The Terri ReportFirst, from WorldNetDaily:
WND apparently got the info for their item from this Defamer item from 1 April.
Since the Variety item says nothing about any CBS biopics (it's about the intensive news coverage of the Terri/Pope stories), and since nobody else has said anything about this proposed movie, we suspect this was just an April Fool's prank. (Oh, and the thing that made us first suspect somebody was pulling our leg is that Dean Cain just starred as the wife-killing Scott Peterson in a bio-pic.) But that didn't stop WND's Doug Powers ("there's the right way, the wrong way, and the Doug Powers' way") from writing an indignant column about how CBS is the last network that should be allowed to do a movie about Terri because it defamed St. Ronald Reagan.
I think that WND (you know, the "news source" that changed the Defamer copy from "the husband who wants to let her die in peace" to "the husband who relentlessly seeks an end to her life") should make the biopic, because they are the only ones who could be fair. Oh, and the movie should star Ann Coulter as Terri, and Sean Hannity as Michael -- if only so Ann could fed a bit during filming. And speaking of Terri's supporting cast, NY Newsday has a little profile about Randall Terry, and how he overcame such "set backs" as ditching his old wife and disowning his gay son, by working for the Schindlers.
So, as long as it all worked out for Randall, Terri's work here is done. And Sean G.pointed us to Dawn Eden's blog (Dawn is the copy editor who was fired from the NY Post for interjecting her "pro-life" views into an editorial about stem-cell research during the editing process, and/or for blogging on company time). Dawn's blog contains some of the most over-the-top Terri stuff that I've read yet. Here's an example:
Well, as happy as a person with no neurons in her brain can be. And here's part of a 3 April post by her step-father:
I wonder if CBS will make movies about those people too. Anyway, a couple of days ago Dawn had some happy news to announce: she got a new, better job with a better organization, AND she got an offer to write a book for "one of the largest Christian publishers" (it will be "based on themes" she developed on her blog). And she apparently got both the new job and the book deal because of a puff-piece about her by the NY Observer's George Gurley (Ann Coulter's biggest fan). So, everything has worked out okay for Dawn too. I bet it was Terri's doing. 6:57:09 AM ![]() |
Tom DeLay Defies Poll ResultsTells Critics: 'If You Strike Me Down, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine'From the Houston Chronicle:
Personally, I believe that DeLay IS guided by principles, but since those principles seem to be self-interest, opportunism, and demagoguery, maybe he should be guided by the polls. One of the findings of the Houston Chronicle poll was that Tom's constituents weren't impressed by his Terri Schiavo stunt:
And because of his interfererence in the Schiavo case couldn't distract the people from his ethics problems, many of them are ready to replace him; the poll found that "45 percent of respondents said they would vote for someone other than DeLay if the 22nd Congressional District election were to be held soon." Of course, DeLay blames all this on the the "liberal media" and George Soros. This is what he told the Sugar Land Rotarians last week, per the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram:
Interestingly enough, that's what The Hill ("a non-partisan, non-ideological weekly newspaper covering Congress") was saying all last week, per Media Matters (see item entitled "The Hill continues to carry water for House GOP"). The two articles and an editorial were apparently all derived from "GOP research," so maybe Jeff Gannon got himself a new gig. Of course, the paper's executive editor, Hugo Gurdon is also known as Mr. Meghan -- so we're betting that the newest Gurdonette will be named The Hammer Gurdon, to show further solidarity with DeLay. But back to what Tom told the Rotarians:
That is, if you define "stronger" as "making voters think less favorably of you." But anyway, we hope Obi Wan DeLay's "bring it on" policy works out for him, because this kind of popularity couldn't happen to a nicer guy. However, we admit that we found this tidbit in the Star-Telegram piece really disturbing:
Okay, just imagine this face:
Queasy yet? 6:13:11 AM |
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