The Crazy Leading the Blind
The rest of the piece is well worth reading, but we just wanted to present that much as an intro to this Renew America piece (complete with photo) called The forces of evil (all emphesis in the original): ![]()
Okay, from what we've read so far, doesn't it sound like Renew America is urging its readers to take extra-legal action (perhaps a revolution, or maybe a plot to assinate our own Hitlers in the judicial systerm) in order to prevent Terri's "execution" -- or otherwise those readers will be complicit in the execution of Terri, and face the liklihood of being considered Nazi murderers by God? But here's some more from the piece, which (for now, at least) defines "your role" as merely keeping the pressure on "Jeb Bush, the Florida legislature, the courts, and the president".
So, Congress was effectively manipulated by wingnuts who are manipulated by Alan Keyes I hope those in the legislative branch who caved in to the pressure will do a little research and learn just what kind of people (and views) they are aligning themselves with -- or otherwise. they might be taken by surprise when, at the next "defining moment in history," those "outraged constituents" attempt to overthrow the government and install Alan Keyes as our priest king. 4:04:01 AM ![]() |
Culture of LifeMedia Matters recaps the connections between Schindler family spokesman Randall Terry and James C. Kopp, convicted of the 1998 murder a doctor who performed abortions. Very interesting reading . . . BTW, here's part of the Feb. 2003 interview of Randall conducted by the Rutherford Institute's John Whitehead:
So, if performing a first-trimester abortion is the same as killing a three-year-old, and if we should give the death penalty to someone who has murdered an innocent three-year-old, then execution is in order for anyone who performs an abortion. (Not that Terry is calling on his nutty followers to take the law into their own hands, of course . . .)
And that's why Terry's new group is called the Society for Truth and Justice, I suppose -- because it's the only society where Terry gets to decide what is truth, and what is justice. Anyway, in this interview, Terry, who was angry that the evangelical community had turned away from him after he declared bankruptcy, divorced his wife, and married his twenty-something former assistant, said he felt more aligned with the Catholics now (preshadowing his alignment with the Schindler family). I wonder what he thinks about the new reports indicating that:
Damn, maybe Terry's true home isn't among the Catholics either! In any case, we can all hope for the day when those, like Terry, who promote hate are unwelcome in any community. P.S. Crooks and Liars has the video of Randall's appearance on last night's "Scarborough Country Bear Jamboree." Among other things, Mr. Terry says that Judge Greer "scammed" all of us because he wants Terri dead (although Joe Scar never asks why the judge scam us in order to kill this woman, I can only assume that Randall has evidence that the Mafia orderied a hit on Terri, and that judge was paid to whack her or something). And Frederick (if that IS his real name) at BeatBushBlog has an excellent post about various facets of the Schiavo circus, including a surprising example of Mr. Schindler's fealty to the culture of life. 1:13:57 AM ![]() |
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