Rush Meets the Head Limbaugh Baby

Per Chris, this photo contains three things that liberals hate. Can you name them?
Here's an interesting item from Rush's site: "Head 'Rush Baby' Talks to the Founding Father." (And if that headline doesn't cause some unfortunate mental pictures to go through your head, then you haven't recovered from imagining what the "Will & Grace" characters do together when the lights go out.)
RUSH: Yesterday we were talking about the phenomenon out there of Rush babies, college students whose parents, when they were young skulls full of mush running around breaking windows and stuff when they're little kids, had the radio on. The parents had the radio on and these kids are listening to me. They've grown up now, they're in college, and they're calling themselves Rush Babies.
Or "CabbagePage DittoHeads." (As TBogg points out, "They call them 'Dittoheads, since Sean Hannity's posse already had dibs on 'Toostupidtoliveheads.'")
[W]e have the founder of the group that uses that as their title on the phone from none other than Pittsburgh. It's Chris.
Or "Caller," as he's known in this segment.
CALLER: You know, we were probably one of the first organizations to use this term. I don't know if I can take credit for quoting the phrase "Limbaugh Babies," but as a young conservative, especially one that graduated from college just a few years ago, it's a rather common phrase within my circles and a phrase that encompasses a message that my group, the Network of College Conservatives, believes in and is trumpeting across the nation.
And what Limbaughesque message is Caller's group trumpeting across the nation? Why, that being a loud-mouthed, whiny, self-aggrandizing jerk can get you through life when you lack actual merit.
See, Chris is actually "Dean" Christopher Flickinger, the guy who set up a website (and an alleged group, although he seems to be the only member) in order to "eliminate pervasive anti-conservatism on college campuses" and to "provide the support he never had as a lonely conservative in college." Yes, Chris is the guy behind "The National Network of College Conservative," a call-girl service for young Republicans that teaches then how to hold affirmitive action bake sales.
RUSH: Now, is your group, The National Network of College Conservatives, are you tracking liberal professors, and are you offering bounties to people to turn them in?
CALLER: Yes and no, Rush. We are tracking liberal professors. Are we offering money or, as you say a bounty for this information? No.
RUSH: That's too bad.
It sure is! Paying young conservatives all across the nation (instead of just at UCLA) to rat out their liberal professors would be a great way to prepare them for their future roles as Heritage Foundation staffers or NRO columnists. But the N.C.C.won't be paying anybody to do anything, because Chris believes that principles are more important than money -- and anyway, he doesn't have any money.
CALLER:. Over the past 20 years, and this kind of gets into the Limbaugh baby quote, you have taught us young conservatives that there is more to life than money. And you have played a key role in developing within today's college conservatives a keen sense of morality, justice, fairness, and a heightened sense of right and wrong. Students will report abuses on liberal indoctrination on campuses not because they'll receive money, but because they realize educators are stifling debate, discussion, and the free exchange of ideas. So the students' moral compass, not his or her pocketbook, will lead them to report on liberal educators, and that is what the Network of College Conservatives is going to trumpet.
Yes, the College Conservatives will whine about their mean professors on an Internet site not because they'll receive money, but because they're sick and tired of having to learn about things they don't agree with, and are ready to get payback for that "C" they received in Communications 101.
(Oh, and I think it's beautiful that Rush has taught his Limbaugh babies that "there is more to life than money," all while living in a $24 million ocean front mansion and scarfing down "blue babies.")
But here's more about why it's noble and good for students to spy on their professors and prepare secret reports on them:
But here's more about why it's noble and good for students to spy on their professors and prepare secret reports on them:
CALLER: Rush, the message that I have found in my research and in my group's exposing these professors and administrators, radical professors and administrators, is that they are willing to accept mom and dad's money, but they're not willing to accept mom and dad's values.
Damn it, if you are a professor and you accept a paycheck, then you have the obligation to accept the values of all of your students' parents. (Well, maybe not all of them, since some of the parents might be criminals or atheists -- but for sure you have to accept wingnut values, or else you're STEALING that salary.)
RUSH: Let me ask you one more question before I let you go. You grew up a Rush baby, or, as you've been dubbed, when you were actually in the classroom. Are you a graduate now, are you out of school?
CALLER: Yes. I graduated a few years ago.
And what has he done with his life since?
Well, per "Meet The Dean" (Chris's bio page at his site), here's what happened after he graduated from college three years ago:
Flickinger's next move was to Upstate New York for a job as a local television reporter and fill-in anchor. There he encountered a number of liberals (both in the media and out) and learned television news was too fake and too leftwing for his tastes.
And after he couldn't cut it in the world of local television, he returned home and started an illustrious career as an opinion columnist for Human Events Online and Mens News Daily, writing ground-breaking pieces on important conservative issues lsuch as Abstinence Education & Monkey Butts, and Britany Spears.
But it wasn't supposed to be like that! He was going to be a star! Here's what he told the campus paper after he won fifth place in a college journalism film contest:
With graduation around the corner on March 22 and a wedding just after, Flickinger's dream job is with the Fox News Channel, where he has interned twice, covering the Gary Condit and Martha Stewart scandals.
"I hope to see myself on the Fox News Channel or bringing their style to CNN," Flickinger said, starry-eyed. "But Bob Barker's job looks pretty good, too."
But after Chris learned that CNN was too leftwing for his taste, and discovered that Fox News was too fake (and that Bob Barker had no intentions of stepping down from his gig for a pissant like Chris), what was he to do?
"Meet the Dean" continues the epic story:
Although the "dean-to-be" was unsure where to go and what to do with his God-given talents, he knew his conservative background and beliefs would have to play a major role in his next endeavor.
A fervent believer in the Iraq war, did Chris decide to use his God-given talents and conservative background in the military, where they would presumably be put to good uset?
Well, no -- apparently he wasn't needed, as the minorities had selfishly taken all the spots or something. So, Chris was reduced to setting up his Network of College Conservatives scam in an effort to get himself some of that sweet, sweet Scaife money that David Horowitz keeps raking in.
But back to Rush's question about the good old days, when Chris was an oppressed college student:
RUSH: All right. When you were there and you were undergoing this indoctrination, were your convictions shaken? Did these professors get close to shattering you, and if so, why? If not, why not?CALLER: Rush, I grew up in a very conservative family, and so I came from that background. I went to college to learn what the liberal argument was. And so what happened was, if anything, it did strengthen my resolve for conservatism.
But now he wants to shut down the liberal argument, because most college students, who don't have the advantage that Chris did of learning critical thinking by hearing Rush on the radio while growing up, probably would get shattered. So, give generously to the Network of College Conservatives -- because a mushhead is a terrible thing to waste.
Oh, and here's just a little more about Chris from an interview he gave to a student journal:
I am the founder of the N.C.C. After years of personally fighting, confronting and debating liberals, I felt it was necessary to create an organization – one that I would have appreciated during my matriculation – for today’s college conservative. [...] I am a member of the Republican Party, but I am a conservative before I am a Republican. And, although I am a conservative, I am a Christian above all else. God has given me certain talents and abilities, as well as opportunities, and it is my job to make the most of these.
Yeah, Chris is on a mission from God.
You know, I'd be tempted to off myself if I tried to make full use of my talents and abilities, and found that all I had to show for it was the N.C.C. But then, I'd never dream of calling myself "the Dean," so what do I know?.
4:13:40 AM

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