Okay, I’ve had my three hours of sleep, and am now well into the morning from hell. Highlight so far: Flossie stole the kittens’ bottle of milk and chewed it up. End result: a ruined bottle, milk all over the carpet, and a dog who is going to be spending six months in the county lockup for grand theft milk (that kitten milk replacement is expensive!)
So, since I am up and cranky, I am providing you with another quote about Christianity from our mystery author.
Liberals were afraid of a book that told the truth about IQ (“The Bell Curve”) because they are godless secularists who do not believe humans are in God’s image. Christians have no fear of hearing facts about genetic differences in IQ because we don’t think humans are special because they are smart.
Yup, Christians think that blacks are genetically inferior to white, and it’s okay to say so, because that’s just the way that God made his dusky children (stupid)
I think Jesus is now pounding his head against one of the heavenly walls. Either that or filing an injunction to get our Mystery Author from infringing on his trademark and destroying the good name of his product.
NOTE: I know that you all think that our MA is Ann Coulter, but come on; would she seriously be claiming to be a Christian after saying how much she hates widows (and presumably orphans too), the very people to whom Christ repeatedly instructed his followers to show love and concern?

12 Responses to “Another Quote”
It’s got to be Coulter, that and you are using masculine pronouns, so again…Coulter!
NOTE: I know that you all think that our MA is Ann Coulter, but come on; would she seriously be claiming to be a Christian after saying how much she hates widows (and presumably orphans too), the very people to whom Christ repeatedly instructed his followers to show love and concern?
NOTE: I know that you all think that our MA is Ann Coulter, but come on; would she seriously be claiming to be a Christian after saying how much she hates widows (and presumably orphans too), the very people to whom Christ repeatedly instructed his followers to show love and concern?
Of course she would! You see, Ann, like all wingnuts, has special permission from Jesus to act any way they please while demanding that everyone else live by Christianity’s rules. And yes, that includes doing activities that specifically go against Christian teachings (you know, like mule humping, lying about others, etc.)
Of course she would! You see, Ann, like all wingnuts, has special permission from Jesus to act any way they please while demanding that everyone else live by Christianity’s rules. And yes, that includes doing activities that specifically go against Christian teachings (you know, like mule humping, lying about others, etc.)
Andrew Sullivan?
Swank, in one of his more lucid states?
outlier, Swank’s most lucid state would be “coma”.
Oh, who is that other idiot “Christians ROOL” guy at Townhall? Neal Boortz, maybe?
If not him, I’m guessing Pope Ratzi.
If not him, I’m guessing Pope Ratzi.
It’s got to be Coulter, and her “Christianity fuels everything I write” line is simply hilarious. Yes, that’s the first thing that any follower of Jesus notices about her columns—all that Christian love for her fellow human beings.
Of course it’s Ann. She’s “writing as fast as” she can to ensure she offends everyone who doesn’t agree with her!
Given that the mystery wingnut doesn’t appear to have actually READ the Bible, I’d guess it’s Pastor Dougie.
I’ll go out on a limb with Cal “Redneck Pie” Thomas
If she’s such a good Christian, and believes that humans are made in God’s image, why does she believe that God made some in His image to be dumb? And yeah, it’s Anne, I bet.
BTW, take the following test:
Anne Coulter or Adolf Hitler?
BTW, take the following test:
Anne Coulter or Adolf Hitler?
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