Help! Mom! She Won't Stop Writing Books!![]() Yes, the people who brought you Help! Mom! There are Liberals Under My Bed!, Help! Mom! There Are Homosexuals in my Lunchbox!, and Help! Mom! There are Black People In my Neighborhood! have a new book out. Let's learn more about it from WorldNetDaily:
Scott and Mary are my only Hollywood friends, and while they know a lot, I don't think they know it all. But in any case, I guess they've been put in their place (Hollywood).
So, WND thinks that 99% of adults are incurious morons who read shoddy children's books for entertainment instead of going to the movies. That explains a lot.
Um, maybe move out of the Bermuda Triangle so that people won't materialize in the kids' hamper?
Of course, no conservative screed-cum-straight-to-the-remainder-table-book would be complete without a caricature of Hillary to mock, since for the wingnuts she serves the place that Satan did in medieval morality plays.
Having Taranto comment on adorableness is as appropriate as getting Claude Allen to do a commercial for Target.
The kids learn that sometimes even radio talk show hosts don't know best in the next book in the series, Help! Mom! Rush Limbaugh is Snorting My SweeTarts!
I can only imagine. Oh, my aching sides. Oh, and over at Katharine's Amazon Blog (I guess this is Amazon's way of letting people talk about books without letting them post negative reviews), she claims to "invite your questions/comments on the Help! Mom! Series." I can only hope that General J.C. Christian takes her up on the invitation. 10:32:18 PM ![]() |
At Least Nephew Pierce Still Supports HimThe Houston Chronicle has an article about 20-year-old Pierce G. Bush (son of Neil "She Just Showed Up At My Door And Wanted to Have Sex With Me" Bush), and his public support for his Uncle George. So, young Piece is saying that Bill is an ignorant racist. That will teach Frist not to support his president!
Yeah, nepotism, cronyism, and noblesse non-oblige are great values.
Of course, he would be quickly disappeared if he voiced an opposing view (they don't call Grandma Bar "The Enforcer" for nothing), but Pierce is free to disagree if he feels like it.
Yes, it's not a good idea to get George pissed at you. (You wouldn't like him when he's angry. Or at any other time.) And for heaven's sake, don't rile up Dick Cheney -- he'll shoot you in the face!
See, Pierce is hoping to get a spot as a junior associate of Powerline. (But even Pierce can't keep a straight face while calling his uncle "A man of extraordinary vision and brilliance approaching to genius.")
I sure hope they didn't go by way of Thailand . . . Of course it didn't. And while investors from Dubai (to include members of the royal family) gave Neil most of the $23 million he needed to start Ignite!, Pierce was in favor of the ports deal for the same reason that his uncle George was: because the UAE donated $1 million to Grandpa George's presidential library. So, yeah, young Pierce's opinions just happen to match his uncle's, and they have nothing to do with his father's various schemes and scams. (Of course, if Pierce's next letter is about how we should break out diplomatic relations with Russia if they try to prosecute nice, old Boris Berezovsky for fraud, then I might start to suspect a rat.) 1:56:30 AM ![]() |
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