The Wild, Wild World of Wingnut WomenOur friend Guy "Let's Imagine All the Nasty Stuff that TV Characters Do When We're Not Looking" Adams brings us this important story:
As you know, Marie Jon-Apostrophe is also a good friend of Sadly, No!, which means that Sadly and Guy are now related by marriage, or something. But back to "Gossiping With Guy."
We asked Brad if there was any truth to the rumor that Marie had been sexually harassing him with her falafel fantasies, but he indicated that his multi-million dollar settlement precluded him from responding to our questions.
Unless you count all those women politicians ...
Wow, what a coup -- it's like a Who's Who of Wacky Women Wingnuts! How ever did she manage to get writers of the caliber of Fee Benamon, Resa Kirkland, and Kaye Grogan to board her?
I used the Arial font for my title, and thus missed my chance to end war in our lifetime.
Someday it could be as valuable as PajamasMedia stock! But anyway, let's follow Guy's advice and do some checking out of this fine new website. Here's our "Featured Writer" for this edition of CW:
Not having read the rest of this piece, I don't think we need an oracle to know that Barbara is right -- that IS what Barbara felt! You can't get world-shattering revelations like this from other conservative women's websites! Now, on to CW's "Honorary Writer": One judge granted an obviously unnecessary restraining order to a wacko, thus proving that women (and the judicial system) regularly persecute innocent men via bogus legal filings. I don't think we have to read the full article to realize that Glenn makes a great honorary conservative woman, in that he hates women as much as Ann Coulter and Phyllis Schlafly do. (Yeah, he's also an "honorary writer," but that's just a nice way of saying that he can't actually write, although he tries really hard.) Let's skip "Featured Male" Frank Salvato, and scroll down the page for our "Guest Writers" (or "Non-Featured, Honorary Male Writers," as I like to call them):
Thus, we can conclude that he would not be very proud of his mother and her actions, since he's dead and all.
And then, in a stinging denouncement of Hillary Clinton, Leah gets head lice. You'll never look at nit-picking the same way again! Anyway, Lisa shampoos Leah's hair when the school won't, and that's why conservatism is a better political philosophy than liberalism.
She wanted to read one of the "Gossip Girls" books. But Marcia saw that the bookstore DID put a "Mature Content: Parental Supervision Suggested" rating on the series, so Marcia provided some parental supervision and didn't buy the book for her daughter. Crisis solved! Well, except for all of the hand-wringing on Marcia's part. But let's cut to the moral of the story:
Yup, the moral is: "Don't just worry about the dangers lurking in Young Adult Fiction and how it might menace your own daughter, but consider interfering in the parenting of others, since you know better than they do what's appropriate for their children." And it's a good, conservative moral that I'm sure that we can all profit from. And that concludes today's visit to The Conservative Woman. Like Mr. Adams, I too think that it's O'Reilly-esque, and believe it will bring about world peace. And I am delighted to have discovered it before Seb, Brad, and Gavin got their filthy hands all over it. P.S. Matt T did a great job of telling the story of Colleen and the against David Letterman restraining order (see comments). You can read more about Colleen's claims at The Smoking Gun, if you are so inclined. ![]() |
An Interesting Protocol Fact Photo: After being assured by the AG that his wartime powers permit it, Dick Cheney contemplates "peppering" NRA President Kayne Robinson and NRA VP Wayne R. LaPierre Here's an interesting tidbit from an Associated Press story about that hunting accident (you know, the one that was all the victim's fault because he failed to ensure that the VP didn't shoot him).
So, remember kids, if the Vice President shoots somebody on YOUR property, it's up to you to inform the media. Or not. But in any case, make sure you emphasize what a conscientious, responsible, virile, non-homicidal (except to vicious, cage-raised terror-quail) hunter the VP is, and how any people he happened to wound were asking for it by existing in the VP's space-time continuum without his explicit permission. Because if you don't, then there will be no more White House sleepovers in your future, and your newly-formed lobbying business will surely be doomed, DOOMED!, even though you are a Bush Pioneer. UPDATE: Here's more on how the protocol of vice presidential shootings works, courtesy of NRO's Byron York:
Yes, if Whittington had shot the vice president, you might never have had heard about it, unless the ranch owner notified the press. And if the hostess had contacted her local paper to give them the scoop (as was her sole prerogative), for sure you would have heard that the accident was all the VP's fault, and that Mr. Whittington was a safe, conscientious shooter -- but who, alas, had been fatally killed by rabid quail in an unrelated incident which didn't involve the Secret Service in any way. 3:56:39 PM ![]() |
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