Who Said It? St. Patricks Day Edition First, we will reveal our Mystery Guests from last time: 1. Ari Fleischer. (Roger Ailes brings us the news about how President Bush has called on Hezbollah to disarm Ari, who has apparently gone nuts and became one of those dangerous, gun-wielding loners since leaving the White House. 2. Karen Hughes 4. Condi Rice 5. Mel Gibson While Dave named them all, we think that steroids were involved. Therefore, while we hold Congressional hearings on the matter, we will give a point to everybody. So, a point to Dave, Clif, teh l4m3, Singularity, Ted, Annti, john b, Goseph Gerbils, and Sandals. Oh, and a kidney to Thomas Sowell. Our winners can save up their points and use them for such fun prizes as "Punchy O' Reilly" pens, available from Dollar Days:
![]() Now, name the pundits of Irish ancestry who said the following: 1. After devoting most of her column space to a transcript of Ashley Smith's testimony, who wrote thIs?
Oh, and then she followed such testimony with non-genius commentary, to include this:
2. Which Irish-American pundit wrote this in his most recent book:
Of course, you should keep in mind that he helps to make the news business a lot more ugly, so his experiences might not hold true for everyone. 3. The following passage comes from the book of which commentator (a guy who makes much of his working class background, apparently believing that because he didn't summer in the Hamptons, he must have come from a working class background, even though his parents were college educated, his father was an accountant, and he grew up in the suburbs)?
Yeah, it's Jerry Springer, Oprah, malt liquor, and McDonald's who are keeping you down, man! They WANT to keep you poor, stupid, watching Fox News, and buying the products it advertises! Fight the power! 4. The following comes from the transcript of which Irish-American journalist's interview yesterday of Douglas Wead (the guy who secretly taped George Bush as he considered running for President?:
Yeah, the Arabs now hate Bush, and by extention the United States, because of tapes that indicate that Bush used marijuana. THAT'S our problem. So, clearly Wead is a traitor who helped terrorists and worked against our country. Later, our MG asks Dana Milbank if his pants make him look fat.
Isn't it kind of pathethic when news program hosts ask stupid questions, and then turn to reporters for reassurance? 5. From which journalist's best-selling non-fiction book book (which, it's been reported, will soon have a sequel):
And because his father, a private man, didn't want to talk about his war experiences, our Mystery Guest wrote a book about him. 6. From a guy who may or may not be Irish, but whose next book I look forward to a lot more than Mystery Guest #5's:
7:36:01 PM ![]() |
'Why Is the Easter Bunny Under Attack?'That was one of the topics on today's "Hannity and Lame Replacement for That Other Guy" show.
But actually, we would believe it because we already discussed it last Saturday. (To recap the story: three malls in the Palm Beach area are calling their seasonal varmints by names other than the Easter Bunny, so as to get all parents, not just the Christian ones, to bring the tikes to the mall to get some chocolate eggs and then buy a bunch of stuff from Toys 'R Us). However, we predicted that it would be Bill O'Reilly who would spearhead the "Easter is under attack" call to arms, not Sean Hannity. So, I guess we aren't as prescient as we thought. We happened to catch most of this segment while channel surfing -- it featured David Silverman of "American Atheists" repeatedly trying to explain that his group really doesn't care all that much about the Easter Bunny appearing in malls, and that they had nothing to do with the fact that the Gardens Mall is calling its rabbit "The Garden Bunny," since it's all about captiolism and free enterprise and stuff. But Sean would have none of that, and was was frothing at the mouth at the notion that the liberals, the atheists, and the ACLU are depriving innocent Christian children of their sacred Easter Bunnies. The dopey co-host's contribution was that he "doesn't have enough faith to be an atheist." I guess that's what happens when your topic is so slight that it can't sustain even 30 seconds worth of discussion. So, to help Sean (and Bill, if he decides to jump on the bandwagon), here are more instances of attacks on the Easter Bunny. As some of you mentioned, there is the story from last year: Actors Whip Easter Bunny at Church Show.
I think this story shows just how far the the secular atheistic libreals will go to persecute that symbol of Christianity, the Easter Bunny. (Just ignore the fact that the group doing the beating was "The Glassport Assembly of God," because it kind of takes us away from the "Faith Under Fire" motif that WorldNetDaily started when they brought the Palm Beach Post story to the attention of people like Michelle Malkin and Hannity. ) And then there's this Fox News report from last year: "Man Assaults Easter Bunny At Mall." (Why are the malls so anti-bunny?)
The assailant was apparently drunk and showing off for friends -- or at least, that's what the liberal Fox News would have you believe. In retrospect, it's obvious that this was part of the liberal/secular Attack on Easter Bunnies, and that the perp was paid by George Soros Or maybe it's wasn't Soros . . .Consider if you will this this 2001 WorldNetDaily story by Jane Chastain entitled "The Easter Bunny Won." Here's part:
And many of those plush toys were made in the PRC!!! So, while the Easter Bunny won that round, so too did the ChiComs. So, maybe the vendetta against the hare is actually being carried out by the John Birch society and other patriotic Americans who want to teach Mr. Leporidae a thing or two about supporting communism. Or maybe the attack on the Easter Bunny is about getting revenge for this:
In any case, with more than a week remaining before Easter, don't expect to have heard the last about the War on the Easter Bunny. But to end on a more positive note, we offer you this cheery song from the 1940s (back when the Easter Bunny was a holy icon that all that's good and holy about our nation, and when he was attacked, he attacked back -- with a GUN!): "Here's the Easter Rabbit (Hooray)" P.S. I just noticed that Rush Limbaugh also got into the act -- his site features this link to Rush reading and talking about the Palm Beach Post story: Rush concludes by saying, "But I bet this is happening all over the country: the banning of the Easter bunny and Easter eggs and this sort of thing." And if it is, it's undoubtedly the fault of the ACLU, Ward Churchill, and Hillary Clinton. 12:43:39 AM ![]() |
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