The World O' Crap Archive

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

January 6, 2004 by s.z.

Be sure to check out Pandagon's take on that American Thinker piece about Americans not holding grudges.  And read the comments too.  Good, good stuff, which has already justified American Thinker'sexistence.  (Although this quote, in a piece by Richard A. Baehr, does help:)
The Democrats seem prepared to nominate as their candidate for President, the angriest of the Bush haters running, former Vermont Governor Howard Dean.  In a September 25th Democratic candidates’ debate, Dean stated: “We need to remember that the enemy here is George Bush, not each other.”  And by extension, the enemy therefore is also not Osama Bin laden, Saddam Hussein, nor Kim Jong-il. 
And therefore, by extension, the Republicans are backing Osama, Saddam, and Kim for the Presidential primary.  I don't know if I want to be a Team Leader anymore, despite all the cool prizes you can win.

Also, we're glad to note that Meghan Cox Gurdon made TBOGG's "In" list for 2004, since we have the conclusion to "When a Stranger Calls the Fever Swamp" coming soon.  We think Cosmo may be eating Twitchy. 

6:14:07 AM    
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Deliver us From Hannity, Limbaugh, Amber, etc.

The long holiday break is over, and all of our favorite people are back to work, such as it is.  So, let's check in with some of them and see what they're up to.

1.  Sean Hannity
He has a book coming out in February titled Deliver Us from Evil : Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism.  Here's a portion of the intro:
Nearly three years have passed since that tragic day in September. Since then, our wounds have healed, but our senses and memories have dulled.
At first, the nation rallied behind its leader. But by the time the confrontation with Iraq presented itself, our courage and moral certainty seemed to fade in the face of partisan bickering and posturing.
Now the political left and the Democratic Party are trying to use the demanding aftermath of the war to exploit our national cause for their own political advantage.
How could we allow ourselves to forget so soon?
Um, could that forgetting be because Iraq HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11?! 

And since when is Iraq "our national cause"?  It's possible that Miss South Carolina picked it as her platform for the year ("If I'm selected to represent our proud nation as Miss America, I plan to spend my reign capturing Saddam, reopening the schools and hospitals in Iraq, and killing insurgents"), but I don't recall the rest of us voting for it.

And just what is the book about?
"Evil exists," Hannity asserts. "It is real, and it means to harm us."
Thanks, Sean!  Not for nothing is he proclaimed "the freshest and most compelling conservative voice in the country."
And in these pages he revisits the harsh lessons America has learned in confronting evil in the past and the present, to illuminate the course we must take in the future. Tracing a direct line from Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin through Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, he reminds us of the courage and moral clarity of our great leaders.
So is Sean calling Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, and bin Laden "our great leaders"?
And he reveals how the disgraceful history of appeasement has reached forward from the days of Neville Chamberlain and Jimmy Carter to corrupt the unrepentant leftists of the modern Democratic Party -- from Howard Dean and John Kerry to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
And he's saying that Neville Chamberlain and Jimmy Carter's history has reached forward to corrupt people like John Kerry?  Wow, I guess we should probably avoid history, if it has that kind of affect on people -- it sounds like that book in The Evil Dead that could possess anybody who read it.  In fact, to be safe, you should probably avoid Sean's book, since it mentions Chamberlain and Carter.  Keep in mind, I'm just trying to look out for you.

And that leads us to our next old friend . . .

2.  Bill O'Reilly

No word yet about whether Bill's book sold the million or so additional copies needed to beat Hillary's book, and save the universe from falling into a black hole. 

But here's my favorite recent Amazon customer review of Who's Looking Out for You:
 *****Amazing, beautiful, haunting, lovely, December 28, 2003
 Reviewer: A reader from North Miami, FL United States
"All Of Me" is beautiful, as is "You Go To My Head," "My Man," and "The Very Thought of You," but there is nothing like listening to a song like "If You Were Mine," or "The Man I Love," or, if you're in a mood to stomp your Kenny G cd's to the dirt, put on some "They Can't Take That Away From Me," pull out a wineglass, smash it against your face, and drink your blood. If you can't figure out how to slice your mouth open at the edges with pieces of broken glass, then take a knife, or, if you're a safe camper, a chainsaw, and enjoy some bloody chopping.  Overall, I give this CD...FIVE STARS!  
Yes, Bill O'Reilly IS Billie Holliday in BIG BAWL BABY SINGS THE BLUES!  Coming soon to a theater near you!

3.  Amber Pawlik

As noted by the Rittenhouse Review and Sadly, No!, poor Amber has been tossed to the curb by The Chapin Nation, the shared blog run by some of the MensNewsDaily guys.  In her pink slip they cited such sins as :
1. Gross swollenheadedness while operating a keyboard
2. An inability to deny that life really was "all about her."  3. Attempting to turn a public forum into a personal fan club
4. Trying to coerce her kindly uncle Fire into posting pictures with gay content "Got C-ck" [what's that about?].
While I can't argue with the first three reasons, I can't see why a photo of Bjork wearing a T-shirt with the slogan "Enjoy Cock" necessarily has any "gay content." 

Amber has apparently learned from her experience, as she now says that "men's rights activism," at least as advocated by MensNewsDaily, is "the most misogynist hateful movement ever."  But still, it's sad that she didn't see this BEFORE getting in bed with them (and catching who knows what).  From a female perspective, I say to other women: take this as proof.  Other men aren't going to find you blogable if you spend all your time in your twenties, ahem, "damaging your credibility." (Sorry, but that is the cold hard truth of what you are doing).   And it probably effects your marriageability too.

As you may recall, Judson is the young man who combines the humor of Ann Coulter with the political acumen of Jim Beam; he's the one who warned us of the danger to civilization posed by pandas. 

Anyway, in his latest column, he notes that he has been targeted by the Goon Squad, which I believe is that group led by Spike Milligan.
Last January, a newspaper syndicate based in Virginia, dropped my column.  Following, "There Is Hope," hate mail flowed in from angry liberals across the nation, even from states such as Ohio and Illinois, where the syndicate owned no papers. They were vitriolic, often threatening, and obviously scripted.  Nothing in the history of the newspaper syndicate had ever garnered so much negative mail.  My editor told me that "powerful Democrats" were demanding I be fired. He went to bat for me, but the publisher caved. This was an organized attack by the Goon Squads.
And we all know that "powerful Democrats" is code for "Hillary Clinton."  We fear for his soul!  We think that Judson should probably get police protection, since those Goon Squads can write a pretty vicious form letter, we hear.  But say -- this happened LAST January?  A whole year ago?  So, why the heck is he telling us about it now? 

Geez, if you spent your Christmas break watching VH1 with Andrew Sullivan and you didn't manage to come up with a new column, just be honest about it, Judson.

Rush delivered a PSA about Howard Dean's mental health issues, and about the addiction of his supporters.  Here are some snippets:
I tell you what, if you are one who has trouble controlling your emotions, particularly anger and rage, let the average Democrat today be a lesson for you. You run the risk of becoming exactly as loony and kooky as they have become. I can't even relate to it. I have never been as mad as these people are, nor for as long.  The normal human being doesn't have this reservoir of emotion.
Um, Rush, you have been drugged to the gills for the past several years, so I wouldn't go around using yourself as a template for normal human reactions.
These people cannot live today without this rage and anger. It’s almost like they've become addicted to it and they can't get rid of it and they don't want to get rid of it, and if they don't feel angry and if they don't feel seething with rage then they're not happy.
And when they can't get Dean Rage (tm) through legitimate channels, they browbeat their housekeepers into scoring if for them on the streets, paying for it with laundered funds.  And when that arrangement when the housekeeper goes to the authorities, they go "candidate shopping," getting what they need from more than one politician at a time, never letting each one know they are seeing others.  It's a sad, squalid story.
Charles Krauthammer had it right.  Krauthammer said I went to medical school with guys like this.  They're never wrong, they don't ever think they make a mistake and they think they're the smartest people in the room. 
And if anybody would know about grandiosity, it would be Krauthammer.  And Rush.
And that's our wrap-up for today.  More updates of our popular favorites tomorrow.

3:38:45 AM    

Worth 5 GoPoints Towards Cool TeamLeader Merchandise

I'm supposed to forward this message to you, my team:
Dear Republican, posted ads that compared President Bush to Adolf Hitler. This is the worst and most vile form of political hate speech. I called on the nine Democratic White House candidates to repudiate this pollution of our political process at yesterday’s debate in Iowa.
Yet none did.
Call your radio station and demand to know why the Democrats seeking their party's nomination who stand to benefit politically from's efforts to defeat President Bush in November though millions of dollars in advertising have not repudiated these vial attacks.
You heard the man.  Call that local radio station and ask why the Democratic candidates have not done the bidding of the RNC chairman and repudiated two internet "ads" by an outside group, since said ads constitute "vial" attacks.  Presumably with those botulism germs found in the fridge in Iraq.

12:51:22 AM

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