Terri is Dying, and Yet Newt Gingrich is Allowed to LiveFoxNews.com tells us about their special Palm Sunday coverage:
Yes, you read that right: serial adulterer/dumper of sick wives/hypocrite Newt Gingrich will host a special which looks at the pontiff's spiritual impact. BTW, if I'm ever Pope, I will sue Fox News if they ever try to use me as a prop in Newt Gingrich's comeback plan. (Geez, how low do you have to sink to use a frail, sick old man for political purposes?) Well, don't answer yet, because we have more truly despicable Fox News coverage to talk about! I was watching Fox this afternoon (the all Terri Schiavo/ "little Jessica Lunsford"/ Michael Jackson station). Their brunette bimbo correspondent in Florida had an "exclusive inverview" with Terri Schiavo's parents. The corresondent noted that Terri has been without food or water for nearly two days, and then asked the parents if they are concerned that Terri could be in danger of dying of starvation even as they spoke (you know, so that Fox could push their coverage of this "life or death" situation in which seconds matter, and could make hay about how any attempt to debate "Terri's bill" could kill an innocent woman). Terri's mother said no, that Terri seemed fine. Terri's father said that he was kind of worried, because something could happen maybe, and he wants to get this thing resolved. The bimbo signs off, saying something like "Terri's parents are fearful about how her days without food and water are affecting her, and are praying for a miracle to spare her life." A hour or so later, the blonde bimbo goes back to this same correspondent, who is now reporting that Terri's parents are sick with anxiety about their daughter, whose life is in immediate danger unless Congress acts quickly. Stay tuned for more thrilling life-or-death action! Oh, and everyone should keep in mind that George Bush interrupted his planned week-long Easter vacation to fly back to Washington to sign this bill that effects one woman's life -- because that's just the kind of concerned, caring, micro-managing President he is. The President who remained on vacation at his ranch after being presented with a PDB entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike Within U.S." was, as we all recall, Bill Clinton. 6:06:57 PM ![]() |
"I don't have a whole lot of respect for a man that has treated this woman in this way," he said. "What kind of man is he?"That quote, of course, is Tom DeLay talking about Michael Schiavo. Here's is a photo of Houston resident Wanda Hudson. Tom didn't spearhead any efforts to attempt to keep her son's life support from being removed against her wishes. But I guess it would be wrong to ask what kind of a man Tom DeLay is. ![]() Julia (who has been blogging up a storm over at Sisyphus Shrugged) refers us to this post over at "Long Story, Short Pier" which suggests a method that you can use to ask Tom DeLay questions, such as why his commitment to the sanctity of life doesn't apply to the lives of poor black children. ![]() Sun Hudson P.S. My dream girl Kathryn Jean writes:
I would like to refer K.J. and Roy to this 2001 AMA "ethics" item about Nancy Cruzon, whose cerbebral cortex was destroyed due to lack of oxygen, and who was kept alive for 7 years by a feeding tube.
The Supreme Court ruled that hydration and nutrition were life-prolonging treatments that a patient could refuse (and which could be terminated in the cases of incompetent persons who had expressed clear preferences that they would not want to be kept alive without higher brain functions). So, while Terri isn't on a ventilator, she IS receiving life-prolonging medical treatment, per the Supreme Court. 2:13:38 AM |
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