Yesterday's WingnutDavid E. points us to (and suggests some some snarky responses to ) this NY Times Magazine piece about old friend JimJeff GuckertGannon, who's apparently still semi-newsworthy. In the interview JimJeff shares his hopes. dreams, and visage with Deborah Solomon (who apparently didn't get the same offer of "a bit of the old Jeff Gannon to relieve some of that pent up whatever" that he made to the NYT's Maureen Dowd). Anyway, let's look at some of Jeff's answers, and try to translate them into non b.s.
Translation: "James Guckert may get bills in his name, but I am really Jeff Gannon, the super-suave journalist/CIA agent who is a sex machine with all the, um, chicks."
Translation: "Sure, I wanted to curry favor (if you know what I mean) with Scottie, but he broke my heart by getting married. Oh, and there was nothing phallic about my wedding card, despite what your Dr. Einstein might insinuate. Oh, and my dream is to get hired as a political analyst for Fox News or MSNBC, because those guys don't have to have any knowledge of irrelevant stuff like the difference between Einstein and Freud. And as somebody (I think it was another old Jewish guy) said, "politics makes strange bedfellows," meaning that if you are good in bed, that's all you need to be a TV political analyst. Anyway, the job is good enough for Dick Morris, who was so feared by the Left that they had to destroy him by spreading stories about him sucking the toes of hookers, so it's good enough for me."
Translation: "If people with no background or experience are held up to public ridicule just because they earned their living through prostitution, then there will be no good people left in public service. So, sure, I ran an escort service, but it's the fault of those on the left who disagreed with me."
Translation: "Even if Bobby and I were seen having breakfast together back in early 2003 when he was in Washington, it doesn't necessarily mean that we spent the night together -- and besides, even if he did come to D.C for some "business" that only the Bulldog could provide, that could have nothing to do with why he hired me for Talon News, which didn't exist yet."
Translation: "Yes a 'kind of stipend' probably means what you think it means."
Translation: "Somebody called up my frail, old mother (who thinks I am straight, btw), and asked her if was White House reporter Jeff Gannon. I couldn't allow her to be threatened that way. And my decision to resign had nothing to do with the naked photos of sexy military stud-for-hire Jeff/Bulldog that were publicized that day -- but they were why Bobby Eberle accepted my resignation with such alacrity.."
Translation: "I'm not saying that I'm gay, and I'm not saying that the right-wing is hostile to gays, but if I were gay, I would be one of the self-loathing kind. Hey, look over there--it's some taxation issues that don't contain any gays. Let's talk about them!"
Translation: "Winston doesn't watch the news, so he doesn't know or care what Rick Santorum said about our kind of love, and about how slipperly the gay-marriage slope would have to be for Winston and I to be allowed to wed."
Translation: "My frail old, mother (whom I told you about before) believes that those pictures were created by my enemies, who used Photoshop to put my face on somebody else's body. Do you want to be the one to tell her this isn't the case, and break her heart? She's old, you know, and the shock could kill her. And anyway, I too know how to use Photoshop, and soon everyone who disses me will have a picture on the Internet to be unhappy about. Now, when do I get my Fox News political analyst job? " 6:56:06 AM ![]() |
If Terri Dies, It's Jeb's FaultThat's the new meme that the wingnuts who are "supporting" Terri Schiavo are spreading lately. For example, Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the "ultra religious anti-abortion protest group," the Christian Defense Coaltion, said that his group would "make one more passionate effort with (Florida Governor) Jeb Bush... to consider all executive options available to him." Since Rev. Mahoney is the guy who said that naming Arlen Specter to head the Senate Judiciary Committee would be "a slap in the face and betrayal to the millions of pro-life/pro-family Americans who worked so hard to elect President Bush and Republican members of Congress," I imagine that his "passionate effort" to persude Jeb to use his executive options to counter the judiciary's power would involve some remarks about how it was a nice political career that the governor had going for him, and how it would be a shame if got ruined because some pro-life/pro-family Americans happened to feel like he wasn't part of the family anymore. Oh, and here are the official wingnut marching orders from (which is actually a page at authored by our friends Randall Terry and William Greene):
Taking Terri "into custody" sounds like they want him to throw her into jail or something. (You know, to keep her safe from her husband and all of the judges who want to murder her.) But it also sounds manly and macho, and like the kind of thing that Jesus would do, if He had ever gotten Pontius Pilate's job. Oh, and one of the "legal scholars" who says that Jeb has the right and authority to seize Terri is presumably Alan Keyes. Here's part of today's lead Renew America item:
A life solely in the hands of Jeb? Isn't Alan forgetting, oh, maybe, God?
Hear that Jeb (and George): if Terri dies, then it proves that you both have limp dicks!
Nobody is allowed to die in Florida without Jeb Bush's express consent.
Poor Jeb: he has to declare himself supreme dicator of Florida, seize Terri from her hospice, and care for her in his basement, or else he's reponsible for executing the woman. (And thereby becomes responsible for ticking off God, who may once again send tsunamis to kill innocent brown people on the other side of the world to show His displeasure with our country.) Neither course of action is going to help Jeb's presidential prospects. And here's a press release from one James Pinto (who is part of the Catholic anti-abortion group "Priests for Life"). It's about a new group called the "11th Hour Coaltion to Save Terri's Life", and its plan to hold press conferences to urge both Jeb and George to basically send in the National Guard to carry Terri to safety:
Yeah, like Tom DeLay said, "One thing that God has brought to us is Terri Schiavo, to help elevate the visibility of what is going on in America." And presumably the reason He brought us Terry's struggle now is because it would elevate the concern about the attacks on Tom DeLay's ethics, which were happening concurrently during Holy Week. None of this can be a coincidence!
Well, as far as I know, we haven't actually seen Terri's face since the feeding tube was removed. But I do like how Pinto is pretty much calling upon the Bush brothers to use their executive powers to save Jesus. Here's more about the 11th Hour Coaltion's plan to get Jeb and George to save Terri -- it's from a press release issued by Joe Giganti (who is, per his Renew America bio, "a recognized voice of conservative values for his generation):
Yes, if Jeb and George were real men, they would declare martial law, use the Army to fight off the judicial branch, and save Terri. Anything less and they show that they don't deserve the support of the wingnut Americans who put them into office. 4:45:22 AM ![]() |
Another NewsMax Ad That Liberals Don't Want You to See!Um, I did a survey, and it turns out that the crazy left-wing liberals don't care if you go to Jason Juliano's website. If fact, nothing would make them happier that seeing NewsMax readers purchase Jason's complete “High Profit Real Estate Investing System & Toolkit.” So, go for it, guys, and make some crazy left-wing liberal's day. But here's what Jason claims:
Well, Jason specializes in telling ordinary people that he can make them extraordinarily wealthy, but I haven't seen any indication that anybody is getting rich except Jason (and I have my doubts about whether his various hustering schemes pay as well as what he claims). And the cool thing is that Jason has a scam for everybody: a Google search reveals that Jason is not only a real estate marketing expert, but also an "internationally recognized marketing consultant" in the limo business, the car wash business, and the musician business. Oh, and he's also an "info-entrepreneur," and a rich and successful professional magician. Plus, he's endorsed by Matt Furey, the guy who offers to teach NewsMax readers the lost secrets of W.W.II hand-to-hand combat. Here's part of Matt's plug for Jason and psycho cybernetics:
The person on stage would be Matt, presumably. But this time when Matt ribbed Jason, things were different.
Matt went to bed that night, thinking about Jason (and not just because Matt looks eleven). Anyway, Matt finally figured out what had changed -- Jason had taken a "Zero Resistance Living" course, and now he's self-confident and stuff.
I think of a famous dictum by P.T. Barnum.
Thanks, Matt. Oh, and here's a photo of Jason doing a magic trick which seems to lend credence to Matt's claim that Jason was often the butt of jokes: ![]() So, let me repeat my previous claim: NewsMax readers, liberals don't care a bit if you visit Jason's site. In fact, they dare you to! And they hope that you will sign up for Jason's investing system, because there's nothing they enjoy more than thinking of you getting swindled by Doogie Howser the Magician. (Oh, and Hillary Clinton gets moist when she thinks about you giving Jason your money -- so do it for her, NewsMax readers.) UPDATE: I see that Brad, who is filling in at Sadly,No! some more while Seb continues to teach Karen Hughes everything he knows, got to this story a couple of hours before I did. While his take on Jason's scheme is amusing enough, it lacks any photos of Jason doing the magic scarf trick. So, read it at your own peril. 1:52:14 AM |
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