Who Said It? And Why?
To make things easier, I'm going to give you a list of Wingnuts, from which today's Mystery Guests were selected. However, not everybody on this list has a quote here today (hey, like the Bible says, "Many are called to be Wingnuts, but few are chosen by World O'Crap. For verily, it takes a tough man to make a tender chicken"). Dr. Mike Adams
Rush Limbaugh
Peggy Noonan
James Dobson
Kaye Grogan
Bill O'Reilly
Ann Coulter
Doug Giles
Debbie Schlussel Plus, young Nathanael Blake, a senior majoring in microbiology at Oregon State University. His "weekly Townhall.com column explores campus culture and politics generally."
Oh, and I made up one of the quotes, just to keep you on your toes.
And to make things a little harder, I'm not going to give you any context. YOU have to say which topic o' the day our friends were discussing. (If you don't know, guess: it's a chance for you to be creative!) So, here are our crop of Mystery Guests. Name them if you can. Describe what they're yammering about if you dare.
1. Hint: "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" is one of this guy's favorite movies; one of his favorite fantasies is being the Clint Eastwood character, and smoking a cigar, wearing a serape, and blowing away all the people who made fun of him, starting with little Suzy McCaffrey, who didn't give him a Valentine in third grade. According to friends of mine ..., the key scene takes place in a pup tent. Apparently, two shepherds "bond" in said tent. If I do see the movie, I know what will run through my mind during that scene: What would Clint and Lee and Eli have done, had they stumbled upon the tent? I believe gunfire might have been involved.
2. Hint: This Mystery Guest went on the "The O'Reilly Factor" to explain that he actually hates gays as much as any Christian, despite what some people (people who should be his friends) have been saying about him. To show what kind of attack he's been under, [Mystery Guest] quoted from an article filled with sarcasm, rancor and misunderstanding that had been posted on the website of [...] "I just want our listeners to understand," [MG] said, "because my integrity means more to me than my life. And that's what's being assaulted here.
3. Hint: This quotation is taken from a column entitled "What's next . . . surrendering our flag?" I think it is way past time some heads in Washington went to the shrink's office and laid down on the long black couch. [...]
Now I'm not an accountant, but even a "zombie" can figure out that an astronomical $725.8 billion trade deficit can't help anybody's economy to grow.
4. This Mystery Guest once told a group of Berkley students that we needed somebody to put rat poison in President Bush's creme brulee. The head of the Secret Service stated that this comment was just a joke, and while he wouldn't go around urging people to kill the President, since the remark was in a comedy context, it was perfectly acceptable. If you don't want to get shot by Dick Cheney, Harry Whittington, then don't get near him after he's had a few. Or, as I believe our motto should be after 9/11: Republican monkey wants a big government contract; Republican monkey takes a face full of lead pellets. Sorry, I realize that's offensive. How about "douche bag"? What? Now what'd I say? Boy, you racist, fascist, scum sucking Nazis sure are touchy. Grow up, would you?
5. Last week this columnist wrote that, "Looking good is not just a means of attracting a mate. Indeed, it becomes more important once the marriage ceremony is over, for if you’re following Christian teaching, that’s when you finally get to do more than just looking." So, he's clearly an expert on sex, and you should heed his words. I wasn’t able to attend OSU’s production; work and class schedules deprived me of the artistic and intellectual delight I would have indubitably experienced in an auditorium full of feminists chanting “cunt” in order to “reclaim” the word.
6. This Mystery Guest's bio indicates that he has written a book which is "a great read for young and old, families, churches and corporations who wish to excel." If the culprit had been Ted Kennedy or Ray Nagin, we would have seen Olympic grade obfuscation and blame shifting not seen since OJ’s trial. And you know that the hypocritical, wedged-up-the-left’s-backside reporters would have bought Ted and Ray’s take on this situation gone awry.
7. Hint: "A long-time member of Mensa, the high IQ society, [MG] was a National Merit Scholar Finalist." She also fights crime. I have a ton of stalkers and harassers, of sundry backgrounds, so I can't even begin to imagine how many Ann has.
And if you register to vote, that address becomes a public record accessible to any and all crazies. It's a problem. In my case, I'm worried about extremist Muslims who've said they will rape and kill me, one of whom is still in this country (we don't know where). It's not an option for either Ann or I to live "off the grid."
Okay, those are our Mystery Guests. Open your books and start work ... NOW!
12:15:56 AM  |
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