She's Looking Out for YouJulia lets us know about some interesting Wash Post pieces. First, she gives the Post's editorial page the Claude Rains Memorial Gambling Awareness Award for a column about the Bush administration's lack of candor, and for one which claims that it might not just be partisan sniping to mention the illegality of Governor Ehrlich's (R-Maryland) firing of mid-level Democratic workers. Dionne's thesis is that the "politics of favoritism ... has created a new Gilded Age. It's clear that the national government has placed itself squarely on the side of the wealthy, the privileged and the connected." Here's a good bit from it:
I think it's time to encourage some personal responsiblity among congressmen, by cutting their pensions or something. 4:45:10 AM ![]() |
Consolation PrizesVia Gavin at Sadly, No!, we learn that Elementropy has provided us with the complete run-down on former "Ultimate Wingnut Challenge" contestant Mark Steyn. Based on this piece, we award Mark the title of "Canada's Most Annoying Wingnut who thinks he's an American." Btw, Mark's book, America Alone: Our Country's Future as a Lone Warrior, won't be released until November 2006, even though back in 2004 it was announced that the book would be coming out in April 2005. Why do you think Regnery pushed back the publication date? Could it that Regnery wanted to give Mark time to get naturalized, so that his title wouldn't be a lie? Anyway, we did an Amazon search for upcoming Regnery publications, and learned that some of our favorite wingnuts also-rans will have books coming out in 2006. Here are a few titles:
So, it's about academics who poison minds and support our terrorist enemies. I feel like we've already read this book about 5 times before.
If it's the same kind of real investigative reporting that Williams' used to expose "No Child Left Behind" as a really super program which will really help minority Americans, then I'm sure this book is worth every penny that the GOP paid Williams to write it.
Doesn't "fostering the spread of Red States" sound like something the CDC should be combating? Oh, and here's one that sounds promising:
So, apparently Moonie Times reporter Bill Sammon has written Jeff Gannon's book. We look forward to its verve and piercing insights about how this unlikely president is the bestest president ever! But to hold you until it comes out, here's a Moonie Times report based on his last book, Misunderestimated: The President Battles Terrorism, John Kerry and the Bush Haters(Regan Books):
But if it is really a weakness, then your country is up crap creek without a paddle.
I think you can expect even more piercing insights of this sort from the new book. And in other former contestant news, Kathryn Jean Lopez has written a review of Peggy Noonan's latest book for the New York Post. Here are some highlights from it:
A case of turtle wax, and a year's supply of Rice-A-Roni?
She shared him, but if you don't humor her by agreeing that she was always his favorite, we can't be responsible for the consequences.
What is Kathryn Jean's embarrassing appearance in Peggy's book? My guess is that Peggy tells how she and her chapter of the Pope John Paul fan club broke into the pontiff's hotel room and stole his used Kleenex -- K.Lo was part of the group.
Only Pope Ronald Reagan was a manlier, buffer, more brilliant pontiff.
What Kathryn Jean meant to say was, "This isn't a scholarly biography, in that Peggy didn't bother to actually do any research before writing it. But if you want a book without a lot of tedious facts and critical assessments, written by a loon with an, um, unique way with words and a Tiger Beat-esque crush on her subject, then My Real Father, John Paul the Great is for you." We'll think of a title for Peggy later. P.S. Voting in the 'Respected Convervative Thinkers v. the Low-Rent Puntits" contest will end at midnight tonight. Then we'll let the Townhallers fight somebody. And then it's the climatic elimination round, leading to the playoff for the title of the Ultimate Wingnut of 2005, which will be announced on New Year's Day. So, vote early and often. 4:08:45 AM ![]() |
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