We Get Mail!
It seems that I wronged a great American a few days ago when I poked fun at Glenn Sack and his use of the story about the crazy woman who filed the restraining order against David Letterman in order to illustrate Glenn's claim that most "domestic violence restraining orders are simply tactical maneuvers designed to gain advantage in high stakes family law proceedings."
At least, my in-box has been flooded with emails telling me as much. (Since I find it hard to believe that my new correspondents are all regular Wo'C readers, I'm guessing that some Glenn fan site has reported on my sacrilege.)
Anyway, while most of the missives are only mildly insulting (and frequently do little more than claim that I am a jerk for having wronged Glenn Sacks, who is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most infallible human being they've ever known in their lives), let's take a look at some comments from the other notes, because they can teach us the most.
"Mr. W" offers some interesting thoughts :
After reviewing your article on glen sacks It is come to my attention that you are the one the is unable to write. Maybe you reading needs a little more understanding of the article. Or you lower area's are looking for personal gradification from the opposition sex no matter how blinded by the truth. Wake up a smell the truth their is a lot more going on out there than the lies and one sided view of a particular people.
Sir, my lower area's and its possible search for truth-blinded personal gradification is none of your business.
Now, here are some words o' wisdom from Sprout, whom we've heard before, if memory serves (he is also a frequent commenter at Trish Wilson's blog):
If Sacks is a woman hater, I guess that makes you a man hater. Did they teach you that in your woman's studies classes? I'm sure that you, like all male feminazis, advocate these leftist leanings to further your fantasies of being thanked repeatedly by naked, horny, feminists.
Um, interesting theory. But (a) I have never taken a Women's Studies class; (b) I'm not a male; (c) the term "feminazi" is so 1990 -- I prefer to think of myself as a "femiSaddamite"; (d) implying that most restraining orders aren't actually part of a plot to screw men in divorce settlements isn't necessary the sign of leftist leanings; and (e) I have never advocated any leanings of any sort in order to further fantasies of being thanked by naked anythings. (I do my advocating because I'm a "misandronist ideologue," as several other correspondents have pointed out.)
But please continue, Sprout:
I know not what dung heap third World O' Crap pisshole you and your ancestors hail from, but perhaps you should return there and gnaw on a root while you contemplate the true meaning of the Constitution's equal protection clause.Sign me, Pissed off Liberal who votes Republican.
Tony, with your ability to talk pretty like that, I'm sure the Democratic Party's loss is the Republicans' gain.
2:52:05 AM

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