
decadent, liberal scum, February 25, 2006
more complete trash from hollywood brainwashers. are we in for another political oscars like the affirmative action awards a few years ago with hally berry and denzel? i lost all faith in the oscars after that fiasco. anyway this movie is the pits. not even a cowboy movie, these guys are sheep herders, how tough. its about degeneracy and ruining families and traditional values, pretty common in modern hollywood huh? i may boycott every person that was involved in this film. as for matt damon i mostly lost respect for him after Talented Mr.Ripley which i could not even bear to finish. whats with these hollywood guys playing girly men roles? watch a manly movie, and do not even come anywhere near this brokeback gay cowboy movie. it belongs in the GLBT genre.
we need to go back to the clint eastwood and george bailey days. movies these days are rubbish, i have to turn to foreign movies--and not even euro ones, as they long ago went the way american movies are now going. just like their economies and societies. must turn to the East for decent filmfare.
oops matt damon wasnt even in this. hes still boycotted from mr ripley, and this movie is still bad.
And that led Sean to "Invisible Hand," a guy from Texas who isn't afraid to let the world know a little too much about him.
Sean says:
"Invisible Hand" led to a wealth of reviews; praise for David Duke, a pan of Mein Kampf (although he admits that Hitler is "an interesting guy") and an interest in Eugenics. He links to friends like Texas "novelist and avid reader" W. Scott Wilson and more hilarity ensues. People like Irishmama and a rogue's gallery of Eugenics enthusiasts, "paleolibertarians" and New Gingrich.
So, let's learn a little more about Mr. Hand. First of all, his favorite books include not only the obligatory Adam Smith and Ayn Rand, but also The Bell Curve and Eugenics: A Reassessment (Human Evolution, Behavior, and Intelligence).
His top three favorite movies are Wallstreet (greed IS good), X-Men 2 (I guess the appeal comes from the idea of genetic supermen), and Beauty and the Beast (because it stars the manly Robby Benson?).
His favorite people are Prof. JP Rushton ("I carried out studies ... to examine race relations, finding people naturally prefer their 'own kind')"; Newt Gingrich, and W. Scott Wilson, "novelist and avid reader."
Sean says
Thanks, Sean, for showing us the things that are crawling under those rocks.W. Scott Wilson leads us to the white supremacist American Renaissance, which has a big Amazon link {and ads for the books Why Race Matters and The Color of Crime], andcomments like this (in connection with a story about a black U.S. Olympic ice skater):I’ve always enjoyed the winter olympics as opposed to most of the summer games. Nice to see all those white faces, mostly white contestants and no problems erupting during the games.
Coverage of the summer olympics consist of glorifying black athletes and having to listen to their Ebonic filled mumblings when interviewed. Somehow I don’t get the impression many of them care about the US; rather, they’re out there to gain glory for their black brothers and sisters. The incident mentioned in the above article just clarifies my point.
Of course we could start a conversation about the obvious physical differences among the races that becomes very apparent in the summer competitions, especially in running. But that would be racist, and a totally unmentionable subject. As is the fact that most blacks shun the cold weather and have a bone mass density that is not conducive to the skills needed for winter sports. Hence, their absence from the winter games.
What a pleasure to see a mostly white world again. Ahh..the memories!
Posted by Minerva at 6:35 PM on March 2
And thanks to my other correspondents, including many whom I didn't mention today but who also helpfully provided great ideas and suggestions . (But not including the people claim that I suck, presumably because I dissed Glenn Sacks, the Reagan Children, or the Rush babies).
Someday the pets will shape up, get jobs, and support me, and then I'll answer your very nice emails. Until then, just know that I really appreciate your help.
9:07:36 PM

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