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Monday, January 17, 2011

March 19, 2005 by s.z.

A Sign...

Let me tell you about the dream I had a few nights ago. 

I had just moved into a new apartment in an old house that had been divided into smaller units.  It turned out that my neighbor was the NRO's Kathryn Jean Lopez.  She seemed eager to be my friend, and invited me over for coffee.  However, while I was there, I discovered that she was keeping Jonah Goldberg prisoner in the attic.  The pale, soft Jonah plaintively asked for my help, which embarrassed me (I hate it when couples try to involve you in their relationship problems).  So, I told him that I really didn't want to get involved.  
I woke up feeling guilty about my refusal to aid a fellow creature in need, and in my half-conscious state I resolved to contact the authorities and tell them about Jonah's plight.
Anyway, I think it means that I have been blogging too much (because normal people do NOT dream about minor NRO personalities).  So, I'm taking the rest of the night off.

1:18:58 AM    

Swank O' the Day

Now since the Harvard President presented his conclusions regarding females and their intelligent whatevers, the facts are that the man has been clawed through to the bone. He has been tarred and feathered, not yet run out of town. But the latter remains to be seen. The man is an obvious fool, a brain-jerk, social clod and total embarrassment to Harvard present-tense as well as all past tenses. In other words, how did Harvard ever come upon such a nitwit for a President?
The broadminded truth is this: the man should be entitled to his opinion in open, free dialogue, not badgered a twit, but encouraged to say whatever under heaven he wants to say. After all, he's at Harvard!! HE'S AT HARVARD.
I just love the term "brain-jerk," and plan to use it on all possible occasions -- especially when talking about men who speak of  "females and their intelligent whatevers." 

And the Pastor is right: Summers should not be badgered a twit, because he's at Harvard, man, HARVARD!  I mean, gee, if we let brain-jerks be badgered a twits at Harvard, what chance does poor Ben Shapiro stand?

1:03:40 AM    

Using Intelligent Design to Defeat Liberalism

I just got around to reading this Wash Post article about how "Policymakers in 19 states are weighing proposals that question the science of evolution," and are considering measures that would require that "intelligent design" be taught in public schools.

Speaking of Rick Santorum . . .
Some evolution opponents are trying to use Bush's No Child Left Behind law, saying it creates an opening for states to set new teaching standards. Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), a Christian who draws on Discovery Institute material, drafted language accompanying the law that said students should be exposed to "the full range of scientific views that exist."
"Anyone who expresses anything other than the dominant worldview is shunned and booted from the academy," Santorum said in an interview. "My reading of the science is there's a legitimate debate. My feeling is let the debate be had."
What academy is booting Rick?  Can we help in the booting? 

And Rick has a point: just because someone believes that rain is caused by the fairies crying, it doesn't mean they shouldn't be part of the science academy.  I mean, if you can't prove that fairies don't exist, then their view is as legitimate as anybody else's.

But anyway, this is the part that particularly caught my attention:
A prominent effort is underway in Kansas, where the state Board of Education intends to revise teaching standards. That would be progress, Southern Baptist minister Terry Fox said, because "most people in Kansas don't think we came from monkeys."

Fox -- pastor of the largest Southern Baptist church in the Midwest, drawing 6,000 worshipers a week to his Wichita church -- said the compromise is an important tactic. "The strategy this time is not to go for the whole enchilada. We're trying to be a little more subtle," he said.

To fundamentalist Christians, Fox said, the fight to teach God's role in creation is becoming the essential front in America's culture war. The issue is on the agenda at every meeting of pastors he attends. If evolution's boosters can be forced to back down, he said, the Christian right's agenda will advance.

"If you believe God created that baby, it makes it a whole lot harder to get rid of that baby," Fox said. "If you can cause enough doubt on evolution, liberalism will die."
And once you get rid of the scientific method, we can all live happily in the Dark Ages again!  You didn't see many liberals there, did you? 

12:55:41 AM    

George Bush Using Tax Money to Give Your Children the Gay!

From a Wash Post article about how abstinence pledges don't really do much about reducing STDs, because the kids who sign them seem to have less knowledge about sex, and when they do end up having sex, they engage in risky practices and don't use condoms
In terms of high-risk behavior, the raw numbers were small, but the gap was statistically significant, Bearman said. Just 2 percent of youth who never took a pledge said they had had anal or oral sex but not intercourse, compared with 13 percent of "consistent pledgers."
As we know, anal and oral sex are considered "sodomy."  And, as Rick Santorum said, sodomy is just like incest, adultery, and man-on-dog sex, in that they destroy the fabric of society.  So, when kids engage in these offensive practices in order to preserve their "technical virginity," not only can they contract STDs (a fact of which they apparently are unaware), but they also are going to hell.
President Bush has requested $206 million in federal funding for abstinence-only programs this year.
Yes, he wants to use YOUR money to promote polices that will encourage YOUR KIDS to have sex with pets.  Clearly, President Bush is one of those homosexualists about whom you've been warned.

12:36:28 AM 

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