Via Home, here’s Canada’s answer to Peggy Noonan, Crazy Judi McLeod, with ”Being Rush Limbaugh“:
The whole world, it seems is into Viagra.
The romantic days of Rudolph Valentino and his dark eyes to swoon for are ghosts of the past. The days of being old at 40 have come to stay.I guess what Judi is trying to say is that things were better in her day (the 1920s), because back then, men had the decency to die young, and so they never needed impotency drugs.
With everybody on Viagra, who wants to kiss and tell?Tittering tattletales at international airports, when they catch radio giant Rush Limbaugh, that’s who.
Yes, anybody who said anything about Rush’s latest violation of the state’s drug laws is small, smarmy, and a secret user of Viagra. It’s the old “It takes one to know one” law.Caught with “Cialis Levitra” in his luggage on the way back from the Dominican Republic at Palm Beach International Airport, held for three hours but never charged, Mr. Rush got rushed into the news by smarmy little guys who get to take their Viagra secrets all the way to the grave.
I personally hide my Viagra in my maid’s Oxycontin tin, because I believe no one would think of looking there.As Radio’s number one personality, Rush didn’t think to hide his Viagra pills in an aspirin tin, like his detractors surely would have done.
But Judi is right about one thing: as “Radio’s” biggest “personality,” Rush thought he was above the law — and it’s a sad commentary on modern society that he was wrong about this.
It’s wrong, WRONG of lefties to gun for the great Rush when he was in back-from-the-sex-tour-post-coital relax mode.An icon of the right, lefties would be gunning for the great Rush everywhere, even when he was in back-from-vacation relax mode.
Judi has documentary evidence that Hillary and Nancy have tried many a time to sneak Rush’s diary off his bedside table, but were foiled by the fact that Rush is functionally illiterate, and doesn’t have any hair.For the tell-it-all enemy, Rush is big game.It’s not as if a Hillary Clinton or a Nancy Pelosi could sneak his diary off a bedside table, where Rush only keeps copies of the Bible and books like Help! Mom! There’s a Liberal Under My Bed! And Rush doesn’t wear a toupee.
Opiate-induced hearing loss is one of the PC-movement’s most sacred of cows.They wouldn’t dare to make fun of his hearing problems. That would be too politically incorrect.
Here’s my best translation of the above: “Sure, Rush may be a dirty, old horndog, but at least he’s not gay, like Bill Clinton, who used to wear Monica’s blue dress when she wasn’t looking.”Straight as the proverbial arrow, and rumoured to be even something of a womanizer, there’s not much gossip in the romantic department about Rush Limbaugh, no blue dress stuff.
Yes, the news media hate Rush because he’s a capitalist, and therefore one of their sworn enemies.Skeletons in Rushes’ closet don’t get to hang in the back with the musty clothes; they’re dragged out to dance happy jigs on the blogosphere.If airport authorities had clocked any other Romeo with Viagra in their luggage, there would be no news to leak.But Rush Limbaugh is “that capitalist pig Rush Limbaugh”.
Judi, Judi, Judi, you ignorant slutt. Did you miss the part where the blogosphere was calling him not a capitalist pig, but “that drug-addicted hypocrite, Rush Limbaugh”? The Internet works even in Canada, Judy.
So the guy who coined the term “FemiNazis” would be open game for politically correct malcontents.
Botox prescribed for somebody else’s face, even!!!Lefties and their running dogs would go to most any length to embarrass Limbaugh. How many of their heroes smile at you from behind their latest dose of Botox?
So Rush Limbaugh had a bottle of Viagra apparently prescribed to someone else in his socks and bvds.
The drugs were hidden in his briefs and socks? How does Judi know this detail?
(But yeah, so what if the drug was prescribed for somebody else? It’s not like we should expect a womanizing straight arrow like Rush to get his own sex drugs.)
It’s funny because Bill Clinton was caught will illegal Viagra in his possession ALL THE TIME!He later joked on his popular radio show that the pills came from the Clinton Library and he was told they were blue M&Ms.
Because all women want Rush, and all men want to be like him (sweaty, pudgy, impotent, and unappealing). Like I said before (in a post that the forces of capitalism made me delete), Rush IS the prototypical Viagra user, and no doubt Pfizer will soon be paying him several million a year to endorse their product.Meanwhile, we don’t know what Viagra’s done for Rush Limbaugh, but we do know what Rush has done for Viagra. Now that Rush has been caught with it, Viagra sales are bound to soar.
There goes Rush Limbaugh, a capitalist even when coming off vacation.
It really was nice of him to spare a thought for the pharmaceutical industry at a time like that, even though their product apparently didn’t work all that well for him, since he was returning with 29 pills. Buy hey, the working girls of the Dominican Republic probably thanked him for his support of capitalism too, even if he couldn’t seal the deal.

25 Responses to “Rush’s Impotence Just Makes Him More Attractive to Elderly Women Who Hate Sex”
I have now officially lost my sense of outrage. It might come back in a few weeks if none of the prominent conservatives do anything illegal, insane, or slimy.
I’m not holding my breath.
I’m not holding my breath.
“An icon of the right, lefties would be gunning for the great Rush everywhere, even when he was in back-from-vacation relax mode.”
Poor Rush, invaded by swarmy leftie-cops while still swooning in his afterglow from endless days of viagra induced porking of starving children and women.
Poor Rush, invaded by swarmy leftie-cops while still swooning in his afterglow from endless days of viagra induced porking of starving children and women.
2 posts in the same evening! You are on FIRE, woman!
(better stop, drop and roll!)
(better stop, drop and roll!)
Oh, my sweet Lordy-Gordy.
Who’s a more pathetic loser idiot than Rush Limbaugh?
Someone who’d defend his sorry, boil-covered ass, that’s who.
Who’s a more pathetic loser idiot than Rush Limbaugh?
Someone who’d defend his sorry, boil-covered ass, that’s who.
The famous blue dress was actually Bill’s, and it was Monica who stained it. True story, I swear.
An icon of the right, lefties would be gunning for the great Rush everywhere, even when he was in back-from-vacation relax modeWell. most of him was in vacation relax mode. Little Rush was standing proudly at attention, and trying vainly to impregnate the folds of lard hanging down from Rushbo’s belly. Li’l Rush isn’t the brightest weenie in the world.
I understand that Rush hid the pill bottle in his BVDs even when he was wearing them, all the better to give the illusion that the Viagra was actually working.
And, why was Monsieur Limbaugh flitting about the Dominican Republic? Surely not to utilize underaged prostitutes! Rush knows that that’s both illegal and immoral, and he’d never do anything illegal and immoral! No, Rush was trying to hook up with a brand new wife, having completely exhausted the supply of American women (and men) who’d be willing to sleep with him. Evidently, he should have turned his eyes Northward.
An icon of the right, lefties would be gunning for the great Rush everywhere, even when he was in back-from-vacation relax mode.“(V)acation relax mode,” eh? I’m sure that applied to most of Butterball® Turkey spokesmodel Rush Limbaugh… but not all of him. His angry inch was probably still standing at attention, all juiced-up on those little, blue stiffy pills, valiantly attempting to impregnate the many folds of lard hanging down off his belly.
While many have implied that Rush was flitting about the Dominican Republic looking to score underaged prostitutes, I say, “Nonsense!” Rush was obviously not doing that–it’s both illegaland immoral! What he was doing was looking for a nice, new, foreign exchange wife, having exhausted the supply of American women (and men) willing to sleep with him. See? Perfectly innocuous!
Of course, now that an overweight right-wing drug addict who buys sex from poor women in the Caribbean gets caught with Viagra, I have this irrepressible urge to get a scrip for Viagra. In fact, if I were Pfizer, I would immediately sign up Russ as a spokesman.
I used the v word and my comment has been sent to moderation hell. Sigh. . .
Sorry, Clif. The new version of WordPress is a wee bit strict….
What does this woman mean by implying that Rush leaves no tacky trail? My god, he spoke approvingly of “my mistress” in one of his broadcasts last fall, like he needed to brag about having someone to nail AND making her look like a skank all at once. At least Clinton had the decency to lie about nailing Monica.
Who runs-Mike Adams?
Oh, yeah, that’s the OTHER “v word”.
Oh, yeah, that’s the OTHER “v word”.
“How does Judi know this detail?” She knows more than that! “…in his socks and bvds…” would tend to indicate that she even knows the brand name!
Methinks Dame Judi could tell us whether Rush needs the Viagra, or whether Viagra needs the Rush!
Methinks Dame Judi could tell us whether Rush needs the Viagra, or whether Viagra needs the Rush!
I think if Rush ever runs out of Viagra, he should just read Judi’s column: I’ve never seen so eager an ass-kissing before, and I watch gay pr0n.
That being said, I know that even being prescribed Viagra is probably embarassing enough for a man, but oh, how that is compounded by the fact that the most prominent Viagra users are Rush Limbaugh and Bob Dole: old, unattractive, blowhard conservatives. Doesn’t exactly give Viagra that “Hey, you’re still young and hip!” vibe they want.
That being said, I know that even being prescribed Viagra is probably embarassing enough for a man, but oh, how that is compounded by the fact that the most prominent Viagra users are Rush Limbaugh and Bob Dole: old, unattractive, blowhard conservatives. Doesn’t exactly give Viagra that “Hey, you’re still young and hip!” vibe they want.
Judi, please research “dangling modifiers.”
I just hope Judi isn’t in the part of Canada to which I will flee when I’ve had enough of this great country.
On Air America the other day, Sam Seder played a clip from an old Rush broadcast, in which he said point blank “Folks, I’m a pervert. I like kinky sex and will continue to like kinky sex”. He did not elaborate, but I couldn’t help thinkng of an old Bill Hicks routine where he riffed on Rush’s sex life in nauseating detail. Seder gave him the benefit of the doubt though, saying that maybe it was the oxycontin talking.
So Rush Limbaugh had a bottle of Viagra apparently prescribed to someone else in his socks and bvds.
Yeah, so what? It’s not like that’s illegal or anything. I mean, if it were, every bottle of presciption medicine would have some kind of warning on it, like “Federal law prohibits dispensing without a prescription” or “CAUTION: Federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to any person other than the patient for whom it was prescribed”!
Rush is just being victimized by overzealous law enforcement officials who don’t seem to realize that IOKIYAR!
Yeah, so what? It’s not like that’s illegal or anything. I mean, if it were, every bottle of presciption medicine would have some kind of warning on it, like “Federal law prohibits dispensing without a prescription” or “CAUTION: Federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to any person other than the patient for whom it was prescribed”!
Rush is just being victimized by overzealous law enforcement officials who don’t seem to realize that IOKIYAR!
“So Rush Limbaugh had a bottle of Viagra apparently prescribed to someone else in his socks and bvds.”
I think Judi may have revealed how Rush obtained his Viagra: his doctor filled the prescription wearing Rush’s socks and underwear.
I think Judi may have revealed how Rush obtained his Viagra: his doctor filled the prescription wearing Rush’s socks and underwear.
Damn. I got the sent to moderation treatment, too. And, now thatboth posts are posted, I look like an asshat. Personally, I think the second version is a little grosser.
“Rush only keeps copies of the Bible and books like Help! Mom! There’s a Liberal Under My Bed!”
The only books Rush reads are the Bible and childrens’ books?
And those “tittering tattletales” at the airport – would that be those law enforcement types who enter information like arrests, violation of probation, and other such trivialities into that maw of gossip, the public record?
“…hide his Viagra pills in an aspirin tin, like his detractors surely would have done.”
Does this smack of projection to you? Wonder what kinds of pills she hides in an aspirin tin?
And you gotta love this for sheer wingnutty goodness:
“How many stars in the Liberal media steal svelte from girdles that would smother a hippo, hide growing hair plants under their toupees?”
That paragraph is priceless! I love the idea of “stealing svelte”, and hippo-smothering girdles. What is a “hair plant” anyway?
“There goes Rush Limbaugh, a capitalist even when coming off vacation,”
This is the final paragraph, in its entirety. What happened here? Did she get interrupted? Did she have to get up and answer the door, leaving that poor comma hanging?
The only books Rush reads are the Bible and childrens’ books?
And those “tittering tattletales” at the airport – would that be those law enforcement types who enter information like arrests, violation of probation, and other such trivialities into that maw of gossip, the public record?
“…hide his Viagra pills in an aspirin tin, like his detractors surely would have done.”
Does this smack of projection to you? Wonder what kinds of pills she hides in an aspirin tin?
And you gotta love this for sheer wingnutty goodness:
“How many stars in the Liberal media steal svelte from girdles that would smother a hippo, hide growing hair plants under their toupees?”
That paragraph is priceless! I love the idea of “stealing svelte”, and hippo-smothering girdles. What is a “hair plant” anyway?
“There goes Rush Limbaugh, a capitalist even when coming off vacation,”
This is the final paragraph, in its entirety. What happened here? Did she get interrupted? Did she have to get up and answer the door, leaving that poor comma hanging?
Because all women want Rush, and all men want to be like him (sweaty, pudgy, impotent, and unappealing).
Hey, you forgot deaf, opiate-addicted, and ass-cysted! Also widely-hated, thrice-divorced, and on probation.
Better stop there.
Hey, you forgot deaf, opiate-addicted, and ass-cysted! Also widely-hated, thrice-divorced, and on probation.
Better stop there.
interesting site. You can find more information here
Don’t forget to thank the Palm Beach Pill Popper, Mr. Viagra Limpbo, for the effort he exerts to earn the $400 million they pay him to sit on his haunches and flap his jaw as he spews his conservative brand of hate.
Maybe you could sign him up for a daily newsletter, email, or snail mail.
Maybe you could sign him up for a daily newsletter, email, or snail mail.
The post’s title says it all. I wouldn’t touch this fat greasy monkey of you paid me. But then again I’m not an angry conservative woman.
Poor Rush…I don’t think the Viagra will do it for him anymore. He needs some Arousin or a permanent splint down there.
Poor Rush…I don’t think the Viagra will do it for him anymore. He needs some Arousin or a permanent splint down there.
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