Expert Sex Advice
Our old friend Jennifer Roback Morse, the economist who knows more about your relationships and sex life than you do, has returned to plug her book yet again. (Having taken a page from Dr. Laura's book, she now calls herself "Dr. J"). This time she is interviewed by the NRO's Kathryn Jean Lopez, another expert in sexuality.

Our Sex Talk Hostesses
So, pay attention, kids, because it's time for a talk about the birds and the bees and the sluts who are ruining society.
Jennifer Roback Morse will talk to anybody who will listen about the social impact of sexual promiscuity.
She will also talk about sexual promiscuity to people waiting in line at the grocery store, to the kid working at the drive-through window at Burger King, to the homeless guy who rants about CIA mind control beams, to the dog, etc.
And we can all be thankful for that. Morse, author of Smart Sex: Finding Life-Long Love in a Hook-up World, demonstrates that the most intimately personal can be absolutely political.Morse's book is the sex-ed class you probably never had, the birds-and-the-bees talk you'd love her to have with your children.
Yes, KLo is right about how I'd love Jennifer to talk to my children about sex -- but since she is also right about me never having had a sex-ed class, I don't have any children, since I never learned where babies come from. I blame the liberals!
Her basic point: Sex is about more than you.
Sex is more than just me? Nobody ever told me that before. Well, no wonder I don't have any children!
Sex matters. Not just to the two (or more?!) actively participating, but it has ramifications.
Hey, I don't appreciate KLo's immoral insinuation that there might be "two (or more?!)" participants in a sexual encounter. This kind of thing may be acceptable among the gay sophisticates who inhabit The Corner, but we family values folks who live in the heartland find it deeply offensive. As soon as I finish blogging about this column, I will be asking the American Family Association to help me send millions of form-letter complaints to Rich Lowry.
If you're married, one act may change the structure of a family for generations. If you're not, what if there's a pregnancy?
Wait a minute -- if you're married, one act of intercourse can change your family structure (possibly turning your nuclear family into an extended family or a gay marriage or something), but if you're unmarried, only then could you get pregnant? That doesn't seem to make sense to me -- maybe because I never took that sex-ed class.
Sex is a civil act inasmuch as "there is much more at stake in our love lives than just personal happiness. It matters to other Americans whether we succeed — because bad sex and bad family life usually produce damaged children."
Bad sex produces damaged children, presumably because the lack of ecstasy mutates the genes, thus resulting in birth defects.
Morse, a conservative economist, who taught at Yale and dubs herself "Dr. J," has the rhetorical advantage of knowing too well of what she speaks.
Ooh, so Jennifer used to be a slut! I should have known! (I'm guessing that she's the "J" who wrote The Sensuous Woman, the book that scandalized the 1970's.)
She "got to be an expert on what doesn't work." She writes, "I more or less did the whole sexual revolution" while a student. "I tried most of the hare-brained things I'm now writing about: adultery, fornication, cohabitation, group sex, same-sex sex. I had an abortion. I was married and divorced."
Um, that's more than I really needed to know about Dr. Morse -- now I'm going to spend the rest of the day imagining her in group same-sex sex with K.Lo and Dr. Laura. (You can read the rest of the article if you want, but I have to go wash out my brain now.)
Well, I guess I can stick around for one more paragraph:
Morse writes "Many Americans think the only alternative to anything-goes sex is something between 'The Stepford Wives' and the Taliban. They imagine that if it weren't for free love, women would all be at home in dresses and high heels, in their spotless kitchens with cookies in the oven, robotically waiting for Beaver to come home from school."
Many Americans imagine that if it weren't for free love, women would have to wait robotically until their beavers came home???
Okay, now I really have to go do something to my brain.
12:53:54 AM

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