Bill Has More Conspiracies!
It seems that our friend Bill Tierney is the Fox Mulder of the Christian right (except that the overarching enemy isn't space aliens, it's Saddam). The Corner's Byron York reports on Bill's interview with Roger L. Simon (who is rumored to be one of the bad "grays"):
In the interview, Tierney elaborated on some of his theories that Iraq has been involved in a number of attacks and disasters involving Americans in the last several years. His evidence is not exactly overwhelming. For example, when Simon asked Tierney whether he had hurt his case by stating his belief that Iraq was behind the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Tierney answered, "All I said is that there are more tapes out there, and I would not be surprised if there is discussion of these things. If there is, then we take it from there. If there isn't, then there isn't."
Hey, that's what George Bush should use for his next causi belli "All I said was that there are tapes out there, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them don't feature Hugo Chavez not only saying more snotty things about Condi, but also show him raping kittens. So, we should invade Vermont .. err, Venezuela and see if there are such tapes. If there are, we take it from there. If there aren't, then there aren't."
Tierney also, on his own, brought up the crash of TWA 800. "They all said that was a mechanical failure," Tierney said. "There's plenty of evidence that it was shot down." Tierney mentioned theories that Iran was involved, and then, as he had with both Oklahoma City and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, suggested that Iraq might be to blame. He speculated about finding a tape in which an Iraqi agent was given an award for downing the plane while making it look like a mechanical failure. "We do know that Saddam was at war with us at that time," Tierney said.
You know, there might even be a tape where Saddam congratulated one of his agents for burning down the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, and for starting hurricane Emily. If there isn't, then there isn't. But for now, let's blame Saddam for everything bad that has happened over the past 20 years. I bet that could really help some police departments clear up their old, unsolved murder cases.
One more note, this one on what Tierney said about Steven Hatfill and the anthrax issue. In my article, I wrote that Tierney, after stating his belief in Iraq's involvement in the first World Trade Center attack and the Oklahoma City bombing, "also said that he believes Iraq orchestrated the 2001 anthrax attacks, with Saddam Hussein using American scientist Steven Hatfill as a 'proxy' to carry out the mission."I cited as evidence a portion of the question-and-answer session after Tierney's speech. A CNN producer asked him a question, "Do I infer correctly that you believe that the anthrax letters were an attack on the U.S. by Iraq, with Steven Hatfill being used as a proxy by Iraq?" Tierney gave a one-word answer: "Yes." Nevertheless, it should be said that in his speech, Tierney said that Hatfill was innocent, while after the speech he said that Hatfill was being used as a proxy in the attack. The best that can be said is that it is not entirely clear just what Tierney's theory is.
Byron, Bill is being perfectly clear. A person was dead, murdered, and somebody's responsible: Saddam!
The plan worked like this:
Step one: Saddam talks on tape in 1995 about how somebody (not Iraq) could use atomic, chemical, or biological weapons in a terrorist attack against America.Step two: Something bad happens here.Step three: Profit!
Oh, and I have it on good authority that there are suspicions that Saddam was behind removing Terri's feeding tube, and getting Bill fired from his last three jobs. Watch for that tape, possibly coming soon to a theater near you.
3:26:10 PM

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