Peggy and Swank: Together at LastAnd speaking of Deep Thoughts, here's an excerpt from IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN: WHAT MAINSTREAM MEDIA DOESN’T TELL YOU:
Okay, while most of that didn't make sense, I think we can get a sense of what the pastor is talking about if we read between the lines, and also do some research via Google. So, President Bush "initiated Afghan liberties with President," which, according to the useage of Dime Novels and the Pulps, means that he tried to "get "fresh with Hamid Karzai (maybe kissing his purty mouth, or copping a feel or something); Hamid presumably responded by slapping Bush's face. And then, following that three-week-win-war, some enslaved nations cried for delicious Freedom Spread, which tastes like butter, but has half the calories and none of the cholesterol. But apparently the mainstream media wants to cancel out Bush's major (Major Frank Burns from M*A*S*H*?), because they don't like Freedom Spread. Meanwhile, the Grass Roots (a rock group from the '70s whose greatest hit was "Midnight Confessions") is still waiting in line with White Privilege in order to "thank Bush royally" -- probably Mafia code for a paid hit. I trust that makes everything clear. But in case it doesn't, here's a magazine cover, courtesy of Dime Novels and the Pulps, which might help: ![]() 5:10:01 AM ![]() |
Blogroll UpdateI don't update the WO'C blogroll as often as I should because (a) It has to be done in HTML code, which is the kind of detailed, technical work that I avoid as much as possible; (b) I'm lazy; and (c) I want to keep the list as exclusive as possible, so that the cachet of being a World O'Crap recommended blog isn't diluted. That said, I updated the blogroll this evening. So, let me introduce the new nominees to the WO'C Hall of Fame: First, there Majikthise, run by Lindsay, who was one of the guest bloggers at Pandagon this past week. Next, we have Mousewords, the blog of Amanda, who also co-guest blogged at Pandagon. Check out her post on "Desperate Housewives," and how it could be changed to please Brent Bozell. Now, welcome if you will Michael Bérubé, a blog I would have added a long time ago if I could have figured out how to make the accents. BradBlog 3000 is a name that will be already familiar to you if you're into the works of that noted writer/philosopher Bob Pratt. Oh, and Brad is holding down the fort at Sadly, No! while Seb is starting a coup in Berlin or something, so check out SN! before Seb gets back and steals all the hottest young conservatives for himself. And speaking of familiar names, I'm sure you know that Bats Left Throws Right is run by that popular fictional character Doghouse Riley. Today's special is Amy Sullivan. And Realist, a many-time winner in the "Who Said It?" contest, blogs at The Pink Chimpanzee. Check out his letter to Rev. Creech. Of course you already know AmericaBlog (now with the all-important Wo'C endorsement). And last but not least, we present The Real Femme Fetal, by Sunnie. She is away for the weekend, so may not get to break the exciting story that Meghan Cox Gurdon is pregnant with twins (to be named Cheney Amadeus and Dudley Nintendo). But you can check out her posts for this week. Anyway, someday I may alphabetize the blogroll, but for now, enjoy its randomness, and maybe check out a new blog every day or so. Money cheerfully refunded if not satisfied. P.S. Like everyone else, we're glad that Steve at No More Mister Nice Blog gave up retirement, because it's a blog we've always really enjoyed. Plus, it meant that we didn't have to update the blogroll. 12:40:55 AM |
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